Example: www.yahoo.com.br (Brazil=BR)
Afghanistan AF AFG
Albania AL ALB
Algeria DZ DZA
American Samoa AS ASM
Andorra AD AND
Angola AO AGO
Anguilla AI AIA
Antarctica AQ
Antigua and Barbuda AG ATG
Argentina AR ARG
Armenia AM ARM
Aruba AW ABW
Australia AU AUS
Austria AT AUT
Azerbaijan AZ AZE
Bahamas BS BHS
Bahrain BH BHR
Bangladesh BD BGD
Barbados BB BRB
Belarus BY BLR
Belgium BE BEL
Belize BZ BLZ
Benin BJ BEN
Bermuda BM BMU
Bhutan BT BTN
Bolivia BO BOL
Bosnia and Herzegovina BA BIH
Botswana BW BWA
Bouvet Island BV
Brazil BR BRA
British Indian Ocean Territory IO
Brunei Darussalam BN BRN
Bulgaria BG BGR
Burkina Faso BF BFA
Burundi BI BDI
Cambodia KH KHM
Cameroon CM CMR
Canada CA CAN
Cape Verde CV CPV
Cayman Islands KY CYM
Central African Republic CF CAF
Channel Islands
Chile CL CHL
China CN CHN
Christmas Island CX
Cocos (Keeling) Islands CC
Colombia CO COL
Comoros KM COM
Congo CG COG
Congo, The Democratic Republic of The CD COD
Cook Islands CK COK
Costa Rica CR CRI
Cote d'Ivoire CI CIV
Croatia HR HRV
Cyprus CY CYP
Czech Republic CZ CZE
Denmark DK DNK
Dijbouti DJ DJI
Dominica DM DMA
Dominican Republic DO DOM
East Timor TP TMP
Ecuador EC ECU
Egypt EG EGY
El Salvador SV SLV
Equatorial Guinea GQ GNQ
Eritrea ER ERI
Estonia EE EST
Ethiopia ET ETH
Faeroe Islands FO FRO
Falklands Islands (Malvinas) FK FLK
Finland FI FIN
France FR FRA
French Guiana GF GUF
French Polynesia PF PYF
French Southern Territories TF
Gabon GA GAB
Gambia GM GMB
Georgia GE GEO
Germany DE DEU
Ghana GH GHA
Gibraltar GI GIB
Global com
Greece GR GRC
Greenland GL GRL
Grenada GD GRD
Guadeloupe GP GLP
Guatemala GT GTM
Guinea GN GIN
Guinea-Bissau GW GNB
Guyana GY GUY
Haiti HT HTI
Heard Island and McDonald Islands HM
Holy See (Vatican City State) VA VAT
Honduras HN HND
Hong Kong HK HKG
Hungary HU HUN
Iceland IS ISL
India IN IND
Indonesia ID IDN
Iran,Islamic Republic of IR IRN
Ireland IE IRL
Isle of Man
Israel IL ISR
Italy IT ITA
Jamaica JM JAM
Japan JP JPN
Jordan JO JOR
Kazakstan KZ KAZ
Kenya KE KEN
Kiribati KI KIR
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of KP PRK
Korea, Republic of KR KOR
Kuwait KW KWT
Kyrgyzstan KG KGZ
Lao People's Democratic Republic LA LAO
Latvia LV LVA
Lebanon LB LBN
Lesotho LS LSO
Liberia LR LBR
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya LY LBY
Liechtenstein LI LIE
Lithuania LT LTU
Luxembourg LU LUX
Macau MO MAC
Macedonia MK MKD
Madagascar MG MDG
Malawi MW MWI
Malaysia MY MYS
Maldives MV MDV
Malta MT MLT
Marshall Islands MH MHL
Martinique MQ MTQ
Mauritania MR MRT
Mauritius MU MUS
Mayotte YT
Mexico MX MEX
Micronesia, Federated States of FM FSM
Moldova, Republic of MD MDA
Monaco MC MCO
Mongolia MN MNG
Montserrat MS MSR
Morocco MA MAR
Mozambique MZ MOZ
Myanmar (Burma) MM MMR
Namibia NA NAM
Nauru NR NRU
Nepal NP NPL
Netherlands NL NLD
Netherland Antilles AN ANT
New Caledonia NC NCL
New Zealand NZ NZL
Nicaragua NI NIC
Niger NE NER
Nigeria NG NGA
Norfolk Island NF NFK
Northern Mariana Islands MP MNP
Norway NO NOR
Pakistan PK PAK
Palau PW PLW
Palestinian Territory, Occupied PS PSE
Panama PA PAN
Papua New Guinea PG PNG
Paraguay PY PRY
Philippines PH PHL
Pitcairn PN PCN
Poland PL POL
Portugal PT PRT
Puerto Rico PR PRI
Qatar QA QAT
Reunion RE REU
Romania RO ROM
Russian Federation RU RUS
Rwanda RW RWA
Saint Helena SH SHN
Saint Kitts and Nevis KN KNA
Saint Lucia LC LCA
Saint Pierre and Miquelon PM SPM
Saint Vincent and The Grenadines VC VCT
Samoa WS WSM
San Marino SM SMR
Sao Tome and Principe ST STP
Saudi Arabia SA SAU
Senegal SN SEN
Seychelles SC SYC
Sierra Leone SL SLE
Singapore SG SGP
Slovakia SK SVK
Slovenia SI SVN
Solomon Islands SB SLB
Somalia SO SOM
South Africa ZA ZAF
South Georgia and The South Sandwich Islands GS
Spain ES ESP
