H.L. Mencken (1880–1956). The American Language. 1921.
IV. American and English Today
1. The Two Vocabularies
By way of preliminary to an examination of the American of today, here is a list of terms in everyday use that differ in American and English: American English
ash-can dust-bin
ash-cart dust-cart
ashman dustman
backyard garden
baggage luggage
baggage-car luggage-van
ballast (railroad) metal
barbershop barber’s-shop
bath-robe dressing-gown
bath-tub bath
beet beet-root
bid (noun) tender
bill-board hoarding
boarder paying-guest
boardwalk (seaside) promenade
boot high-boot
brakeman brakesman
bumper (car) buffer
bureau chest of drawers
calendar (court) cause-list
campaign (political) canvass
can (noun) tin
candy sweets
cane stick
canned-goods tinned-goods
car (railroad) carriage, van or waggon
checkers (game) draughts
chicken-yard fowl-run
chief-clerk head-clerk
chief-of-police chief-constable
city-editor chief-reporter
city-ordinance by-law
clipping (newspaper) cutting
closed-season close-season
coal coals
coal-oil paraffin
collar-button stud
commission-merchant factor, or commission-agent
commutation-ticket season-ticket
conductor (of a train) guard
corn maize, or Indian corn
corner (of a street) crossing
corn-meal Indian meal
counterfeiter coiner
cow-catcher plough
cracker biscuit
crazy-bone funny-bone
cross-tie sleeper
crystal (watch) watch-glass
department-store stores
derby (hat) bowler
dime-novel penny-dreadful
district (political) division
druggist chemist
drug-store chemist’s shop
drummer bagman
dry-goods-store draper’s-shop
editorial (noun) leader, or leading-article
elevator lift
elevator-boy lift-man
enlisted-man private-soldier
excursionist tripper
ferns bracken
filing-cabinet nest-of-drawers
fire-department fire-brigade
fish-dealer fishmonger
floor-walker shop-walker
fraternal-order friendly-society
freight goods
freight-agent goods-manager
freight-car goods-waggon
freight-elevator hoist
frog (railway) crossing-plate
garters (men’s) sock-suspenders
gasoline petrol
grade (railroad) gradient
grain corn
grain-broker corn-factor
groceries stores
hardware-dealer ironmonger
headliner topliner
hod-carrier hodman
hog-pen piggery
hood (automobile) bonnet
hospital (private) nursing-home
huckster coster (monger)
hunting shooting
Indian Red Indian
Indian Summer St. Martin’s Summer
instalment-business credit-trade
instalment-plan hire-purchase plan
internal-revenue inland-revenue
janitor caretaker, or porter
laborer navvy
legal-holiday bank-holiday
letter-box pillar-box
letter-carrier postman
locomotive engineer engine-driver
long-distance-call trunk-call
lumber deals
lumber-yard timber-yard
mad angry
mantelpiece chimney-piece
Methodist Wesleyan
molasses treacle
monkey-wrench spanner
moving-picture-theatre cinema, or picture-palace
necktie tie
news-dealer news-agent
newspaper-man pressman, or journalist
notions small-wares
oatmeal porridge
officeholder public-servant
orchestra (seats in a theatre) stalls
outbuildings (farm) offices
overcoat great-coat
package parcel
parlor drawing-room
parlor-car saloon-carriage
patrolman (police) constable
pay-day wage-day
peanut monkey-nut
pen-point nib
period (punctuation) full-stop
pitcher jug
plant (industrial) works
poorhouse workhouse
post-paid post-free
potpie pie
prepaid carriage-paid
press (printing) machine
program (of a meeting) agenda
public-school board-school
quotation-marks inverted-commas
railroad railway 1
railroad-man railway-servant
rails line
rare (of meat) underdone
receipts (in business) takings
Rhine-wine Hock
road-bed (railroad) permanent-way
road-repairer road-mender
roast joint
roll (of films) spool
roll-call division
rooster cock
round-trip-ticket return-ticket
saleswoman shop-assistant
saloon public-house
scarf-pin tie-pin
scow lighter
sewerage drains
shirtwaist blouse
shoe boot
shoemaker bootmaker
shoe-shine boot-polish
shoestring bootlace
shoe-tree boot-tree
sick ill
sidewalk footpath, or pavement
silver (collectively) plate
sled sledge
sleigh sledge
soft-drinks minerals
smoking-room smoke-room
spigot (or faucet) tap
sponge (surgical) tap
stem-winder keyless-watch
stockholder shareholder
stocks shares
store-fixtures shop-fittings
street-cleaner crossing-sweeper
street-railway tramway
subway tube, or underground
suspenders (men’s) braces
sweater jersey
switch (noun, railway) points
switch (verb, railway) shunt
taxes (municipal) rates
taxpayer (local) ratepayer
tenderloin (of beef) under-cut, or fillet
ten-pins nine-pins
terminal (railroad) terminus
thumb-tack drawing-office
ticket-office booking-office
tinner tinker
tin-roof leads
track (railroad) line
trained-nurse hospital-nurse
transom (of door) fanlight
trolley-car tramcar
truck (vehicle) lorry
truck (of a railroad car) bogie
typewriter (operator) typist
typhoid-fever enteric
undershirt vest
vaudeville-theatre music-hall
vest waistcoat
warden (of a prison) governor
warehouse stores
wash-rag face-cloth
wash-stand wash-hand-stand
waste-basket waste-paper-basket
whippletree splinter-bar
witness-stand witness-box
« l’homme total que l’Europe a été incapable de faire triompher », Fanon
Saturday, April 09, 2011
Les verbes constituant cette liste donnent accès à leur conjugaison
accept akzeptieren*
accent r Akzent*
accord r Akkord (diff.) legal accord
accordian s Akkordeon
acrobat r Akrobat
act r Akt (theat.) - Caution! Also a false cognate!
active aktiv
acute akut
adapter r Adapter
address e Adresse
Adriatic (Sea) e Adria
Advent r Advent
affair e Affäre
Afghanistan s Afghanistan
Africa s Afrika
African adj. afrikanisch
African (person) r Afrikaner/e Afrikanerin
agent r Agent
alarm r Alarm (diff.) warning, alert
alcohol r Alkohol
alcoholic adj. alkoholisch
alcoholism r Alkoholismus
alcove r Alkoven
algebra e Algebra
all all, alle
allergic allergisch*
allergy e Allergie
allegorical allegorisch*
allegory e Allegorie
alms s Almosen*
alone allein*
alpaca s Alpaka
alphabet s Alphabet (das Abc)
alphabetic alphabetisch
Alps, the e Alpen*
altar s Altar
aluminum Am
aluminium Br s Aluminium
amateur r Amateur
Amazon (river) r Amazonas*
Amazon (woman) e Amazone
America s Amerika
American f. e Amerikanerin
American m. r Amerikaner
analog adj. analog
analysis n. e Analyse
analytical adj. analytisch
anarchy e Anarchie
anchor r Anker*
angel r Engel*
angst e Angst**
antenna e Antenne
antique e Antiquität
e Antike (f.c.) antiquity > False Cognates
ape, monkey r Affe*
apple r Apfel*
April r April
aquarium s Aquarium
Arab/Arabian r Araber
Arabia s Arabien
architect r Architekt
arm r Arm
arm (adj.) poor > False Cognates
army e Armee (pron. ar-MAY)
arsenic s Arsenik
artist r Artist (diff.) performer, artiste (not "artist")
e Art (f.c.) type, kind > False Cognates
ash(es) e Asche
Asia s Asien*
astronaut r Astronaut
athlete r Athlet
atlas r Atlas
Australia s Australien
avocado e Avocado
Exception to the rule that nouns ending in -o are usually das - See German Noun Suffixes and Gender for more
baby s Baby
badminton s Badminton
balcony r Balkon
Balkans, the r Balkan
ball r Ball
ballet s Ballett (from French)
balloon r Ballon
banana e Banane
band e Band (music)
r Band (diff.) volume (book)
s Band (diff.) ribbon, tape
bank e Bank
e Bank (diff.) bench
barometer s Barometer
bath s Bad* > Consonant Sound Shifts (d-th)
battery e Batterie
bear r Bär
bed s Bett* > Consonant Sound Shifts (tt-d)
bee e Biene > Vowel Sound Shifts (ie-ee)
beep r Piep (also "peep" in English)
beer s Bier > Vowel Sound Shifts (ie-ee)
benzene s Benzol (s Benzin) NOTE: Benzene is an ingredient in gasoline; Benzin = gasoline
Bible e Bibel
bikini r Bikini
billiards e Billard
bitter bitter
blind blind (pron. BLINT)
blinken blinken (flash, turn signal)
blinker r Blinker (turn signal)
blitzkrieg r Blitzkrieg**
blizzard r Blizzard
bloc/block r Block
(diff.) Block in German can have several meanings: bar (soap), bulk, (note) pad, etc., but not a city block.
blockade e Blockade
blond(e) blond
blood s Blut > Vowel Sound Shifts (u-oo)
blouse e Bluse*
blue blau*
blue jeans die Bluejeans (pl.)
board > on board an Bord (pron. on BORT)
boat s Boot* (pron. BOAT)
book s Buch*
born (p.p.) geboren*
boulevard r Boulevard (from French)
boxer r Boxer (dog and fighter)
brackish brackig (water)
bratwurst e Bratwurst**
Brazil s Brasil
bread s Brot*
broccoli die Brokkoli (pl.)
buffet s Buffet/s Büffet
bungalow r Bungalow
bus r Bus (pron. BOOCE)
butter e Butter
buzzard r Bussard
NOTE: Many c-words in English are k-words in German. The C and CH words in English usually reflect the c/ch-k shift in German. See Cognate Sound Shifts for more.
cabaret s Kabarett
cabinet s Kabinett
cable s Kabel
cadet r Kadett
cadre r Kader
café s Café
Cairo s Kairo
calendar r Kalender
calorie(s) e Kalorie(n)
camel s Kamel
camera e Kamera
Canada s Kanada
candidate r Kandidat
cannibal r Kannibale
cannon e Kanone
cape s Kap (geographic)
caravan e Karawane
carbuncle r Karbunkel
card e Karte
cardinal r Kardinal
Caribbean e Karibik*
Carnival (Mardi Gras) r Karneval
carp r Karpfen*
carrot e Karotte
cassette e Kassette
cassette recorder r Kassettenrekorder
cat e Katze
chapel e Kapelle*
charter flight r Charterflug
check (bank) r Scheck
chemical (adj.) chemisch*
chemical (n.) e Chemikalie*
chemist r Chemiker*
chemistry e Chemie*
China s China
chocolate e Schokolade
cigarette e Zigarette
clown r Clown
club r Club (pron. KLOOP)
cobra e Kobra
cocktail r Cocktail
diff. - Cocktail in German can also refer to a cocktail party or reception.
coffee r Kaffee
coma s Koma
comment, commentary r Kommentar
communism r Kommunismus
communist r Kommunist
compass r Kompass
compatible kompatibel (tech., lit.)
competence e Kompetenz
diff. - Kompetenz in German refers more to "authority" or "jurisdiction."
competent (adj.) kompetent
diff. - Also "authorized" or "having jurisdiction"
complex (adj.) komplex
complex (n.) r Komplex
complicated kompliziert
compromise r Kompromiss
computer r Computer
concert s Konzert
confetti s Konfetti
confirmation e Konfirmation (only in religious sense)
congress r Kongress
diff. - Kongress in German can also refer to a convention or trade show.
continent r Kontinent
cool kühl
cool! cool!
coral e Koralle
cork r Kork(en)
cost(s) die Kosten (pl.)