Sri Lanka LK LKA
Sudan SD SDN
Suriname SR SUR
Svalbard and Jan Mayen SJ SJM
Swaziland SZ SWZ
Sweden SE SWE
Switzerland CH CHE
Syrian Arab Republic SY SYR
Taiwan TW TWN
Tajikistan TJ TJK
Tanzania, United Republic of TZ TZA
Thailand TH THA
Tokelau TK TKL
Tonga TO TON
Trinidad and Tobago TT TTO
Tunisia TN TUN
Turkey TR TUR
Turkmenistan TM TKM
Turks and Caicos Islands TC TCA
Tuvalu TV TUV
Uganda UG UGA
Ukraine UA UKR
United Arab Emirates AE ARE
United Kingdom UK GBR
United States US USA
United States Minor Outlying Islands UM
Uruguay UY URY
Uzbekistan UZ UZB
Vanuatu VU VUT
Vatican City State, see Holy See VA VAT
Venezuela VE VEN
Viet nam VN VNM
Virgin Islands, British VG VGB
Virgin Islands, U.S. VI VIR
Wallis and Futuna WF WLF
Western Sahara EH ESH
Yemen YE YEM
Yugoslavia YU YUG
Zaire see Congo, The Democratic Republic of The CD
Zambia ZM ZMB
Zimbabwe ZI ZWE
« l’homme total que l’Europe a été incapable de faire triompher », Fanon
Wednesday, June 19, 2002
Definitions of Website Globalization Terms
Translation: Word for word conversion into another language.
Localization: Localization is the adaptation of a product or service to a specific target market, culture and language. A successfully localized website is one that appears to have been created within the local country.
Mistakenly, many people use the word "localization" to refer only to the translation of a site’s content into another language. Effective website localization, however, involves much more than language translation. It also includes:
Adaptation of the site’s content to the culture of a specific, targeted audience. Terminology and concepts must all be reviewed to ensure a proper fit for the culture of the people that will be viewing the site. Products, services, or special offers that are not available in that country should be deleted from the local sites.
The design of each local website must also be adapted to meet the needs of that particular audience. Fonts, graphics, colors and icons should be selected based on cultural preferences. Design considerations such as text sizing are also important in countries that use script languages.
The technical architecture must also be adapted to ensure that the site runs properly and performs well on operating systems and browsers used in the target country. Software and site databases should be thoroughly tested to ensure local compatibility.
The site must be modified also to handle local tax, monetary, and legal requirements that are specific to the target market.
Internationalization: In contrast to localization, internationalization is the simplification of a product or service for use in multiple countries. In the case of websites, this involves the creation of content and design to accommodate multiple languages and to appeal to multiple cultures.
Internationalization can also be the first step towards localization during which the site is enabled for translation and adaptation to specific cultures and countries.
Globalization: Website globalization is the system by which a site is developed, implemented and managed to effectively provide a presence in multiple languages and locations. It is the process by which a website is designed for multiple to appeal to multiple locations and accommodate multiple languages, as well and implemented development, update processes, and workflow have been engineered to provide a robust framework for cost-effective multilingual site development and maintenance--incorporating overseas offices, consultants, etc.
In addition to sharing most of the characteristics of a localized site, effective globalized websites:
Leverage existing corporate content across multiple geographies.