(f.c.) e Kost = food, fare
countess e Komtess
cow e Kuh
cowboy r Cowboy
creative kreativ
credit r Kredit (also means "loan" in German)
credit card e Kreditkarte
criminal r Kriminelle
criminal (adj.) kriminell
critic r Kritiker
(f.c.) e Kritik = criticism
crocodile s Krokodil
crocus r Krokus
crown e Krone*
crucifix s Kruzifix
Cuba s Kuba
cuckoo r Kuckuck*
curve e Kurve
dame e Dame
diff. - German Dame means "lady" (meine Damen und Herren = ladies and gentlemen) or "queen" in a deck of cards.
dance r Tanz
dancer r Tänzer/e Tänzerin
NOTE: Similar to dance/Tanz, other English-German cognates also reflect the so-called "d-t shift" in which an English d replaces the German t or th: dollar/Thaler, door/Tür, etc. This shift also works in the other direction: thank/danken, leather/Leder.
data e Daten (pl.)
data bank e Datenbank
date s Datum (calendar)
day r Tag* (d-t shift; see more under "dance" above)
dead tot* (TOTE)
death r Tod* (dare TOTE) (d-t shift; see more under "dance" above)
deaf taub* (d-t shift; see more under "dance" above)
debacle s Debakel
debut s Debüt
decadence e Dekadenz
decadent dekadent
decimal Dezimal-, e Dezimalzahl (decimal number)
December r Dezember
deck s Deck (nautical, bus)
decorate dekorieren
defect r Defekt (mech., physical)
demo e Demo (protest, sample)
Denmark s Dänemark
depot s Depot (storage, garage)
deserter r Deserteur
design s Design
designer r Designer
devil r Teufel* (TOY-fel) (d-t shift; see more under "dance" above)
diamond r Diamant
diesel r Diesel
NOTE: The diesel engine gets its name from its German inventor, Rudolf Diesel.
dike r Deich (barrier)
discipline e Disziplin
disco e Disko
discuss diskutieren (über)
discussion e Diskussion
dock s Dock (nautical)
doctor r Doktor
NOTE: As in English, the term Doktor can refer to various kinds of doctors (Ph.D., MD, etc.). A medical doctor or physician is der Arzt (m.) or die Ärztin (f.).
dollar r Thaler (d > th shift: Cognate Sound Shifts)
NOTE: A Thaler (pron. TALLER) is an old unit of currency from which "dollar" also gets its name.
dolphin r Delphin
domino r Domino (piece), s Domino (game)
door e Tür (d-t shift; see more under "dance" above)
doping s Doping
dove e Taube* (d-t shift; see more under "dance" above)
dozen s Dutzend
dream r Traum (TROW-m) (d-t shift; see more under "dance" above)
drink trinken
drunk(en) betrunken* (d-t shift; see more under "dance" above)
drug e Droge (illegal)
drugstore e Drogerie (sells cosmetics, toiletries, but NO prescriptions!)
dumb dumm (not smart)
dynamic dynamisch (adj./adv.)
dynamic(s) e Dynamik
dynamite s Dynamit
dynamo r Dynamo
dynasty e Dynastie
earth e Erde*
NOTE: The earth/Erde pair reflects the so-called "t-d shift" in which an English th or t is replaced by a German d, as in leather/Leder or thank/danken. This shift also works in the other direction: door/Tür. More in Cognate Sound Shifts.
earnest (serious) ernst
edit (computing) editieren
editor (computing) r Editor
effective effectiv
ego s Ego (also s Ich)
egoist r Egoist
Egypt s Ägypten*
Egyptian ägyptisch*
eight acht > Cognate Sound Shifts (ch-gh)
elastic elastisch
elbow r Ellenbogen*
electric(al) elektrisch
electrician r Elektriker
electricity e Elektrizität
electron s Elektron
electronic elektronisch
electronics e Elektronik
electrostatic elektrostatisch
elegance e Eleganz > Cognate Sound Shifts (z-c)
elegant elegant
element s Element
NOTE: Most of the chemical elements in German are also cognates and neuter (das). There are only a few Germanic exceptions that are masculine. For more see Chemische Elemente.
elephant r Elefant
elk r Elch > Cognate Sound Shifts (ch-k)
e-mail e E-Mail
emancipate emanzipieren
emancipation e Emanzipation
emblem s Emblem
embolism e Embolie
end s Ende
energy e Energie
engineer r Ingenieur* (with univ. degree)
England s England
English s Englisch
entertainer r Entertainer
equator r Äquator
era e Ära
erotic erotisch
ersatz** Ersatz- (in compounds)
Eskimo r Eskimo
Esperanto s Esperanto
espionage e Spionage*
espresso r Espresso
ethic(s) e Ethik
ethical ethisch
euro r Euro
Europa s Europa
European europäisch
even eben (level, flat)
SEE: Cognate Sound Shifts (b-v)
exact exakt
exclusive exklusiv
exist existieren
exotic exotisch
experiment s Experiment
explosion e Explosion
expressionism r Expressionismus
fable e Fabel
fabrication, manufacture e Fabrikation
fabulous fabulös
face lift s Facelifting
facet e Facette
facsimile s Faksimile (also see "fax")
fact s/r Fakt
Anglicism: Fakt ist, dass... = the fact is, that...
faction e Fraktion*
factor r Faktor
faculty e Fakultät
diff. - the German word also refers to a "school" or "college" within a university
fair adj. fair
fairly adv. fair
Also: unfair = unfair(ly)
fairness e Fairness
fair play s Fairplay
fakir r Fakir (Indian mystic)
falcon r Falke*
falconer r Falkner
fall v. fallen
fall n. r Fall (waterfall, a fall [tumble])
f.c. r Fall = case > False Cognates
fallout r Fallout
false, wrong falsch
familiar familiär
diff. - the German word also means "having to do with family"
family e Familie
fan r Fan (supporter)
fan club r Fanklub
fanatic adj. fanatisch
fanatic n. r Fanatiker
fanatical adj. fanatisch
fanaticism n. r Fanatismus
fantastic adj. fantastisch
fantasy e Fantasie (imagination; false picture)
farce e Farce (theatrical)
farm e Farm
farmer r Farmer
farmhouse s Farmhaus
fascism r Faschismus
fascist adj. faschistisch
fascist n. r Faschist
fat n. s Fett (also "grease")
fat(ty) adj. fett
fat(ty) adj. fettig
father r Vater*
faux pax r Fauxpas (from French)
favorite r Favorit
fax (facsimile) s Fax
feather e Feder*
NOTE: The feather/Feder pair reflects the so-called "t-d shift" in which an English th or t is replaced by a German d, as in leather/Leder or thank/danken. This shift also works in the other direction: door/Tür.
fecal adj. fäkal
feces Fäkalien pl.
feed, fodder s Futter*
feel fühlen*
feeler (bug) r Fühler*
fenestration s Fenster* (both from Latin)
ferry e Fähre*
fetish r Fetisch
fever s Fieber*
fiasco s Fiasko
field s Feld
figure e Figur
filet, fillet s Filet
Filipina n. e Filipina
Filipino n. r Filipino
filling, stuffing e Füllung*
film n. r Film (also movie)
film v. filmen (make a movie)
film festival n. s Filmfest
filter n. r Filter
filter v. filtern
final adj. final
finance n. e Finanz (the German word refers to the "financial world")
financial adj. Finanz- (in compounds)
financial adj. finanziell
find v. finden
finder r Finder
finger r Finger
See Parts of the Body (Lesson 15)
finite (verb) finit (in grammatical sense only)
Finland s Finnland
Finn (person) r/e Finne
Finnish adj. finnisch
See Land & Leute - nationalities
fire n. s Feuer*
fire v. feuern*
firm, company e Firma
fish n. r Fisch
fish v. fischen
fisher(man) n. r Fischer
fish market r Fischmarkt
fish(ing) net s Fischernetz
fission e Fission
fit adj. fit
fitness e Fitness
fitness center s Fitnesscenter
fix n. r Fix (drug slang)
flag e Flagge
flame e Flamme
flamingo r Flamingo
Exception to the rule that nouns ending in -o are usually das - See German Noun Suffixes and Gender for more
flask e Flasche (s Flakon)
diff. - Flasche means "bottle," but the words are related
flat platt - See Consonant Sound Shifts (p-f)
flesh s Fleisch (also "meat")
flight r Flug*
flirt n. r Flirt (a flirtation)
flirt v. flirten
flora e Flora
flounder (fish) r Flunder
fluid, flowing adj. flüssig*
fodder, feed s Futter*
foible (weakness, liking) s Faible*
foil n. e Folie (metal, plastic)
fold v. falten > Cognate Sound Shifts (t-d, a-o)
folk s Volk* > Cognate Sound Shifts (v-f)
foot r Fuß*
football (soccer) r Fußball*
force v. forcieren
forced adj. forciert
forest r Forst (r Wald is more common)
forest v. forsten
forester r Förster
form n. e Form
form v. formen
formal adj. formal
formality n. e Formalität
formalize v. formalisieren
format s Format
formula e Formel*
formula-1 race s Formel-1-Rennen*
forum s Forum
forty vierzig* > Cognate Sound Shifts (v-f)
forward vorwärts* > Cognate Sound Shifts (v-f, d-t)
fossil n. s Fossil
fossil/fossilized adj. fossil
foul n. s Foul (sports)
four vier* > Cognate Sound Shifts (v-f)
forty vierzig*
fox r Fuchs*
France s Frankreich*
freeze v. frieren*
freight e Fracht*
French adj. französisch*
French (lang.) s Französisch*
French (man) r Franzose*
French (woman) e Französin*
See Land & Leute - nationalities
fresh adj. frisch
friend m. r Freund
friend f. e Freundin
frog r Frosch*
front e Front
frontal frontal
frost r Frost
frustration r Frust*
full voll* > Cognate Sound Shifts (v-f)
gag r Gag
gait (going) r Gang* > Also see "gang"/die Gang
gala e Gala
gall, gall bladder e Galle
gallery e Galerie
gallium s Gallium
gallon e Gallone = 3.8 liters
gallop r Galopp
gang e Gang (group)
gangrene s Gangrän
gangster r Gangster
garage e Garage
garden r Garten
garotte e Garotte
garnish, decoration n. e Garnierung
garnish v. garnieren
garrison e Garnison
gas s Gas
diff. - The German word only refers to gaseous (natural) gas, not gasoline (s Benzin); exception: Gas geben = to step on the gas, accelerate
gas pedal s Gaspedal
gastronomic gastronomisch
gastronomy, catering trade s Gastronomie
gazelle e Gazelle
gendarmerie (police) e Gendarmerie (Austrian rural police; from French)
generation e Generation
general (adj.) generell
general (mil.) r General
generalize (v.) generalisieren
genius s Genie
Gesundheit!** (exclam.) e Gesundheit = health
ghost, spirit r Geist*
giant, titan r Gigant
gin r Gin
giraffe e Giraffe
give v. geben > Cognate Sound Shifts (i-e, v-b)
ghetto s Ghetto
glacier r Gletscher
gladiator r Gladiator
glamour s Glamour (art, press)
glamour girl s Glamourgirl
glass s Glas
glide gleiten*
global global
globe r Globus
glossary s Glossar
go (v.) gehen*
god, God r Gott > Cognate Sound Shifts (d-tt)
gold s Gold
golden golden
golf s Golf
good gut > Cognate Sound Shifts (d-t)
gorilla r Gorilla
gourmet r Gourmet
grandfather r Großvater
grapefruit e Grapefruit
grass s Gras
grave s Grab* > Cognate Sound Shifts (v-b)
gray grau*
great, grand, large groß* > Cognate Sound Shifts (t-ß)
Great Britain s Großbritannien
Greece s Griechenland*
Greek r Grieche/e Griechin
Greek (adj.) griechisch
Greek (lang.) s Griechisch
green grün
greenhorn s Greenhorn
Greenland s Grönland
greet grüßen*
grey grau*
grill r Grill
grill (v.) grillen (cooking)
f.c. - die Grille = cricket; see False Cognates
grotto e Grotte
ground r Grund
group e Gruppe
gum s Gummi
goulash s Gulasch
guard (mil.) e Garde (unit)
guardsman (mil.) r Gardist
guarantee e Garantie
guaranteed garantiert
guerilla r Guerilla
guest r Gast*
guitar e Gitarre*
gulf r Golf
gum, rubber s Gummi
chewing gum s Kaugummi
guppy r Guppy
guru r Guru
gymnastics e Gymnastik
Note: das Gymnasium = high school; see False Cognates
gyroscope s Gyroskop
ha interj. ha (ha ha)
habit r/s Habit (nun's dress only)
hack v. hacken (also: chop, mince, hoe)
hacker comp. r Hacker
hair s Haar
Haiti s Haiti
half adj. halb
half n. e Hälfte
hall e Halle (large room)
halo s Halo
halogen s Halogen
halogen lamp e Halogenlampe
hamburger r Hamburger
hammer r Hammer
hammer v. hämmern
hamster r Hamster
hand e Hand
handicap n. s Handikap (sports)
handy handlich
f.c. das Handy = cell phone, mobile phone
hang v. hängen
hangar r Hangar
happy ending s Happy-End
hard adj. hart > Cognate Sound Shifts (d-t)
harsh adj. harsch
hat r Hut
has v. hat/hast (form of have/haben below)
have v. haben > Cognate Sound Shifts (v-b)
hazelnut e Haselnuss
head s Haupt*
heal v. heilen*
hear v. hören*
heart s Herz* > Vowel Sound Shifts (e-ea) and Consonant Sound Shifts (z-t)
heat e Hitze*
heat (up) v. heizen*
helicopter r Helikopter (also r Hubschrauber)
helium s Helium (sym. He)
hell e Hölle*
helmet s Helm
help n. e Hilfe*
help v. helfen > Consonant Sound Shifts (p-f)
hematoma s Hämatom (med.)