Present content in the language and culture of each target market, and allow language toggling between local sites.
Retain global brand identity and messaging that is at the same time customized to each local audience.
Implement a content management system that ensures the integrity of corporate and local sites.
Offer customer commerce ability despite geographic location.
Translation: Word for word conversion into another language.
Localization: Localization is the adaptation of a product or service to a specific target market, culture and language. A successfully localized website is one that appears to have been created within the local country.
Mistakenly, many people use the word "localization" to refer only to the translation of a site’s content into another language. Effective website localization, however, involves much more than language translation. It also includes:
Adaptation of the site’s content to the culture of a specific, targeted audience. Terminology and concepts must all be reviewed to ensure a proper fit for the culture of the people that will be viewing the site. Products, services, or special offers that are not available in that country should be deleted from the local sites.
The design of each local website must also be adapted to meet the needs of that particular audience. Fonts, graphics, colors and icons should be selected based on cultural preferences. Design considerations such as text sizing are also important in countries that use script languages.
The technical architecture must also be adapted to ensure that the site runs properly and performs well on operating systems and browsers used in the target country. Software and site databases should be thoroughly tested to ensure local compatibility.
The site must be modified also to handle local tax, monetary, and legal requirements that are specific to the target market.
Internationalization: In contrast to localization, internationalization is the simplification of a product or service for use in multiple countries. In the case of websites, this involves the creation of content and design to accommodate multiple languages and to appeal to multiple cultures.
Internationalization can also be the first step towards localization during which the site is enabled for translation and adaptation to specific cultures and countries.
Globalization: Website globalization is the system by which a site is developed, implemented and managed to effectively provide a presence in multiple languages and locations. It is the process by which a website is designed for multiple to appeal to multiple locations and accommodate multiple languages, as well and implemented development, update processes, and workflow have been engineered to provide a robust framework for cost-effective multilingual site development and maintenance--incorporating overseas offices, consultants, etc.
In addition to sharing most of the characteristics of a localized site, effective globalized websites:
Leverage existing corporate content across multiple geographies.
Present content in the language and culture of each target market, and allow language toggling between local sites.
Retain global brand identity and messaging that is at the same time customized to each local audience.
Implement a content management system that ensures the integrity of corporate and local sites.
Offer customer commerce ability despite geographic location.
Definitions of Website Globalization Terms
Translation: Word for word conversion into another language.
Localization: Localization is the adaptation of a product or service to a specific target market, culture and language. A successfully localized website is one that appears to have been created within the local country.
Mistakenly, many people use the word "localization" to refer only to the translation of a site’s content into another language. Effective website localization, however, involves much more than language translation. It also includes:
Adaptation of the site’s content to the culture of a specific, targeted audience. Terminology and concepts must all be reviewed to ensure a proper fit for the culture of the people that will be viewing the site. Products, services, or special offers that are not available in that country should be deleted from the local sites.
The design of each local website must also be adapted to meet the needs of that particular audience. Fonts, graphics, colors and icons should be selected based on cultural preferences. Design considerations such as text sizing are also important in countries that use script languages.
The technical architecture must also be adapted to ensure that the site runs properly and performs well on operating systems and browsers used in the target country. Software and site databases should be thoroughly tested to ensure local compatibility.
The site must be modified also to handle local tax, monetary, and legal requirements that are specific to the target market.
Internationalization: In contrast to localization, internationalization is the simplification of a product or service for use in multiple countries. In the case of websites, this involves the creation of content and design to accommodate multiple languages and to appeal to multiple cultures.
Internationalization can also be the first step towards localization during which the site is enabled for translation and adaptation to specific cultures and countries.
Globalization: Website globalization is the system by which a site is developed, implemented and managed to effectively provide a presence in multiple languages and locations. It is the process by which a website is designed for multiple to appeal to multiple locations and accommodate multiple languages, as well and implemented development, update processes, and workflow have been engineered to provide a robust framework for cost-effective multilingual site development and maintenance--incorporating overseas offices, consultants, etc.
In addition to sharing most of the characteristics of a localized site, effective globalized websites:
Leverage existing corporate content across multiple geographies.
Present content in the language and culture of each target market, and allow language toggling between local sites.
Retain global brand identity and messaging that is at the same time customized to each local audience.
Implement a content management system that ensures the integrity of corporate and local sites.
Offer customer commerce ability despite geographic location.
Translation: Word for word conversion into another language.
Localization: Localization is the adaptation of a product or service to a specific target market, culture and language. A successfully localized website is one that appears to have been created within the local country.
Mistakenly, many people use the word "localization" to refer only to the translation of a site’s content into another language. Effective website localization, however, involves much more than language translation. It also includes:
Adaptation of the site’s content to the culture of a specific, targeted audience. Terminology and concepts must all be reviewed to ensure a proper fit for the culture of the people that will be viewing the site. Products, services, or special offers that are not available in that country should be deleted from the local sites.
The design of each local website must also be adapted to meet the needs of that particular audience. Fonts, graphics, colors and icons should be selected based on cultural preferences. Design considerations such as text sizing are also important in countries that use script languages.
The technical architecture must also be adapted to ensure that the site runs properly and performs well on operating systems and browsers used in the target country. Software and site databases should be thoroughly tested to ensure local compatibility.
The site must be modified also to handle local tax, monetary, and legal requirements that are specific to the target market.
Internationalization: In contrast to localization, internationalization is the simplification of a product or service for use in multiple countries. In the case of websites, this involves the creation of content and design to accommodate multiple languages and to appeal to multiple cultures.
Internationalization can also be the first step towards localization during which the site is enabled for translation and adaptation to specific cultures and countries.
Globalization: Website globalization is the system by which a site is developed, implemented and managed to effectively provide a presence in multiple languages and locations. It is the process by which a website is designed for multiple to appeal to multiple locations and accommodate multiple languages, as well and implemented development, update processes, and workflow have been engineered to provide a robust framework for cost-effective multilingual site development and maintenance--incorporating overseas offices, consultants, etc.
In addition to sharing most of the characteristics of a localized site, effective globalized websites:
Leverage existing corporate content across multiple geographies.
Present content in the language and culture of each target market, and allow language toggling between local sites.
Retain global brand identity and messaging that is at the same time customized to each local audience.
Implement a content management system that ensures the integrity of corporate and local sites.
Offer customer commerce ability despite geographic location.
Although English-speaking people call the European nation Germany, Germans call their own nation Deutschland. This list provides the local names for each of the countries of the world.
Afghanistan Afghanestan
Albania Shqiperia
Algeria Al Jaza'ir
Andorra Andorra
Angola Angola
Antigua and Barbuda Antigua and Barbuda
Argentina Argentina
Armenia Hayastan
Australia Australia
Austria Oesterreich
Azerbaijan Azarbaycan Respublikasi
The Bahamas The Bahamas
Bahrain Al Bahrayn
Bangladesh Bangladesh
Barbados Barbados
Belarus Byelarus
Belgium Belgique (French) or Belgie (Flemish)
Belize Belice
Benin Benin
Bhutan Drukyul
Bolivia Bolivia
Botswana Botswana
Brazil Brasil
Brunei Brunei
Bulgaria Republika Bulgariya
Burkina Faso Burkina Faso
Burundi Burundi
Cambodia Kampuchea
Cameroon Cameroon or Cameroun (French)