hen e Henne
herd e Herde
f.c. der Herd = stove, range
here hier
high adj. hoch
high n. s Hoch
hobby s Hobby
hockey s Hockey
ice hockey s Eishockey
hold v. halten* > Consonant Sound Shifts (t-d) and Vowel Sound Shifts (a-o)
Holland s Holland
holy, sacred heilig*
homage e Hommage
home s Heim*
honey r Honig*
hoof r Huf*
hop n. r Hops/Hopser
hops (in beer) e Hopfen (pl.)
horn r Horn (on animal)
horror r Horror
hot heiß > Cognate Sound Shifts (o-ei, t-ss)
hotel s Hotel
hound (dog) r Hund
house s Haus
humane adj. human
diff. - r Mensch = human (being), menschlich = human
humanism n. r Humanismus
humanist n. r Humanist
humanistic adj. humanistisch
humor r Humor
hundred adj./num. hundert
hundred n. e/s Hundert
hunger r Hunger
hurrah, hurray interj. hurra
hurricane r Hurrikan (also r Orkan)
hut e Hütte
hygiene e Hygiene
hygienic hygienisch
hymn e Hymne
hypochondriac r Hypochonder
hypothesis e Hypothese
hysteria e Hysterie
hysterical hysterisch
iambic adj. jambisch
iambic pentameter fünfüßiger Jambus
Iberia Iberische Halbinsel (Iberian Peninsula, Spain & Portugal)
Iberian adj. iberisch
ibis s Ibis
ice s Eis (pron. like English "ice") > Vowel Sound Shifts (ei-i)
iceberg r Eisberg
ice cold adj. eiskalt
ice hockey s Eishockey
Iceland s Island (pron. EEZ-lant)
ichthyology e Ichthyologie (also e Fischkunde)
icon s Icon (computing)
icon e Ikone (person/religion)
icy adj. eisig
idea n. e Idee (pron. ee-day)
ideal adj. ideal
ideal n. s Ideal
idealism r Idealismus
idealize v. idealisieren
identical adj. identisch
identity e Identität
ideological adj. ideologisch
ideology e Ideologie
idiot r Idiot
idol s Idol (also r Götze)
idyll n. s Idyll
idyllic adj. idyllisch
igloo r/s Iglu
ignore ignorieren
illegal adj. illegal (also ungesetzlich)
illustrate illustrieren
illustrated adj. illustriert
immune adj. immun (to, gegen)
imperative (mood) r Imperativ (grammar, also e Befehlsform)
imperfect (tense) s Imperfekt (grammar)
imperialism r Imperialismus
imperialist n. r Imperialist
imperialistic adj. imperialistisch
import v. importieren
India s Indien
Indian r Inder (from India)
Indian adj. indisch (of India)
Indian adj. indianisch (American)
Indian r Indianer (Native American)
Note that German makes a distinction between an American Indian and a person from India.
Indian Ocean Indischer Ozean
Indonesia s Indonesien
industry e Industrie
influence r Einfluss > Vowel Sound Shifts (ei-i)
information e Information (pl. Informationen, die Infos)
In German the plural (Infos) is more common; the singular Information means "a piece of information."
insect s Insekt
intelligent adj. intelligent
intense/intensive adj. intensiv
intensive course r Intensivkurs
international adj. international
iota s Jota
Iran r Iran
Iranian adj. iranisch
Iranian n. r Iraner/e Iranerin
For more countries and nationalities, see: Countries in German
Iraq r Irak
Iraqi adj. irakisch
Iraqi n. r Iraker/e Irakerin
Ireland s Irland
Irish adj. irisch
Irish n. r Ire/e Irin
iridium s Iridium
For more elements, see: Chemical Elements in German
Islam r Islam
Islamic adj. islamisch
isolation e Isolation (state)
isolation e Isolierung (act)
Isolierung can also mean "insulation."
isomer s Isomer (chem.)
isometric adj.) isometrisch
isometrics e Isometrik
Israel s Israel
Israeli adj. israelisch
Israeli n. r Israeli/e Israeli
Italian See Italy below
Italy s Italien
Italian adj. italienisch
Italian n. r Italiener/e Italienerin
jackal r Schakal*
jacket e Jacke
jade (stone) e/r Jade (pron. YA-da)
jaguar r Jaguar
Jamaica s Jamaika
Jamaican adj. jamaikanisch/jamaikisch
Jamaican n. r Jamaikaner/e Jamaikanerin
For more countries and nationalities, see: Countries in German
January r Januar (pron. YA-nu-ar)
Japan s Japan
Japanese adj. japanisch
Japanese n. r Japaner/e Japanerin
jargon r Jargon
jasmine r Jasmin
Java s Java
jazz r Jazz (pron. like the English word)
jeans e Jeans (pl., pron. like the English word)
Jesus r Jesus (pron. YEAH-zoos)
jet (plane) r Jet (pron. like the English word)
jet set r Jetset
jet ski r Jetski
jewel s/r Juwel (pron. yu-VAIL)
job r Job (pron. like the English word)
jockey r Jockey
jogger r Jogger (pron. like the English word)
jogging s Jogging (pron. like the English word)
joker r Joker (cards)
Jordan r Jordan
Jordanian adj. jordanisch
Jordanian n. r Jordanier/e Jordanierin
journalist r Journalist
Judas r Judas (traitor)
juggle jonglieren*
juggler r Jongleur/e Jongleuse*
jumbo (jet) r Jumbo (pron. like the English word)
jumbo jet r Jumbojet (pron. like the English word)
jungle r Dschungel*
June r Juni
junior (Jr.) junior (with names)
Jupiter r Jupiter
jury e Jury (in contest/competition)
justice e Justiz (formal, legal)
kangaroo r Känguru
kaput kaputt**
karma s Karma
karate s Karate
kayak r Kajak
Kenya s Kenia
Kenyan adj. kenianisch
Kenyan n. r Kenianer/e Kenianerin
For more countries and nationalities, see: Countries in German
kerosene s Kerosin (jet fuel)
ketchup r/s Ketchup
kettle r Kessel
khaki r Khaki (cloth)
kHz s Kilohertz (kHz)
kidnapper r Kidnapper
kick n. r Kick (soccer)
The German word Kicker is a false cognate meaning soccer player (Fußballer).
killer r Killer
kilogram s Kilogramm
kilohertz s Kilohertz
Named for Heinrich Hertz, see: Inventors in German
kilometer r Kilometer
kilowatt s Kilowatt
kindergarten r Kindergarten**
king r König*
kiss r Kuss
kiss v. küssen
kitchen e Küche*
kitsch r Kitsch**
kitschy adj. kitschig**
kiwi r Kiwi (bird)
kiwi e Kiwi (fruit)
kleptomania e Kleptomanie
kleptomaniac r Kleptomane/e Kleptomanin
knee s Knie
knee-length knielang
knot r Knoten
knuckle r Knöchel/r Fingerknöchel
KO r KO (pron. KAH-OH, "knockout")
Koran r Koran
Korea s Korea
Korean adj. koreanisch
Korean n. r Koreaner/e Koreanerin
For more countries and nationalities, see: Countries in German
Kuwait s Kuwait
lab (laboratory) s Labor (from Latin)
in the lab im Labor
labyrinth s Labyrinth (Greek)
ladder e Leiter*
lady e Lady
ladykiller r Ladykiller
lamb s Lamm
lamp e Lampe
lantern e Laterne
Latin s Latein
latrine e Latrine (Latin)
laugh v. lachen* See Vowel Sound Shifts (a-au)
lava e Lava (Italian/Latin)
lay v. legen*
learn lernen/erlernen
leather s Leder* - See Cognate Sound Shifts (d-th)
Lebanese - See Lebanon below
Lebanon s Libanon
Lebanese adj. libanesisch
Lebanese n. r Libanese/e Libanesin
For more countries and nationalities, see: Countries in German
legion e Legion
legitimate legitim (lawful)
leitmotiv/leitmotif s Leitmotiv**
lesbian adj. lesbisch
lesbian n. e Lesbierin
lesion e Läsion (med.)
liberal adj. liberal (polit.)
liberal n. e/r Liberale (polit.)
liberalism r Liberalismus (polit.)
libretto s Libretto (mus.)
Libya s Libyen
Libyan adj. libysch
Libyan n. r Libyer/e Libyerin
license e Lizenz (Latin)
lick lecken
lie (recline) liegen
lied (song) s Lied** (pron. LEET)
lieder pl. Lieder** (pron. LEEDER)
lieutenant r Leutnant (mil.)
life s Leben*
live v. leben*
light adj. leicht (weight, difficulty)
light n. s Licht
lily e Lilie
linden e Linde/r Lindenbaum
line e Leine (rope)
line e Linie
link r Link (Web)
lip e Lippe
lipstick r Lippenstift
lisp n. s Lispeln
lisp v. lispeln
list n. e Liste
literary literarisch
literature e Literatur
lithium s Lithium (chem.)
live adj. live (pron. LYFE)
live v. leben*
liver e Leber* - See Consonant Sound Shifts (b-v)
Idiom: Ihm ist eine Laus über die Leber gelaufen.
He's in a bad mood/in ill humor. ("a louse ran across his liver")
MORE > German-English Idioms - L
lobby e Lobby (polit.)
local adj. lokal
locomotive e Lokomotive/e Lok
logic e Logik (Greek)
long adj./adv. lang/lange
louse/lice e Laus/Läuse (also see 'liver' above)
lousy lausig
love n. e Liebe* See Vowel Sound Shifts (ie-o)
love v. lieben*
lox (salmon) r Lachs* (German/Yiddish)
Lucerne s Luzern (city)
luke warm lauwarm*
lung(s) e Lunge (sing. in German)
Luxembourg/Luxemburg s Luxemburg
Luxemburgian adj. luxemburgisch
Luxemburger n. r Luxemburger/e Luxemburgerin
luxurious adj. luxuriös
luxury r Luxus
lymph n. e Lymphe
lymphatic adj. lymphatisch
lyrical adj. lyrisch
nabob r Nabob
nadir r Nadir
naked nackt - See Cognate Sound Shifts (t-d)
name r Name
nano- Nano-
nanosecond e Nanosekunde
NATO e Nato
nature e Natur
natural(ly) natürlich
nautical nautisch
navigation e Navigation
Nazi r Nazi
Neanderthal/Neandertal (man) r Neandertaler**
MORE (Neandertal) > How Do You Say "Porsche"?
nectar r Nektar
nectarine e Nektarine
negative adj negativ
negative s Negativ (film)
nephew r Neffe - See Cognate Sound Shifts (ff-ph)
nerve r Nerv
That gets on my nerves. Das geht/fällt mir auf die Nerven.
nest s Nest (also f.c.)
net s Netz
Netherlands e Niederlande
For more countries and nationalities, see: Countries in German
neuro- Neuro-
neuron s Neuron
neurotic adj. neurotisch
neurotic n. r Neurotiker
neutral neutral
neutrality e Neutralität
new neu (pron. NOY)
niche e Nische
nicotine s Nikotin
Niger r Niger (river)
For more world rivers, see: Rivers in German
Niger s Niger (nation)
Nigeria s Nigeria
Nigerian adj. nigerisch
Nigerian n. r Nigerianer/e Negerianerin
For more countries and nationalities, see: Countries in German
nihilism r Nihilismus
nihilist r Nihilist
nihilistic nihilistisch
Nile r Nil
For more world rivers, see: Rivers in German
nine neun
nipple r Nippel (tech.)
nirvana s Nirwana/Nirvana
nitrate s Nitrat
nitrite s Nitrit
nitro- Nitro-
nitroglycerine s Nitroglyzerin
niveau, level s Niveau (diff.)