Canada Canada
Cape Verde Cabo Verde
Central African Republic Republique Centrafricaine
Chad Tchad
Chile Chile
China Zhong Guo
Colombia Colombia
Comoros Comores
Congo, Republic of the Republique du Congo
Congo, Democratic Republic of the Republique Democratique du Congo
Costa Rica Costa Rica
Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire
Croatia Hrvatska
Cuba Cuba
Cyprus Kypros (Greek) or Kibris (Turkish)
Czech Republic Ceska Republika
Denmark Danmark
Djibouti Djibouti
Dominica Dominica
Dominican Republic Republica Dominicana
Ecuador Ecuador
Egypt Misr
El Salvador El Salvador
Equatorial Guinea Guinea Ecuatorial
Eritrea Ertra
Estonia Eesti
Ethiopia YeItyop'iya
Fiji Fiji
Finland Suomi
France France or Republique Francaise
Gabon Gabon
The Gambia The Gambia
Georgia Sak'art'velo
Germany Deutschland
Ghana Ghana
Greece Ellas
Grenada Grenada
Guatemala Guatemala
Guinea Guinee
Guinea-Bissau Guine-Bissau
Guyana Guyana
Haiti Haiti
Honduras Honduras
Hungary Magyarorszag
Iceland Island
India India
Indonesia Indonesia
Iran Iran
Iraq Al Iraq
Ireland Ireland or Eire
Israel Yisra'el
Italy Italia
Jamaica Jamaica
Japan Nippon
Jordan Al Urdun
Kazakhstan Qazaqstan
Kenya Kenya
Kiribati Kiribati
Korea, North Choson or Choson-minjujuui-inmin-konghwaguk
Korea, South Taehan-min'guk
Kuwait Al Kuwayt
Kyrgyzstan Kyrgyz Respublikasy
Laos Sathalanalat Paxathipatai Paxaxon Lao
Latvia Latvija
Lebanon Lubnan
Lesotho Lesotho
Liberia Liberia
Libya Libya
Liechtenstein Liechtenstein
Lithuania Lietuva
Luxembourg Luxembourg
Macedonia Makedonija
Madagascar Madagascar
Malawi Malawi
Malaysia Malaysia
Maldives Dhivehi Raajje
Mali Mali
Malta Malta
Marshall Islands Marshall Islands
Mauritania Muritaniyah
Mauritius Mauritius
Mexico Mexico
Federated States of Micronesia Federated States of Micronesia
Moldova Moldova
Monaco Monaco
Mongolia Mongol Uls
Morocco Al Maghrib
Mozambique Mocambique
Myanmar (Burma) Myanma Naingngandaw
Namibia Namibia
Nauru Nauru
Nepal Nepal
Netherlands Nederland
New Zealand New Zealand
Nicaragua Nicaragua
Niger Niger
Nigeria Nigeria
Norway Norge
Oman Uman
Pakistan Pakistan
Palau Belau
Panama Panama
Papua New Guinea Papua New Guinea
Paraguay Paraguay
Peru Peru
Philippines Pilipinas
Poland Polska
Portugal Portugal
Qatar Qatar
Romania Romania
Russia Rossiya
Rwanda Rwanda
Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Kitts and Nevis
Saint Lucia Saint Lucia
Samoa Samoa
San Marino San Marino
Sao Tome and Principe Sao Tome e Principe
Saudi Arabia Al Arabiyah as Suudiyah
Senegal Senegal
Seychelles Seychelles
Sierra Leone Sierra Leone
Singapore Singapore
Slovakia Slovensko
Slovenia Slovenija
Solomon Islands Solomon Islands
Somalia Somalia
South Africa South Africa
Spain España
Sri Lanka Sri Lanka
Sudan As-Sudan
Suriname Suriname
Swaziland Swaziland
Sweden Sverige
Switzerland Schweiz (German), Suisse (French), Svizzera (Italian)
Syria Suriyah
Taiwan T'ai-wan
Tajikistan Jumhurii Tojikistan
Tanzania Tanzania
Thailand Muang Thai
Togo Togo
Tonga Tonga
Trinidad and Tobago Trinidad and Tobago
Tunisia Tunis
Turkey Turkiye
Turkmenistan Turkmenistan
Tuvalu Tuvalu
Uganda Uganda
Ukraine Ukrayina
United Arab Emirates Al Imarat al Arabiyah al Muttahidah
United Kingdom United Kingdom
United States United States
Uruguay Uruguay
Uzbekistan Uzbekiston Respublikasi
Vanuatu Vanuatu
Vatican City (Holy See) Santa Sede (Citta del Vaticano)
Venezuela Venezuela
Vietnam Viet Nam
Yemen Al Yaman
Zambia Zambia
Zimbabwe Zimbabwe
Afghanistan Afghanestan
Albania Shqiperia
Algeria Al Jaza'ir
Andorra Andorra
Angola Angola
Antigua and Barbuda Antigua and Barbuda
Argentina Argentina
Armenia Hayastan
Australia Australia
Austria Oesterreich
Azerbaijan Azarbaycan Respublikasi
The Bahamas The Bahamas
Bahrain Al Bahrayn
Bangladesh Bangladesh
Barbados Barbados
Belarus Byelarus
Belgium Belgique (French) or Belgie (Flemish)
Belize Belice
Benin Benin