Nobel prize r Nobelpreis
nobelium (No) s Nobelium
For more elements, see: Chemische Elemente
north r Nord - See Cognate Sound Shifts (d-th)
North Pole r Nordpol
note e Note (music, money, etc.)
notebook computer r Notebookcomputer (r/s Notebook)
notice e Notiz
nougat r/s Nugat
nuclear nuklear
nudism r Nudismus
nudist r Nudist
number e Nummer - See Cognate Sound Shifts
nun e Nonne
nut e Nuss - See Cognate Sound Shifts (ss-t)
nylon s Nylon
nymph e Nymphe
nymphomaniac e Nymphomanin
oasis e Oase
obelisk r Obelisk
object r Objekt
objective n. s Objektiv (lens)
objective(ly) adj./adv. objektiv
objectivity e Objektivität
obligation e Obligation
obligatory adj. obligat
obligatory obligatorisch
oboe e Oboe
oboist r Oboist
obscure(ly) obskur
observance e Observanz
observation e Observation
observatory s Observatorium
observe observieren
obsessive obsessiv
obsidian r Obsidian
obstinate obstinat
obscene(ly) obszön
obscenity e Obszenität
ocean r Ozean
Atlantic Ocean der Atlantische Ozean/der Atlantik
ocelot r Ozelot
octagon s Oktogon, s Oktagon
octahedron s Oktaeder
octane rating e Oktanzahl
octave e Oktave
octet s Oktett
October r Oktober
Oder e Oder (river)
For more world rivers, see: Rivers in German
Odyssey, odyssey e Odyssee
oedipal(ly) ödipal
Oedipus complex r Ödipuskomplex
officer r Offizier
official offiziell
offline offline
often oft
ohm s Ohm - named for the German physicist Georg Simon Ohm (1789-1854)
oil s Öl
oil industry e Ölindustrie
oily ölig
OK, okay OK, okay
old alt - See Vowel Sound Shifts (a-o)
oleander r Oleander
olive e Olive
Olympiade e Olympiade
Olympic adj. olympisch
Olympics/Olympic Games die Olympischen Spiele
Olympus r Olymp (Mount Olympus)
Oman s Oman
For more countries and nationalities, see: Countries in German
ombudsman r Ombudsmann (from Swedish)
omelette s Omelett
omen s Omen
oncology e Onkologie
online online
ontology e Ontologie
onyx r Onyx
opal r Opal
open offen - See Cognate Sound Shifts (ff-p)
opera e Oper
operate operieren (medical)
operation e Operation (medical)
operetta e Operette
opium s Opium
opposition e Opposition (astron., polit.)
optician r Optiker
optics e Optik
optimal optimal
optimist r Optimist
order n. e Ordnung
order (to rank, put in order) ordnen
organ s Organ (biol., med.)
organ e Orgel (musical)
organ bank e Organbank
organization e Organisation
orgy e Orgie
orientation e Orientierung
original(ly) adj/adv original, originell
original n. s Original
orthodox orthodox
orthodoxy e Orthodoxie
osmosis e Osmose
Ottoman adj osmanisch - See Cognate Sound Shifts (s-t)
Ottoman Empire das Osmanische Reich
out adj out (not in fashion)
out v. outen (to out someone)
oven r Ofen (stove)
ox r Ochs - See Cognate Sound Shifts
oxide s Oxid
oyster e Auster - See Vowel Sound Shifts (a-o)
ozone s Ozon
Pacific r Pazifik (from Latin)
pack n. s Pack
pack v. packen
package s Packet. s Päckchen (small package, packet)
pack ice s Packeis
pact, lease e Pacht (the German word is limited to its "lease" meaning)
pact r Pakt (from Latin)
paddle n. s Paddel
paddle v. paddeln
paean r Päan (Greek)
page (bellboy) r Page (pron. PA-zha)
pager r Pager
paginate paginieren
pagination e Paginierung
pair, couple s Paar
a couple, a few ein paar (adj)
a pair of shoes/socks ein Paar Schuhe/Socken
Pakistan s Pakistan - See Countries & Nationalities for more Pakistani adj. pakistanisch
Pakistani n. r Pakistaner/r Pakistani
palace s Palais
palace r Palast
Palestine s Palästina - See Countries & Nationalities for more
Palestinian adj. palästinensisch
Palestinian n. r Palästinenser/e Palästinenserin
palette e Palette
palm (tree) e Palme
Note: The palm of the hand is e Handfläche.
palmtop (PDA) r Palmtop
Pan myth. r Pan
pan n. e Pfanne*
pan- prefix pan-
pan-European paneuropäisch
Panama s Panama
Panama Canal r Panamakanal
panchromatic panchromatisch
pancreas s Pankreas
panda r Panda
pandemic e Pandemie
panic e Panik
panorama s Panorama
panther r Panther/Panter
papa r Papa
daddy r Papi
paparazzo r Paparazzo (pl. Paparazzi, paparazzi)
paper s Papier
papist r Papist
paprika s Paprika (Swiss = "hot chili pepper")
parasite r Parasit
parade e Parade
pardon n. r Pardon
pardon interj. pardon
parity e Parität
park n. r Park
park v. parken
parliament s Parlament
parliamentary parlamentarisch
parody e Parodie
FALSE COGNATE: die Parole is a
False Cognate meaning "slogan, password, motto."
parquet s Parkett
party (social) e Party
party (political) e Partei
pass r Pass (in mountains, from Latin)
pass r Pass (soccer)
passenger r Passagier (both from French)
passport r Pass (der Reisepass)
password s Passwort (das Codewort)
pastor r Pastor (Latin)
path r Pfad
pathfinder r Pfadfinder
diff. - Pfadfinder is also a boy scout.
patent s Patent (from Latin)
patient r Patient (medical)
patriot r Patriot (from French and Latin)
patriotism r Patriotismus
patrol n. e Patrouille (from French)
patrol v. patrouillieren
pause e Pause (from Greek)
pavilion r Pavillon (from French/Middle English)
peanuts e Peanuts (slang for "small amount" - from English)
pearl e Perle*
pedagogue, educator r Pädagoge
pedagogical, educational pädagogisch
pedagogy, education e Pädagogik
pedal s Pedal
pederast r Päderast
pediatrics e Pädiatrie
pedophile r Pädophile
pedophilia e Pädophilie
pendulum r/s Pendel* (both from Latin)
NOTE: der Pendler is a commuter, i.e., one who goes back and forth.
peep (n.) r Piep (also "beep" in English)
peep (v.) piep(s)en (also "to beep" in English)
peep show e Peepshow
pelican r Pelikan
penicillin s Penizillin/Penicillin (from Latin)
penis r Penis
penny r Pfennig*
pension e Pension (from French/Latin)
pep r Pep
peperoni Peperoni (pl.) = hot chili peppers
CAUTION: If you order a Peperoni-Pizza in Germany, you won't get a salami pizza!
pepper s Pfeffer - See Consonant Sound Shifts (ff-pp)
percent s Prozent (from Latin)
perfect perfekt (from Latin)
perfect (n.) s Perfekt (grammar)
perfume s Parfum
period (of time) e Periode
periodic (adj) periodisch
permanence (n.) e Permanenz
permanent (adj.) permanent
persistence e Persistenz (from Latin)
persistent (adj.) persistent
person e Person (Latin)
persona non grata e Persona non grata (Latin)
personal (adj.) persönlich (Latin)
personnel s Personal (Latin)
perspective e Perspektive (Latin)
diff. Perspektive can also mean "prospect(s)" or "angle/view."
f.c. s Perspektiv = spyglass, telescope > False Cognates
pervers perverse (Latin)
perversion e Perversion
pessimism r Pessimismus (Latin)
pessimist r Pessimist
pessimistic pessimistisch
petting s Petting (from English)
philharmonic e Philharmonie (orchestra, Greek)
philharmonic e Philharmonik (orchestra, Greek)
philosopher r Philosoph (Greek)
philosophical philosophisch
philosophy e Philosophie
phonograph r Phonograf (Greek)
photograph s Foto, e Fotografie (Greek)
f.c. r Fotograf = photographer > False Cognates
photography e Fotografie
pianist r Pianist (from English)
picnic s Picknick (from French)
pill e Pille (Latin)
pilsner (beer) s Pils/Pilsner
pinguin r Pinguin (Celtic/Welsh)
pirate r Pirat (from Latin - German: der Seeräuber)
piss (n.) r Piss
piss (v.) pissen
pizza e Pizza
pizzeria e Pizzeria
plagiarism s Plagiat (act of plagiarisn, from Latin)
plagiarist r Plagiator
plan r Plan
planet r Planet (Greek)
plant (botan.) e Pflanze (Latin)
plantation e Plantage (from French)
planning e Planung
plasma (blood, physics) s Plasma (Greek)
plaster (bandage) s Pflaster
Plato r Platon/Plato
platonic platonisch
plural r Plural (grammar, Latin)
Pluto (god, planet) r Pluto (Greek)
pneumatic pneumatisch (from Greek)
poetry e Poesie
poker s Poker (game, from English)
Poland s Polen*
polar polar (from Greek)
pole r Pol (magnetic, North, etc. - from Greek)
poly- Poly- (in compounds - from Greek)
polyglott r Polyglotte
polyester r Polyester
pomp r Pomp (Latin)
pony r Pony
pool r Pool > r Swimmingpool (from English)
pope r Papst* - See Vowel Sound Shifts (a-o)
pop music e Popmusik
popular populär
porcelain s Porzellan (from Italian/French)
porno r Porno
portion e Portion
portrait s Portrait/Porträt (French)
Portugal s Portugal
pose e Pose (French)
possessive s Possessiv (grammar, Latin)
position e Position (Latin)
post r Posten (position, Latin)
post office e Post (from Italian/French/Latin)
postal postalisch
poster r/s Poster (English)
potent potent (Latin)
pound s Pfund* (weight, currency - from Latin)
pragmatic pragmatisch (Greek)
practical praktisch (Greek)
practice (doctor, lawyer) e Praxis (from Greek)
prairie e Prärie (from French)
precise präzis
premiere e Premiere (French)
premium (award, reward) e Prämie (Latin)
preposition e Präposition (grammar, Latin)
present (tense) s Präsens (grammar, Latin)
present (v.) präsentieren (Latin)
presentation (n.) e Präsentation
press (n.) e Presse
prestige s Prestige
price r Preis (from French)
priest r Priester (from Greek)
prime minister r Premierminister
prince r Prinz (from French)
private privat
prize r Preis
probe (test) e Probe
product s Produkt (from Latin)
profane profan (from Latin)
professional, pro (n.) r Profi
professor r Professor (Latin)
profile s Profil (from French)
profit r Profit (Latin)
profit (v. profitieren
prognosis e Prognose (Greek)
program s Programm (Greek)
project s Projekt (Latin)
pronoun s Pronomen* (grammar, Latin)
propaganda e Propaganda (Latin)
propeller r Propeller (Latin)
prophet r Prophet (Greek)
prose e Prosa (Latin)
prostate e Prostata (Latin, German: die Vorsteherdrüse)
prudery e Prüderie (from French)
prudish prüde
Prussia s Preußen*
Prussian preußisch
psalm r Psalm (Greek)
pseudo- Pseudo- (in compounds, Greek)
psycho- Psycho- (in compounds, Greek)
psychology e Psychologie
puberty r Pubertät (Latin)
pulse r Puls (Latin)
puma r Puma
pump e Pumpe
pure (straight) pur (Latin)
puzzle s Puzzle
pylon r Pylon (Greek)
pyjama r/s Pyjama
pyramide e Pyramide
python r Python
Qatar s Katar* - See Countries in German
quack n. r Quacksalber*
quack v. (duck) quaken
quad, square s Quadrat*
quadrant r Quadrant
quadratic quadratisch
qualification e Qualifikation
quality e Qualität*
quantum s Quantum
quark s Quark (physics) - Note: r Quark is a False Cognate meaning a type of cheese or a "trifle."
quarter s Quartal* (financial)
quarter(s) s Quartier (accomodation, district)
quartet s Quartett
quartz r Quarz**
quasar r Quasar (physics)
quasi quasi (adj/prefix)
quay, waterfront r/s Quai (also r/s Kai)
quiche e Quiche (from French)
quicksilver, mercury (Hg) s Quecksilber* - See Chemical Elements
quiz s Quiz
quizmaster r Quizmaster (from English)
Note: Unlike "quizmaster," other so-called "English" words in German, such as der Talkmaster (talk show host) are not used in English. See Words and Expressions - Part 2 for more.
quorum s Quorum
FALSE COGNATE: die Quote is
a False Cognate meaning "rating" or "quota."
quote (v., price/rate) quotieren
Quran r Koran* (alt. spelling)
QWERTY (keyboard) e QWERTY-Tastatur (English)
QWERTZ (keyboard) e QWERTZ-Tastatur (German)
rabbi r Rabbi
race (breed) e Rasse*
racial rassisch*
racism r Rassismus*
racist r Rassist*
radar r/s Radar
radiator r Radiator
radical (adj.) radikal
radical (n.) s Radikal (chem.)
radio s/r Radio (from Latin)
radiology e Radiologie (from Latin)
radish s Radieschen*
radium (Ra) s Radium - See Chemical Elements
radius r Radius
radon (Rn) s Radon - See Chemical Elements
is a False Cognate meaning "Rote Armee Fraktion" ("Red Army
Faction"), a German terrorist group in the 1980s.