Bhutan Drukyul
Bolivia Bolivia
Botswana Botswana
Brazil Brasil
Brunei Brunei
Bulgaria Republika Bulgariya
Burkina Faso Burkina Faso
Burundi Burundi
Cambodia Kampuchea
Cameroon Cameroon or Cameroun (French)
Canada Canada
Cape Verde Cabo Verde
Central African Republic Republique Centrafricaine
Chad Tchad
Chile Chile
China Zhong Guo
Colombia Colombia
Comoros Comores
Congo, Republic of the Republique du Congo
Congo, Democratic Republic of the Republique Democratique du Congo
Costa Rica Costa Rica
Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire
Croatia Hrvatska
Cuba Cuba
Cyprus Kypros (Greek) or Kibris (Turkish)
Czech Republic Ceska Republika
Denmark Danmark
Djibouti Djibouti
Dominica Dominica
Dominican Republic Republica Dominicana
Ecuador Ecuador
Egypt Misr
El Salvador El Salvador
Equatorial Guinea Guinea Ecuatorial
Eritrea Ertra
Estonia Eesti
Ethiopia YeItyop'iya
Fiji Fiji
Finland Suomi
France France or Republique Francaise
Gabon Gabon
The Gambia The Gambia
Georgia Sak'art'velo
Germany Deutschland
Ghana Ghana
Greece Ellas
Grenada Grenada
Guatemala Guatemala
Guinea Guinee
Guinea-Bissau Guine-Bissau
Guyana Guyana
Haiti Haiti
Honduras Honduras
Hungary Magyarorszag
Iceland Island
India India
Indonesia Indonesia
Iran Iran
Iraq Al Iraq
Ireland Ireland or Eire
Israel Yisra'el
Italy Italia
Jamaica Jamaica
Japan Nippon
Jordan Al Urdun
Kazakhstan Qazaqstan
Kenya Kenya
Kiribati Kiribati
Korea, North Choson or Choson-minjujuui-inmin-konghwaguk
Korea, South Taehan-min'guk
Kuwait Al Kuwayt
Kyrgyzstan Kyrgyz Respublikasy
Laos Sathalanalat Paxathipatai Paxaxon Lao
Latvia Latvija
Lebanon Lubnan
Lesotho Lesotho
Liberia Liberia
Libya Libya
Liechtenstein Liechtenstein
Lithuania Lietuva
Luxembourg Luxembourg
Macedonia Makedonija
Madagascar Madagascar
Malawi Malawi
Malaysia Malaysia
Maldives Dhivehi Raajje
Mali Mali
Malta Malta
Marshall Islands Marshall Islands
Mauritania Muritaniyah
Mauritius Mauritius
Mexico Mexico
Federated States of Micronesia Federated States of Micronesia
Moldova Moldova
Monaco Monaco
Mongolia Mongol Uls
Morocco Al Maghrib
Mozambique Mocambique
Myanmar (Burma) Myanma Naingngandaw
Namibia Namibia
Nauru Nauru
Nepal Nepal
Netherlands Nederland
New Zealand New Zealand
Nicaragua Nicaragua
Niger Niger
Nigeria Nigeria
Norway Norge
Oman Uman
Pakistan Pakistan
Palau Belau
Panama Panama
Papua New Guinea Papua New Guinea
Paraguay Paraguay
Peru Peru
Philippines Pilipinas
Poland Polska
Portugal Portugal
Qatar Qatar
Romania Romania
Russia Rossiya
Rwanda Rwanda
Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Kitts and Nevis
Saint Lucia Saint Lucia
Samoa Samoa
San Marino San Marino
Sao Tome and Principe Sao Tome e Principe
Saudi Arabia Al Arabiyah as Suudiyah
Senegal Senegal
Seychelles Seychelles
Sierra Leone Sierra Leone
Singapore Singapore
Slovakia Slovensko
Slovenia Slovenija
Solomon Islands Solomon Islands
Somalia Somalia
South Africa South Africa
Spain España
Sri Lanka Sri Lanka
Sudan As-Sudan
Suriname Suriname
Swaziland Swaziland
Sweden Sverige
Switzerland Schweiz (German), Suisse (French), Svizzera (Italian)
Syria Suriyah
Taiwan T'ai-wan
Tajikistan Jumhurii Tojikistan
Tanzania Tanzania
Thailand Muang Thai
Togo Togo
Tonga Tonga
Trinidad and Tobago Trinidad and Tobago
Tunisia Tunis
Turkey Turkiye
Turkmenistan Turkmenistan
Tuvalu Tuvalu
Uganda Uganda
Ukraine Ukrayina
United Arab Emirates Al Imarat al Arabiyah al Muttahidah
United Kingdom United Kingdom
United States United States
Uruguay Uruguay
Uzbekistan Uzbekiston Respublikasi
Vanuatu Vanuatu
Vatican City (Holy See) Santa Sede (Citta del Vaticano)
Venezuela Venezuela
Vietnam Viet Nam
Yemen Al Yaman
Zambia Zambia
Zimbabwe Zimbabwe
Score total : 14 point(s) sur 20
Score intermédiaire : 14 point(s) sur 20
Questo cane ha le zampe molto lun... e gli occh... blu.
ga - ii
ghi - i
ghe - ii
ghe - i
2 point(s) sur 2
Votre réponse est correcte.