RAM s RAM (computing)
ramp e Rampe
rank r Rang*
ranking s Ranking (sports)
rap r Rap (music)
rapper r Rapper
rarity e Rarität*
rat e Ratte
FALSE COGNATE: der Rat is a
False Cognate meaning "advice, council."
ration(s) e Ration (pron. RAHT-see-ohn)
raven r Rabe*
reaction e Reaktion
reactor r Reaktor
reality e Realität*
realpolitik e Realpolitik** - See German Loan Words
rebate (discount) n. r Rabatt*
reception e Rezeption (hotel)
recession e Rezession (econ.)
recipe s Rezept
Caution! Das Rezept has other meanings in German, including "prescription" and "remedy."
record r Rekord
to set a record einen Rekord aufstellen
recycling s Recycling (from English)
redundance, redundancy (n.) e Redundanz
redundant (adj.) redundant
refined raffiniert*
reflexive (adj.) reflexiv
reform (n.) e Reform
reform (v.) reformieren*
Reformation e Reformation (religion)
refrain r Refrain (music)
regatta e Regatta
register s Register (list, index, musical)
regular regulär
regulate (v.) regulieren
relative Relativ- (in compounds)
relative pronoun s Relativpronomen
relative(ly) (adj./adv.) relativ
relativity e Relativität
theory of relativity e Relativitätstheorie
relax (v.) relaxen (from English)
relay s Relais (elec.)
relic s Relikt
relief s Relief (art)
religion e Religion
religious religös
renovate renovieren
repair (v.) reparieren
repair(s) (n.) e Reparitur (-en)
report r Report
reporter r Reporter
reporting, report e Reportage*
requiem s Requiem
reservation e Reservierung (hotel, travel)
reserve (v.) reservieren
reserve(s) (n.) e Reserve (-n)
reserved (adj.) reserviert
respect r Respekt
rest (repose) r Rast*
rest (v.) rasten*
Wer rastet, der rostet. ("who rests, rusts" = "A rolling stone gathers no moss.")
rest (remains) r Rest
restaurant s Restaurant
revenge e Revanche*
revision e Revision
revolution e Revolution
revolver r Revolver
revue e Revue (theater)
rheumatic rheumatisch
rheumatism s Rheuma
Rhine (river) r Rhein
rhyme r Reim
rice r Reis*
ride (n.) reiten (horseback)
rider r Reiter (horseback)
right, on/to the right (adv.) rechts*
right(s) (n.) s Recht*
ring r Ring
ripe, mature (adj.) reif*
risk s Risiko*
rival r Rivale
robot r Roboter
rock (music) r Rock - Also a false cognate!
rocket e Rakete*
role e Rolle
FALSE COGNATE: der Roman is
a False Cognate meaning "novel."
romance e Romanze (lit., music)
romantic romantisch
room (space) r Raum
rose e Rose
round (adj.) rund*
routine e Routine
rucksack r Rucksack
rudder s Ruder
rum r Rum
Russia s Russland* - See Countries in German
rust r Rost
sabbath r Sabbat
saber, sabre r Säbel*
sabotage e Sabotage (from French)
saboteur r Saboteur (from French)
sack r Sack
sacrament s Sakrament (from Latin)
saddle r Sattel
saddle v. satteln
sadism r Sadismus
sadist r Sadist
sadistic sadistisch
safari e Safari
safe r Safe (vault)
saga e Saga
Sahara e Sahara
saint r Sankt (from Latin)
salad r Salat (also means "lettuce")
salamander r Salamander
salt s Salz
salty salzig
salve e Salbe (ointment)
Samoa s Samoa - See Countries in German
sand r Sand
sandal e Sandale
sandwich r/s Sandwich
sapphire r Saphir
sarcasm r Sarkasmus
sarcastic sarkastisch
satellite r Satellit
satin r Satin
satire e Satire
satiric satirisch
satirist r Satiriker
Saturn r Saturn
sauce e Soße*
Saudi Arabia s Saudi-Arabien - See Countries in German
sauerkraut s Sauerkraut**
sauna e Sauna
saw e Säge
saw v. sägen
Saxony s Sachsen
say sagen*
scale e Skala (musical, etc.)
scandal r Skandal
Scandinavia s Skandinavien
scene e Szene
schnapps r Schnaps (hard liquor)
schnauzer r Schnauzer**
schnitzel s Schnitzel**
school e Schule*
schuss r Schuss (skiing)
Scotland s Schottland - See Countries in German
scruple(s) r Skrupel
sculpture e Skulptur
sea e See
der See = lake; German has two more words meaning "sea" or "ocean": das Meer and der Ozean.
season e Saison (sports, opera, travel, etc.)
second e Sekunde (time)
secretary e Sekretärin/r Sekretär
sect e Sekte
der Sekt = sparkling wine, champagne; see False Cognates
see sehen*
segment s Segment
self selbst
selfless selbstlos
seminar s Seminar
senat r Senat (from Latin)
senator r Senator
send senden
senior r Senior (senior citizen)
sensation e Sensation
sensational sensationell
sentimental sentimental
September r September (from Latin)
septet, septette s Septett (from Latin)
sequence e Sequenz (certain meanings only)
Serbia s Serbien
serenade e Serenade (certain meanings only)
series e Serie (TV)
serif e Serife (printing)
serum s Serum
service r Service (certain meanings only)
serviette e Serviette (British = Am. "napkin")
NEXT > S - Part 2
Continued from S - Part 1
sesame r Sesam (seasoning)
set setzen (place, put)
seven sieben* (see German Numbers)
sex r Sex (sexual)
sexual sexuell
sexy sexy
shade, shadow r Schatten*
Shah r Schah
shaman r Schamane
shame e Scham
shame v. beschämen, s. schämen
shampoo s Shampoo
sharp scharf
shear v. scheren
shellac r Schellack
sheriff r Sheriff
sherry r Sherry
shield r Schild
Note: s Schild = sign
shiite r Schiit/e Schiitin
shine r Schein
sunshine r Sonnenschein
shine v. scheinen (light, glow)
ship s Schiff*
shock r Schock
shoe r Schuh
shoemaker r Schuhmacher
shop v. shoppen (see Denglisch - Neudeutsch)
shoulder e Schulter
shovel e Schaufel*
show e Show
shower r Schauer (rain, snow)
shrill schrill
Also see: False Cognates
Siberia s Siberien
side e Seite* (also means "page")
sieve s Sieb
signal s Signal
silver s Silber
sing singen
singen/sang/gesungen - See Verbs - Ablaut Patterns
singer r Sänger/e Sängerin
singular r Singular (gram.)
siren e Sirene
sister e Schwester*
sit sitzen
situation e Situation
six sechs*
sixteen sechzehn* (see German Numbers)
sixty sechzig* (see German Numbers)
skeleton s Skelett
ski r Ski
slang r Slang
slave r Sklave
slit r Schlitz
slogan r Slogan
Slovakia s Slowakei
Slovenia s Slowenien
smear (be)schmieren
smith r Schmied
smog r Smog
snapshot r Schnappschuss* (photo)
snob r Snob
social sozial (some meanings)
socialism r Sozialismus
socialist r Sozialist
sock e Socke
sofa s Sofa
software e Software - See Computers & Internet Glossary
soldier r Soldat
sole s Sohle (shoe)
solid solid (some meanings)
solo s Solo
soloist r Solist
son r Sohn
song r Song
south r Süd(en)*
southern südlich
spaghetti Spaghetti (pl.)
Spain s Spanien* - See Countries in German
Spanish spanisch (adj.)
Spanish s Spanisch (language)
Note: Many German "v" cognates begin with "f" in English: father/r Vater, folk/s Volk, full/voll, etc.
vacuum s Vakuum
vagabond r Vagabund
vagina e Vagina
vaginal vaginal
vague(ly) vage
vampire r Vampir
vandal r Vandale
vandalism r Vandalismus
vanilla e Vanille (pron. va-NEEL-ya)
variable adj/adv variabel
Vatican r Vatikan
Vatican adj vatikanisch
For more countries and nationalities, see: Countries in German
vector r Vektor
vegan r Veganer / e Veganerin
vegetarian n r Vegetarier / e Vegetarierin
vegetarian adj vegetarisch
vegetarianism r Vegetarismus
vegetate vegetieren
vegetation e Vegetation
vegetative vegetativ
vehemence e Vehemenz
velour s Velour
vein e Vene
Venezuela s Venezuela
Venezuelan adj venezolanisch
Venezuelan n r Venezolaner / e Venezolanerin
For more countries and nationalities, see: Countries in German
ventilate ventilieren
ventilator r Ventilator
venous venös
Venus e Venus (myth., astron.)
verb s Verb (das Zeitwort)
verboten verboten**
veteran r Veteran
Caution: In German Veteran may also refer to a classic/antique car ("Oldtimer"). See False Cognates.
veto s Veto
VHS s VHS (pron. fow-ha-ess - "Video Home System")
The abbreviation VHS in German can also refer to "die Volkshochschule" (adult education/evening school). For more see: Abbreviations in German
viaduct r Viadukt
vibrate vibrieren
vibration e Vibration
vibrator r Vibrator
vice- Vize- (second in command)
vice-president r Vizepräsident
video s Video
video camera e Videokamera
Vietnam s Vietnam
Vietnamese adj vietnamesisch
Vietnamese n r Vietnamese/e Vietnamesin
For more countries and nationalities, see: Countries in German
villa e Villa
vinyl s Vinyl
viola e Viola
violet adj violett
violet s Violett
violin e Violine
viper e Viper
virus r/s Virus
visa s Visum - Note: The plural of Visum is Visa or Visen.
FALSE COGNATE: die Visite is a False Cognate
meaning "house call, round" (for a doctor or business person).
visor s Visier
visual visuell
vitamin s Vitamin
vocabulary (word) e Vokabel; plural: Vokabeln (vocabulary)
volcanic vulkanisch - See Vowel Sound Shifts (u-o)
volcano r Vulkan
volt s Volt
voltmeter s Voltmeter
voodoo r Voodoo
votive Votiv- (s Votivbild = votive picture)
voyeur r Voyeur (from French)
vulgar vulgär
accept akzeptieren*
accent r Akzent*
accord r Akkord (diff.) legal accord
accordian s Akkordeon
acrobat r Akrobat
act r Akt (theat.) - Caution! Also a false cognate!
active aktiv
acute akut
adapter r Adapter
address e Adresse
Adriatic (Sea) e Adria
Advent r Advent
affair e Affäre
Afghanistan s Afghanistan
Africa s Afrika
African adj. afrikanisch
African (person) r Afrikaner/e Afrikanerin
agent r Agent
alarm r Alarm (diff.) warning, alert
alcohol r Alkohol
alcoholic adj. alkoholisch
alcoholism r Alkoholismus
alcove r Alkoven
algebra e Algebra
all all, alle
allergic allergisch*
allergy e Allergie
allegorical allegorisch*
allegory e Allegorie
alms s Almosen*
alone allein*
alpaca s Alpaka
alphabet s Alphabet (das Abc)
alphabetic alphabetisch
Alps, the e Alpen*
altar s Altar
aluminum Am
aluminium Br s Aluminium
amateur r Amateur
Amazon (river) r Amazonas*
Amazon (woman) e Amazone
America s Amerika
American f. e Amerikanerin
American m. r Amerikaner
analog adj. analog
analysis n. e Analyse
analytical adj. analytisch
anarchy e Anarchie
anchor r Anker*
angel r Engel*
angst e Angst**
antenna e Antenne
antique e Antiquität
e Antike (f.c.) antiquity > False Cognates
ape, monkey r Affe*
apple r Apfel*
April r April
aquarium s Aquarium
Arab/Arabian r Araber
Arabia s Arabien
architect r Architekt
arm r Arm
arm (adj.) poor > False Cognates
army e Armee (pron. ar-MAY)
arsenic s Arsenik
artist r Artist (diff.) performer, artiste (not "artist")
e Art (f.c.) type, kind > False Cognates
ash(es) e Asche
Asia s Asien*
astronaut r Astronaut
athlete r Athlet
atlas r Atlas
Australia s Australien
avocado e Avocado
Exception to the rule that nouns ending in -o are usually das - See German Noun Suffixes and Gender for more
baby s Baby
badminton s Badminton
balcony r Balkon
Balkans, the r Balkan
ball r Ball
ballet s Ballett (from French)
balloon r Ballon
banana e Banane
band e Band (music)
r Band (diff.) volume (book)
s Band (diff.) ribbon, tape
bank e Bank
e Bank (diff.) bench
barometer s Barometer
bath s Bad* > Consonant Sound Shifts (d-th)
battery e Batterie
bear r Bär
bed s Bett* > Consonant Sound Shifts (tt-d)
bee e Biene > Vowel Sound Shifts (ie-ee)
beep r Piep (also "peep" in English)
beer s Bier > Vowel Sound Shifts (ie-ee)
benzene s Benzol (s Benzin) NOTE: Benzene is an ingredient in gasoline; Benzin = gasoline
Bible e Bibel
bikini r Bikini
billiards e Billard
bitter bitter
blind blind (pron. BLINT)
blinken blinken (flash, turn signal)
blinker r Blinker (turn signal)
blitzkrieg r Blitzkrieg**
blizzard r Blizzard
bloc/block r Block
(diff.) Block in German can have several meanings: bar (soap), bulk, (note) pad, etc., but not a city block.
blockade e Blockade
blond(e) blond
blood s Blut > Vowel Sound Shifts (u-oo)
blouse e Bluse*
blue blau*
blue jeans die Bluejeans (pl.)
board > on board an Bord (pron. on BORT)
boat s Boot* (pron. BOAT)
book s Buch*
born (p.p.) geboren*
boulevard r Boulevard (from French)
boxer r Boxer (dog and fighter)
brackish brackig (water)
bratwurst e Bratwurst**
Brazil s Brasil
bread s Brot*
broccoli die Brokkoli (pl.)
buffet s Buffet/s Büffet
bungalow r Bungalow
bus r Bus (pron. BOOCE)
butter e Butter
buzzard r Bussard
NOTE: Many c-words in English are k-words in German. The C and CH words in English usually reflect the c/ch-k shift in German. See Cognate Sound Shifts for more.
cabaret s Kabarett
cabinet s Kabinett
cable s Kabel
cadet r Kadett
cadre r Kader
café s Café
Cairo s Kairo
calendar r Kalender
calorie(s) e Kalorie(n)
camel s Kamel
camera e Kamera
Canada s Kanada
candidate r Kandidat
cannibal r Kannibale
cannon e Kanone
cape s Kap (geographic)
caravan e Karawane
carbuncle r Karbunkel
card e Karte
cardinal r Kardinal
Caribbean e Karibik*
Carnival (Mardi Gras) r Karneval
carp r Karpfen*
carrot e Karotte
cassette e Kassette
cassette recorder r Kassettenrekorder
cat e Katze
chapel e Kapelle*
charter flight r Charterflug
check (bank) r Scheck
chemical (adj.) chemisch*
chemical (n.) e Chemikalie*
chemist r Chemiker*
chemistry e Chemie*
China s China
chocolate e Schokolade
cigarette e Zigarette
clown r Clown
club r Club (pron. KLOOP)
cobra e Kobra
cocktail r Cocktail
diff. - Cocktail in German can also refer to a cocktail party or reception.
coffee r Kaffee
coma s Koma
comment, commentary r Kommentar
communism r Kommunismus
communist r Kommunist
compass r Kompass
compatible kompatibel (tech., lit.)
competence e Kompetenz
diff. - Kompetenz in German refers more to "authority" or "jurisdiction."
competent (adj.) kompetent
diff. - Also "authorized" or "having jurisdiction"
complex (adj.) komplex
complex (n.) r Komplex
complicated kompliziert
compromise r Kompromiss
computer r Computer
concert s Konzert
confetti s Konfetti
confirmation e Konfirmation (only in religious sense)
congress r Kongress
diff. - Kongress in German can also refer to a convention or trade show.
continent r Kontinent
cool kühl
cool! cool!
coral e Koralle
cork r Kork(en)
cost(s) die Kosten (pl.)
(f.c.) e Kost = food, fare
countess e Komtess
cow e Kuh
cowboy r Cowboy
creative kreativ
credit r Kredit (also means "loan" in German)
credit card e Kreditkarte
criminal r Kriminelle
criminal (adj.) kriminell
critic r Kritiker
(f.c.) e Kritik = criticism
crocodile s Krokodil
crocus r Krokus
crown e Krone*
crucifix s Kruzifix
Cuba s Kuba
cuckoo r Kuckuck*
curve e Kurve
dame e Dame
diff. - German Dame means "lady" (meine Damen und Herren = ladies and gentlemen) or "queen" in a deck of cards.
dance r Tanz
dancer r Tänzer/e Tänzerin
NOTE: Similar to dance/Tanz, other English-German cognates also reflect the so-called "d-t shift" in which an English d replaces the German t or th: dollar/Thaler, door/Tür, etc. This shift also works in the other direction: thank/danken, leather/Leder.
data e Daten (pl.)
data bank e Datenbank
date s Datum (calendar)
day r Tag* (d-t shift; see more under "dance" above)
dead tot* (TOTE)
death r Tod* (dare TOTE) (d-t shift; see more under "dance" above)
deaf taub* (d-t shift; see more under "dance" above)
debacle s Debakel
debut s Debüt
decadence e Dekadenz
decadent dekadent
decimal Dezimal-, e Dezimalzahl (decimal number)
December r Dezember
deck s Deck (nautical, bus)
decorate dekorieren
defect r Defekt (mech., physical)
demo e Demo (protest, sample)
Denmark s Dänemark
depot s Depot (storage, garage)
deserter r Deserteur
design s Design
designer r Designer
devil r Teufel* (TOY-fel) (d-t shift; see more under "dance" above)
diamond r Diamant
diesel r Diesel
NOTE: The diesel engine gets its name from its German inventor, Rudolf Diesel.
dike r Deich (barrier)
discipline e Disziplin
disco e Disko
discuss diskutieren (über)
discussion e Diskussion
dock s Dock (nautical)
doctor r Doktor
NOTE: As in English, the term Doktor can refer to various kinds of doctors (Ph.D., MD, etc.). A medical doctor or physician is der Arzt (m.) or die Ärztin (f.).
dollar r Thaler (d > th shift: Cognate Sound Shifts)
NOTE: A Thaler (pron. TALLER) is an old unit of currency from which "dollar" also gets its name.
dolphin r Delphin
domino r Domino (piece), s Domino (game)
door e Tür (d-t shift; see more under "dance" above)
doping s Doping
dove e Taube* (d-t shift; see more under "dance" above)
dozen s Dutzend
dream r Traum (TROW-m) (d-t shift; see more under "dance" above)
drink trinken
drunk(en) betrunken* (d-t shift; see more under "dance" above)
drug e Droge (illegal)
drugstore e Drogerie (sells cosmetics, toiletries, but NO prescriptions!)
dumb dumm (not smart)
dynamic dynamisch (adj./adv.)
dynamic(s) e Dynamik
dynamite s Dynamit
dynamo r Dynamo
dynasty e Dynastie
earth e Erde*
NOTE: The earth/Erde pair reflects the so-called "t-d shift" in which an English th or t is replaced by a German d, as in leather/Leder or thank/danken. This shift also works in the other direction: door/Tür. More in Cognate Sound Shifts.
earnest (serious) ernst
edit (computing) editieren
editor (computing) r Editor
effective effectiv
ego s Ego (also s Ich)
egoist r Egoist
Egypt s Ägypten*
Egyptian ägyptisch*
eight acht > Cognate Sound Shifts (ch-gh)
elastic elastisch
elbow r Ellenbogen*
electric(al) elektrisch
electrician r Elektriker
electricity e Elektrizität
electron s Elektron
electronic elektronisch
electronics e Elektronik
electrostatic elektrostatisch
elegance e Eleganz > Cognate Sound Shifts (z-c)
elegant elegant
element s Element
NOTE: Most of the chemical elements in German are also cognates and neuter (das). There are only a few Germanic exceptions that are masculine. For more see Chemische Elemente.
elephant r Elefant
elk r Elch > Cognate Sound Shifts (ch-k)
e-mail e E-Mail
emancipate emanzipieren
emancipation e Emanzipation
emblem s Emblem
embolism e Embolie
end s Ende
energy e Energie
engineer r Ingenieur* (with univ. degree)
England s England
English s Englisch
entertainer r Entertainer
equator r Äquator
era e Ära
erotic erotisch
ersatz** Ersatz- (in compounds)
Eskimo r Eskimo
Esperanto s Esperanto
espionage e Spionage*
espresso r Espresso
ethic(s) e Ethik
ethical ethisch
euro r Euro
Europa s Europa
European europäisch
even eben (level, flat)
SEE: Cognate Sound Shifts (b-v)
exact exakt
exclusive exklusiv
exist existieren
exotic exotisch
experiment s Experiment
explosion e Explosion
expressionism r Expressionismus
fable e Fabel
fabrication, manufacture e Fabrikation
fabulous fabulös
face lift s Facelifting
facet e Facette
facsimile s Faksimile (also see "fax")
fact s/r Fakt
Anglicism: Fakt ist, dass... = the fact is, that...
faction e Fraktion*
factor r Faktor
faculty e Fakultät
diff. - the German word also refers to a "school" or "college" within a university
fair adj. fair
fairly adv. fair
Also: unfair = unfair(ly)
fairness e Fairness
fair play s Fairplay
fakir r Fakir (Indian mystic)
falcon r Falke*
falconer r Falkner
fall v. fallen
fall n. r Fall (waterfall, a fall [tumble])
f.c. r Fall = case > False Cognates
fallout r Fallout
false, wrong falsch
familiar familiär
diff. - the German word also means "having to do with family"
family e Familie
fan r Fan (supporter)
fan club r Fanklub
fanatic adj. fanatisch
fanatic n. r Fanatiker
fanatical adj. fanatisch
fanaticism n. r Fanatismus
fantastic adj. fantastisch
fantasy e Fantasie (imagination; false picture)
farce e Farce (theatrical)
farm e Farm
farmer r Farmer
farmhouse s Farmhaus
fascism r Faschismus
fascist adj. faschistisch
fascist n. r Faschist
fat n. s Fett (also "grease")
fat(ty) adj. fett
fat(ty) adj. fettig
father r Vater*
faux pax r Fauxpas (from French)
favorite r Favorit
fax (facsimile) s Fax
feather e Feder*
NOTE: The feather/Feder pair reflects the so-called "t-d shift" in which an English th or t is replaced by a German d, as in leather/Leder or thank/danken. This shift also works in the other direction: door/Tür.
fecal adj. fäkal
feces Fäkalien pl.