Les adjectifs ("piani" : accentués sur l'avant-dernière syllabe) se terminant en - co, - go et - ca, - ga prennent un "h" au pluriel pour conserver le son guttural.
Les noms en - io ont un pluriel en -ii lorsque l'accent tonique est sur le - i de - ìo, dans les autres cas ils ont un pluriel en - i.
Per fare la pasta ci vogliono .... fresche.
0 point(s) sur 2
Certains mots masculins en -o deviennent féminins au pluriel avec une terminaison irrégulière en - a.
L'arte italian.... piace ai turisti che seguono .... guida .
o - la
a - il
a - la
o - il
2 point(s) sur 2
Votre réponse est correcte.
"Arte" est un mot féminin.
"Guida" s'emploie toujours au féminin.
Mi piace portare cami.... bianche e pantaloni viol .... .
ce - i
cie - i
cie - a
ce - a
1 point(s) sur 2
Une partie de votre réponse est incorrecte. La réponse correcte est : "cie - a".
Les terminaisons -cia ou -gia font leur pluriel en -cie ou -gie lorsqu'elles sont précédées d'une voyelle.
Certains adjectifs de couleurs sont invariables : rosa, blu, viola.
La professor.... di spagnolo ha fatto visitare ai suoi alunni le grandi citt.... di Spagna.
ora - à
essa - à
ora - e
essa - e
1 point(s) sur 2
Une partie de votre réponse est incorrecte. La réponse correcte est : "essa - à".
Certains noms changent de terminaison au féminin : " uno studente : una studentessa."
Les mots accentués sur la dernière syllabe sont invariables.
Mi piacciono i monumenti goti.... e baroc.... .
ci - ci
ci - chi
chi - ci
chi - chi
2 point(s) sur 2
Votre réponse est correcte.
Les noms et adjectifs en - co et - go accentués sur l'avant-dernière syllabe (parole piane) font leur pluriel en - chi et - ghi.
Les noms et adjectifs accentués sur la troisième syllabe en partant de la fin (parole sdrucciole) font leur pluriel en - ci et - gi.
Tutti questi individui sono .... della stessa famiglia.
2 point(s) sur 2
Votre réponse est correcte.
Certains noms ont deux pluriels : un régulier et un autre irrégulier mais dans ce cas le nom acquiert une autre signification.
Ho prenotato una camera in due alber.... quattro stelle per un'at .... capricciosa.
go - trice
ghi - trice
ghi - tore
go - tore
1 point(s) sur 2
Une partie de votre réponse est incorrecte. La réponse correcte est : "ghi - trice".
La majeure partie des noms("parole piane") terminés en - co, - go et - ca, - ga prennent un "h" au pluriel pour garder le son guttural.
Les noms masculins en - tore, qui désignent les agents d'une action, ont un féminin en - trice.
Il mio .... ha fatto un discorso .... .
collega - stupida
collega - idiota
amica - stupida
amica - stupido
2 point(s) sur 2
Votre réponse est correcte.
Quelques mots masculins ont une terminaison en - a (pluriel en - i ).
Certains adjectifs se terminent en - a au masculin et au féminin singulier. Ils ont donc une seule forme au singulier mais deux formes au pluriel : - i pour le masculin et - e pour le féminin.
Gli uom.... hanno le sopracci.... più folte delle donne.
ini - glia
ini - gli
i - glia
i - glio
1 point(s) sur 2
Une partie de votre réponse est incorrecte. La réponse correcte est : "ini - glia".
Certains noms, assez rares et inclassables ont un pluriel très différent du singulier : " l'uomo : gli uomini."
Certains noms masculins en - o deviennent féminins au pluriel et ont une terminaison en - a. Ils désignent pour la plupart des parties du corps humain.
Score total : 14 point(s) sur 20
Score intermédiaire : 14 point(s) sur 20
Vous connaissez bien les structures abordées à l'exception de quelques points qu'il ne faut cependant pas négliger. Revoyez-les et n'hésitez-pas à faire les exercices correspondants avant de passer au test suivant.