feed, fodder s Futter*
feel fühlen*
feeler (bug) r Fühler*
fenestration s Fenster* (both from Latin)
ferry e Fähre*
fetish r Fetisch
fever s Fieber*
fiasco s Fiasko
field s Feld
figure e Figur
filet, fillet s Filet
Filipina n. e Filipina
Filipino n. r Filipino
filling, stuffing e Füllung*
film n. r Film (also movie)
film v. filmen (make a movie)
film festival n. s Filmfest
filter n. r Filter
filter v. filtern
final adj. final
finance n. e Finanz (the German word refers to the "financial world")
financial adj. Finanz- (in compounds)
financial adj. finanziell
find v. finden
finder r Finder
finger r Finger
See Parts of the Body (Lesson 15)
finite (verb) finit (in grammatical sense only)
Finland s Finnland
Finn (person) r/e Finne
Finnish adj. finnisch
See Land & Leute - nationalities
fire n. s Feuer*
fire v. feuern*
firm, company e Firma
fish n. r Fisch
fish v. fischen
fisher(man) n. r Fischer
fish market r Fischmarkt
fish(ing) net s Fischernetz
fission e Fission
fit adj. fit
fitness e Fitness
fitness center s Fitnesscenter
fix n. r Fix (drug slang)
flag e Flagge
flame e Flamme
flamingo r Flamingo
Exception to the rule that nouns ending in -o are usually das - See German Noun Suffixes and Gender for more
flask e Flasche (s Flakon)
diff. - Flasche means "bottle," but the words are related
flat platt - See Consonant Sound Shifts (p-f)
flesh s Fleisch (also "meat")
flight r Flug*
flirt n. r Flirt (a flirtation)
flirt v. flirten
flora e Flora
flounder (fish) r Flunder
fluid, flowing adj. flüssig*
fodder, feed s Futter*
foible (weakness, liking) s Faible*
foil n. e Folie (metal, plastic)
fold v. falten > Cognate Sound Shifts (t-d, a-o)
folk s Volk* > Cognate Sound Shifts (v-f)
foot r Fuß*
football (soccer) r Fußball*
force v. forcieren
forced adj. forciert
forest r Forst (r Wald is more common)
forest v. forsten
forester r Förster
form n. e Form
form v. formen
formal adj. formal
formality n. e Formalität
formalize v. formalisieren
format s Format
formula e Formel*
formula-1 race s Formel-1-Rennen*
forum s Forum
forty vierzig* > Cognate Sound Shifts (v-f)
forward vorwärts* > Cognate Sound Shifts (v-f, d-t)
fossil n. s Fossil
fossil/fossilized adj. fossil
foul n. s Foul (sports)
four vier* > Cognate Sound Shifts (v-f)
forty vierzig*
fox r Fuchs*
France s Frankreich*
freeze v. frieren*
freight e Fracht*
French adj. französisch*
French (lang.) s Französisch*
French (man) r Franzose*
French (woman) e Französin*
See Land & Leute - nationalities
fresh adj. frisch
friend m. r Freund
friend f. e Freundin
frog r Frosch*
front e Front
frontal frontal
frost r Frost
frustration r Frust*
full voll* > Cognate Sound Shifts (v-f)
gag r Gag
gait (going) r Gang* > Also see "gang"/die Gang
gala e Gala
gall, gall bladder e Galle
gallery e Galerie
gallium s Gallium
gallon e Gallone = 3.8 liters
gallop r Galopp
gang e Gang (group)
gangrene s Gangrän
gangster r Gangster
garage e Garage
garden r Garten
garotte e Garotte
garnish, decoration n. e Garnierung
garnish v. garnieren
garrison e Garnison
gas s Gas
diff. - The German word only refers to gaseous (natural) gas, not gasoline (s Benzin); exception: Gas geben = to step on the gas, accelerate
gas pedal s Gaspedal
gastronomic gastronomisch
gastronomy, catering trade s Gastronomie
gazelle e Gazelle
gendarmerie (police) e Gendarmerie (Austrian rural police; from French)
generation e Generation
general (adj.) generell
general (mil.) r General
generalize (v.) generalisieren
genius s Genie
Gesundheit!** (exclam.) e Gesundheit = health
ghost, spirit r Geist*
giant, titan r Gigant
gin r Gin
giraffe e Giraffe
give v. geben > Cognate Sound Shifts (i-e, v-b)
ghetto s Ghetto
glacier r Gletscher
gladiator r Gladiator
glamour s Glamour (art, press)
glamour girl s Glamourgirl
glass s Glas
glide gleiten*
global global
globe r Globus
glossary s Glossar
go (v.) gehen*
god, God r Gott > Cognate Sound Shifts (d-tt)
gold s Gold
golden golden
golf s Golf
good gut > Cognate Sound Shifts (d-t)
gorilla r Gorilla
gourmet r Gourmet
grandfather r Großvater
grapefruit e Grapefruit
grass s Gras
grave s Grab* > Cognate Sound Shifts (v-b)
gray grau*
great, grand, large groß* > Cognate Sound Shifts (t-ß)
Great Britain s Großbritannien
Greece s Griechenland*
Greek r Grieche/e Griechin
Greek (adj.) griechisch
Greek (lang.) s Griechisch
green grün
greenhorn s Greenhorn
Greenland s Grönland
greet grüßen*
grey grau*
grill r Grill
grill (v.) grillen (cooking)
f.c. - die Grille = cricket; see False Cognates
grotto e Grotte
ground r Grund
group e Gruppe
gum s Gummi
goulash s Gulasch
guard (mil.) e Garde (unit)
guardsman (mil.) r Gardist
guarantee e Garantie
guaranteed garantiert
guerilla r Guerilla
guest r Gast*
guitar e Gitarre*
gulf r Golf
gum, rubber s Gummi
chewing gum s Kaugummi
guppy r Guppy
guru r Guru
gymnastics e Gymnastik
Note: das Gymnasium = high school; see False Cognates
gyroscope s Gyroskop
ha interj. ha (ha ha)
habit r/s Habit (nun's dress only)
hack v. hacken (also: chop, mince, hoe)
hacker comp. r Hacker
hair s Haar
Haiti s Haiti
half adj. halb
half n. e Hälfte
hall e Halle (large room)
halo s Halo
halogen s Halogen
halogen lamp e Halogenlampe
hamburger r Hamburger
hammer r Hammer
hammer v. hämmern
hamster r Hamster
hand e Hand
handicap n. s Handikap (sports)
handy handlich
f.c. das Handy = cell phone, mobile phone
hang v. hängen
hangar r Hangar
happy ending s Happy-End
hard adj. hart > Cognate Sound Shifts (d-t)
harsh adj. harsch
hat r Hut
has v. hat/hast (form of have/haben below)
have v. haben > Cognate Sound Shifts (v-b)
hazelnut e Haselnuss
head s Haupt*
heal v. heilen*
hear v. hören*
heart s Herz* > Vowel Sound Shifts (e-ea) and Consonant Sound Shifts (z-t)
heat e Hitze*
heat (up) v. heizen*
helicopter r Helikopter (also r Hubschrauber)
helium s Helium (sym. He)
hell e Hölle*
helmet s Helm
help n. e Hilfe*
help v. helfen > Consonant Sound Shifts (p-f)
hematoma s Hämatom (med.)
hen e Henne
herd e Herde
f.c. der Herd = stove, range
here hier
high adj. hoch
high n. s Hoch
hobby s Hobby
hockey s Hockey
ice hockey s Eishockey
hold v. halten* > Consonant Sound Shifts (t-d) and Vowel Sound Shifts (a-o)
Holland s Holland
holy, sacred heilig*
homage e Hommage
home s Heim*
honey r Honig*
hoof r Huf*
hop n. r Hops/Hopser
hops (in beer) e Hopfen (pl.)
horn r Horn (on animal)
horror r Horror
hot heiß > Cognate Sound Shifts (o-ei, t-ss)
hotel s Hotel
hound (dog) r Hund
house s Haus
humane adj. human
diff. - r Mensch = human (being), menschlich = human
humanism n. r Humanismus
humanist n. r Humanist
humanistic adj. humanistisch
humor r Humor
hundred adj./num. hundert
hundred n. e/s Hundert
hunger r Hunger
hurrah, hurray interj. hurra
hurricane r Hurrikan (also r Orkan)
hut e Hütte
hygiene e Hygiene
hygienic hygienisch
hymn e Hymne
hypochondriac r Hypochonder
hypothesis e Hypothese
hysteria e Hysterie
hysterical hysterisch
iambic adj. jambisch
iambic pentameter fünfüßiger Jambus
Iberia Iberische Halbinsel (Iberian Peninsula, Spain & Portugal)
Iberian adj. iberisch
ibis s Ibis
ice s Eis (pron. like English "ice") > Vowel Sound Shifts (ei-i)
iceberg r Eisberg
ice cold adj. eiskalt
ice hockey s Eishockey
Iceland s Island (pron. EEZ-lant)
ichthyology e Ichthyologie (also e Fischkunde)
icon s Icon (computing)
icon e Ikone (person/religion)
icy adj. eisig
idea n. e Idee (pron. ee-day)
ideal adj. ideal
ideal n. s Ideal
idealism r Idealismus
idealize v. idealisieren
identical adj. identisch
identity e Identität
ideological adj. ideologisch
ideology e Ideologie
idiot r Idiot
idol s Idol (also r Götze)
idyll n. s Idyll
idyllic adj. idyllisch
igloo r/s Iglu
ignore ignorieren
illegal adj. illegal (also ungesetzlich)
illustrate illustrieren
illustrated adj. illustriert
immune adj. immun (to, gegen)
imperative (mood) r Imperativ (grammar, also e Befehlsform)
imperfect (tense) s Imperfekt (grammar)
imperialism r Imperialismus
imperialist n. r Imperialist
imperialistic adj. imperialistisch
import v. importieren
India s Indien
Indian r Inder (from India)
Indian adj. indisch (of India)
Indian adj. indianisch (American)
Indian r Indianer (Native American)
Note that German makes a distinction between an American Indian and a person from India.
Indian Ocean Indischer Ozean
Indonesia s Indonesien
industry e Industrie
influence r Einfluss > Vowel Sound Shifts (ei-i)
information e Information (pl. Informationen, die Infos)
In German the plural (Infos) is more common; the singular Information means "a piece of information."
insect s Insekt
intelligent adj. intelligent
intense/intensive adj. intensiv
intensive course r Intensivkurs
international adj. international
iota s Jota
Iran r Iran
Iranian adj. iranisch
Iranian n. r Iraner/e Iranerin
For more countries and nationalities, see: Countries in German
Iraq r Irak
Iraqi adj. irakisch
Iraqi n. r Iraker/e Irakerin
Ireland s Irland
Irish adj. irisch
Irish n. r Ire/e Irin
iridium s Iridium
For more elements, see: Chemical Elements in German
Islam r Islam
Islamic adj. islamisch
isolation e Isolation (state)
isolation e Isolierung (act)
Isolierung can also mean "insulation."
isomer s Isomer (chem.)
isometric adj.) isometrisch
isometrics e Isometrik
Israel s Israel
Israeli adj. israelisch
Israeli n. r Israeli/e Israeli
Italian See Italy below
Italy s Italien
Italian adj. italienisch
Italian n. r Italiener/e Italienerin
jackal r Schakal*
jacket e Jacke
jade (stone) e/r Jade (pron. YA-da)
jaguar r Jaguar
Jamaica s Jamaika
Jamaican adj. jamaikanisch/jamaikisch
Jamaican n. r Jamaikaner/e Jamaikanerin
For more countries and nationalities, see: Countries in German
January r Januar (pron. YA-nu-ar)
Japan s Japan
Japanese adj. japanisch
Japanese n. r Japaner/e Japanerin
jargon r Jargon
jasmine r Jasmin
Java s Java
jazz r Jazz (pron. like the English word)
jeans e Jeans (pl., pron. like the English word)
Jesus r Jesus (pron. YEAH-zoos)
jet (plane) r Jet (pron. like the English word)
jet set r Jetset
jet ski r Jetski
jewel s/r Juwel (pron. yu-VAIL)
job r Job (pron. like the English word)
jockey r Jockey
jogger r Jogger (pron. like the English word)
jogging s Jogging (pron. like the English word)
joker r Joker (cards)
Jordan r Jordan
Jordanian adj. jordanisch
Jordanian n. r Jordanier/e Jordanierin
journalist r Journalist
Judas r Judas (traitor)
juggle jonglieren*
juggler r Jongleur/e Jongleuse*
jumbo (jet) r Jumbo (pron. like the English word)
jumbo jet r Jumbojet (pron. like the English word)
jungle r Dschungel*
June r Juni
junior (Jr.) junior (with names)
Jupiter r Jupiter
jury e Jury (in contest/competition)
justice e Justiz (formal, legal)
kangaroo r Känguru
kaput kaputt**
karma s Karma
karate s Karate
kayak r Kajak
Kenya s Kenia
Kenyan adj. kenianisch
Kenyan n. r Kenianer/e Kenianerin
For more countries and nationalities, see: Countries in German
kerosene s Kerosin (jet fuel)
ketchup r/s Ketchup
kettle r Kessel
khaki r Khaki (cloth)
kHz s Kilohertz (kHz)
kidnapper r Kidnapper
kick n. r Kick (soccer)
The German word Kicker is a false cognate meaning soccer player (Fußballer).
killer r Killer
kilogram s Kilogramm
kilohertz s Kilohertz
Named for Heinrich Hertz, see: Inventors in German
kilometer r Kilometer
kilowatt s Kilowatt
kindergarten r Kindergarten**
king r König*
kiss r Kuss
kiss v. küssen
kitchen e Küche*
kitsch r Kitsch**
kitschy adj. kitschig**
kiwi r Kiwi (bird)
kiwi e Kiwi (fruit)
kleptomania e Kleptomanie
kleptomaniac r Kleptomane/e Kleptomanin
knee s Knie
knee-length knielang
knot r Knoten
knuckle r Knöchel/r Fingerknöchel
KO r KO (pron. KAH-OH, "knockout")
Koran r Koran
Korea s Korea
Korean adj. koreanisch
Korean n. r Koreaner/e Koreanerin
For more countries and nationalities, see: Countries in German
Kuwait s Kuwait
lab (laboratory) s Labor (from Latin)
in the lab im Labor
labyrinth s Labyrinth (Greek)
ladder e Leiter*
lady e Lady
ladykiller r Ladykiller
lamb s Lamm
lamp e Lampe
lantern e Laterne
Latin s Latein
latrine e Latrine (Latin)
laugh v. lachen* See Vowel Sound Shifts (a-au)
lava e Lava (Italian/Latin)
lay v. legen*
learn lernen/erlernen
leather s Leder* - See Cognate Sound Shifts (d-th)
Lebanese - See Lebanon below
Lebanon s Libanon
Lebanese adj. libanesisch
Lebanese n. r Libanese/e Libanesin
For more countries and nationalities, see: Countries in German
legion e Legion
legitimate legitim (lawful)
leitmotiv/leitmotif s Leitmotiv**
lesbian adj. lesbisch
lesbian n. e Lesbierin
lesion e Läsion (med.)
liberal adj. liberal (polit.)
liberal n. e/r Liberale (polit.)
liberalism r Liberalismus (polit.)
libretto s Libretto (mus.)