Score intermédiaire : 14 point(s) sur 20
Questo cane ha le zampe molto lun... e gli occh... blu.
ga - ii
ghi - i
ghe - ii
ghe - i
2 point(s) sur 2
Votre réponse est correcte.
Les adjectifs ("piani" : accentués sur l'avant-dernière syllabe) se terminant en - co, - go et - ca, - ga prennent un "h" au pluriel pour conserver le son guttural.
Les noms en - io ont un pluriel en -ii lorsque l'accent tonique est sur le - i de - ìo, dans les autres cas ils ont un pluriel en - i.
Per fare la pasta ci vogliono .... fresche.
0 point(s) sur 2
Certains mots masculins en -o deviennent féminins au pluriel avec une terminaison irrégulière en - a.
L'arte italian.... piace ai turisti che seguono .... guida .
o - la
a - il
a - la
o - il
2 point(s) sur 2
Votre réponse est correcte.
"Arte" est un mot féminin.
"Guida" s'emploie toujours au féminin.
Mi piace portare cami.... bianche e pantaloni viol .... .
ce - i
cie - i
cie - a
ce - a
1 point(s) sur 2
Une partie de votre réponse est incorrecte. La réponse correcte est : "cie - a".
Les terminaisons -cia ou -gia font leur pluriel en -cie ou -gie lorsqu'elles sont précédées d'une voyelle.
Certains adjectifs de couleurs sont invariables : rosa, blu, viola.
La professor.... di spagnolo ha fatto visitare ai suoi alunni le grandi citt.... di Spagna.
ora - à
essa - à
ora - e
essa - e
1 point(s) sur 2
Une partie de votre réponse est incorrecte. La réponse correcte est : "essa - à".
Certains noms changent de terminaison au féminin : " uno studente : una studentessa."
Les mots accentués sur la dernière syllabe sont invariables.
Mi piacciono i monumenti goti.... e baroc.... .
ci - ci
ci - chi
chi - ci
chi - chi
2 point(s) sur 2
Votre réponse est correcte.
Les noms et adjectifs en - co et - go accentués sur l'avant-dernière syllabe (parole piane) font leur pluriel en - chi et - ghi.
Les noms et adjectifs accentués sur la troisième syllabe en partant de la fin (parole sdrucciole) font leur pluriel en - ci et - gi.
Tutti questi individui sono .... della stessa famiglia.
2 point(s) sur 2
Votre réponse est correcte.
Certains noms ont deux pluriels : un régulier et un autre irrégulier mais dans ce cas le nom acquiert une autre signification.
Ho prenotato una camera in due alber.... quattro stelle per un'at .... capricciosa.
go - trice
ghi - trice
ghi - tore
go - tore
1 point(s) sur 2
Une partie de votre réponse est incorrecte. La réponse correcte est : "ghi - trice".
La majeure partie des noms("parole piane") terminés en - co, - go et - ca, - ga prennent un "h" au pluriel pour garder le son guttural.
Les noms masculins en - tore, qui désignent les agents d'une action, ont un féminin en - trice.
Il mio .... ha fatto un discorso .... .
collega - stupida
collega - idiota
amica - stupida
amica - stupido
2 point(s) sur 2
Votre réponse est correcte.
Quelques mots masculins ont une terminaison en - a (pluriel en - i ).
Certains adjectifs se terminent en - a au masculin et au féminin singulier. Ils ont donc une seule forme au singulier mais deux formes au pluriel : - i pour le masculin et - e pour le féminin.
Gli uom.... hanno le sopracci.... più folte delle donne.
ini - glia
ini - gli
i - glia
i - glio
1 point(s) sur 2
Une partie de votre réponse est incorrecte. La réponse correcte est : "ini - glia".
Certains noms, assez rares et inclassables ont un pluriel très différent du singulier : " l'uomo : gli uomini."
Certains noms masculins en - o deviennent féminins au pluriel et ont une terminaison en - a. Ils désignent pour la plupart des parties du corps humain.
Score total : 14 point(s) sur 20
Score intermédiaire : 14 point(s) sur 20
Vous connaissez bien les structures abordées à l'exception de quelques points qu'il ne faut cependant pas négliger. Revoyez-les et n'hésitez-pas à faire les exercices correspondants avant de passer au test suivant.
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