Libya s Libyen
Libyan adj. libysch
Libyan n. r Libyer/e Libyerin
license e Lizenz (Latin)
lick lecken
lie (recline) liegen
lied (song) s Lied** (pron. LEET)
lieder pl. Lieder** (pron. LEEDER)
lieutenant r Leutnant (mil.)
life s Leben*
live v. leben*
light adj. leicht (weight, difficulty)
light n. s Licht
lily e Lilie
linden e Linde/r Lindenbaum
line e Leine (rope)
line e Linie
link r Link (Web)
lip e Lippe
lipstick r Lippenstift
lisp n. s Lispeln
lisp v. lispeln
list n. e Liste
literary literarisch
literature e Literatur
lithium s Lithium (chem.)
live adj. live (pron. LYFE)
live v. leben*
liver e Leber* - See Consonant Sound Shifts (b-v)
Idiom: Ihm ist eine Laus über die Leber gelaufen.
He's in a bad mood/in ill humor. ("a louse ran across his liver")
MORE > German-English Idioms - L
lobby e Lobby (polit.)
local adj. lokal
locomotive e Lokomotive/e Lok
logic e Logik (Greek)
long adj./adv. lang/lange
louse/lice e Laus/Läuse (also see 'liver' above)
lousy lausig
love n. e Liebe* See Vowel Sound Shifts (ie-o)
love v. lieben*
lox (salmon) r Lachs* (German/Yiddish)
Lucerne s Luzern (city)
luke warm lauwarm*
lung(s) e Lunge (sing. in German)
Luxembourg/Luxemburg s Luxemburg
Luxemburgian adj. luxemburgisch
Luxemburger n. r Luxemburger/e Luxemburgerin
luxurious adj. luxuriös
luxury r Luxus
lymph n. e Lymphe
lymphatic adj. lymphatisch
lyrical adj. lyrisch
nabob r Nabob
nadir r Nadir
naked nackt - See Cognate Sound Shifts (t-d)
name r Name
nano- Nano-
nanosecond e Nanosekunde
NATO e Nato
nature e Natur
natural(ly) natürlich
nautical nautisch
navigation e Navigation
Nazi r Nazi
Neanderthal/Neandertal (man) r Neandertaler**
MORE (Neandertal) > How Do You Say "Porsche"?
nectar r Nektar
nectarine e Nektarine
negative adj negativ
negative s Negativ (film)
nephew r Neffe - See Cognate Sound Shifts (ff-ph)
nerve r Nerv
That gets on my nerves. Das geht/fällt mir auf die Nerven.
nest s Nest (also f.c.)
net s Netz
Netherlands e Niederlande
For more countries and nationalities, see: Countries in German
neuro- Neuro-
neuron s Neuron
neurotic adj. neurotisch
neurotic n. r Neurotiker
neutral neutral
neutrality e Neutralität
new neu (pron. NOY)
niche e Nische
nicotine s Nikotin
Niger r Niger (river)
For more world rivers, see: Rivers in German
Niger s Niger (nation)
Nigeria s Nigeria
Nigerian adj. nigerisch
Nigerian n. r Nigerianer/e Negerianerin
For more countries and nationalities, see: Countries in German
nihilism r Nihilismus
nihilist r Nihilist
nihilistic nihilistisch
Nile r Nil
For more world rivers, see: Rivers in German
nine neun
nipple r Nippel (tech.)
nirvana s Nirwana/Nirvana
nitrate s Nitrat
nitrite s Nitrit
nitro- Nitro-
nitroglycerine s Nitroglyzerin
niveau, level s Niveau (diff.)
Nobel prize r Nobelpreis
nobelium (No) s Nobelium
For more elements, see: Chemische Elemente
north r Nord - See Cognate Sound Shifts (d-th)
North Pole r Nordpol
note e Note (music, money, etc.)
notebook computer r Notebookcomputer (r/s Notebook)
notice e Notiz
nougat r/s Nugat
nuclear nuklear
nudism r Nudismus
nudist r Nudist
number e Nummer - See Cognate Sound Shifts
nun e Nonne
nut e Nuss - See Cognate Sound Shifts (ss-t)
nylon s Nylon
nymph e Nymphe
nymphomaniac e Nymphomanin
oasis e Oase
obelisk r Obelisk
object r Objekt
objective n. s Objektiv (lens)
objective(ly) adj./adv. objektiv
objectivity e Objektivität
obligation e Obligation
obligatory adj. obligat
obligatory obligatorisch
oboe e Oboe
oboist r Oboist
obscure(ly) obskur
observance e Observanz
observation e Observation
observatory s Observatorium
observe observieren
obsessive obsessiv
obsidian r Obsidian
obstinate obstinat
obscene(ly) obszön
obscenity e Obszenität
ocean r Ozean
Atlantic Ocean der Atlantische Ozean/der Atlantik
ocelot r Ozelot
octagon s Oktogon, s Oktagon
octahedron s Oktaeder
octane rating e Oktanzahl
octave e Oktave
octet s Oktett
October r Oktober
Oder e Oder (river)
For more world rivers, see: Rivers in German
Odyssey, odyssey e Odyssee
oedipal(ly) ödipal
Oedipus complex r Ödipuskomplex
officer r Offizier
official offiziell
offline offline
often oft
ohm s Ohm - named for the German physicist Georg Simon Ohm (1789-1854)
oil s Öl
oil industry e Ölindustrie
oily ölig
OK, okay OK, okay
old alt - See Vowel Sound Shifts (a-o)
oleander r Oleander
olive e Olive
Olympiade e Olympiade
Olympic adj. olympisch
Olympics/Olympic Games die Olympischen Spiele
Olympus r Olymp (Mount Olympus)
Oman s Oman
For more countries and nationalities, see: Countries in German
ombudsman r Ombudsmann (from Swedish)
omelette s Omelett
omen s Omen
oncology e Onkologie
online online
ontology e Ontologie
onyx r Onyx
opal r Opal
open offen - See Cognate Sound Shifts (ff-p)
opera e Oper
operate operieren (medical)
operation e Operation (medical)
operetta e Operette
opium s Opium
opposition e Opposition (astron., polit.)
optician r Optiker
optics e Optik
optimal optimal
optimist r Optimist
order n. e Ordnung
order (to rank, put in order) ordnen
organ s Organ (biol., med.)
organ e Orgel (musical)
organ bank e Organbank
organization e Organisation
orgy e Orgie
orientation e Orientierung
original(ly) adj/adv original, originell
original n. s Original
orthodox orthodox
orthodoxy e Orthodoxie
osmosis e Osmose
Ottoman adj osmanisch - See Cognate Sound Shifts (s-t)
Ottoman Empire das Osmanische Reich
out adj out (not in fashion)
out v. outen (to out someone)
oven r Ofen (stove)
ox r Ochs - See Cognate Sound Shifts
oxide s Oxid
oyster e Auster - See Vowel Sound Shifts (a-o)
ozone s Ozon
Pacific r Pazifik (from Latin)
pack n. s Pack
pack v. packen
package s Packet. s Päckchen (small package, packet)
pack ice s Packeis
pact, lease e Pacht (the German word is limited to its "lease" meaning)
pact r Pakt (from Latin)
paddle n. s Paddel
paddle v. paddeln
paean r Päan (Greek)
page (bellboy) r Page (pron. PA-zha)
pager r Pager
paginate paginieren
pagination e Paginierung
pair, couple s Paar
a couple, a few ein paar (adj)
a pair of shoes/socks ein Paar Schuhe/Socken
Pakistan s Pakistan - See Countries & Nationalities for more Pakistani adj. pakistanisch
Pakistani n. r Pakistaner/r Pakistani
palace s Palais
palace r Palast
Palestine s Palästina - See Countries & Nationalities for more
Palestinian adj. palästinensisch
Palestinian n. r Palästinenser/e Palästinenserin
palette e Palette
palm (tree) e Palme
Note: The palm of the hand is e Handfläche.
palmtop (PDA) r Palmtop
Pan myth. r Pan
pan n. e Pfanne*
pan- prefix pan-
pan-European paneuropäisch
Panama s Panama
Panama Canal r Panamakanal
panchromatic panchromatisch
pancreas s Pankreas
panda r Panda
pandemic e Pandemie
panic e Panik
panorama s Panorama
panther r Panther/Panter
papa r Papa
daddy r Papi
paparazzo r Paparazzo (pl. Paparazzi, paparazzi)
paper s Papier
papist r Papist
paprika s Paprika (Swiss = "hot chili pepper")
parasite r Parasit
parade e Parade
pardon n. r Pardon
pardon interj. pardon
parity e Parität
park n. r Park
park v. parken
parliament s Parlament
parliamentary parlamentarisch
parody e Parodie
FALSE COGNATE: die Parole is a
False Cognate meaning "slogan, password, motto."
parquet s Parkett
party (social) e Party
party (political) e Partei
pass r Pass (in mountains, from Latin)
pass r Pass (soccer)
passenger r Passagier (both from French)
passport r Pass (der Reisepass)
password s Passwort (das Codewort)
pastor r Pastor (Latin)
path r Pfad
pathfinder r Pfadfinder
diff. - Pfadfinder is also a boy scout.
patent s Patent (from Latin)
patient r Patient (medical)
patriot r Patriot (from French and Latin)
patriotism r Patriotismus
patrol n. e Patrouille (from French)
patrol v. patrouillieren
pause e Pause (from Greek)
pavilion r Pavillon (from French/Middle English)
peanuts e Peanuts (slang for "small amount" - from English)
pearl e Perle*
pedagogue, educator r Pädagoge
pedagogical, educational pädagogisch
pedagogy, education e Pädagogik
pedal s Pedal
pederast r Päderast
pediatrics e Pädiatrie
pedophile r Pädophile
pedophilia e Pädophilie
pendulum r/s Pendel* (both from Latin)
NOTE: der Pendler is a commuter, i.e., one who goes back and forth.
peep (n.) r Piep (also "beep" in English)
peep (v.) piep(s)en (also "to beep" in English)
peep show e Peepshow
pelican r Pelikan
penicillin s Penizillin/Penicillin (from Latin)
penis r Penis
penny r Pfennig*
pension e Pension (from French/Latin)
pep r Pep
peperoni Peperoni (pl.) = hot chili peppers
CAUTION: If you order a Peperoni-Pizza in Germany, you won't get a salami pizza!
pepper s Pfeffer - See Consonant Sound Shifts (ff-pp)
percent s Prozent (from Latin)
perfect perfekt (from Latin)
perfect (n.) s Perfekt (grammar)
perfume s Parfum
period (of time) e Periode
periodic (adj) periodisch
permanence (n.) e Permanenz
permanent (adj.) permanent
persistence e Persistenz (from Latin)
persistent (adj.) persistent
person e Person (Latin)
persona non grata e Persona non grata (Latin)
personal (adj.) persönlich (Latin)
personnel s Personal (Latin)
perspective e Perspektive (Latin)
diff. Perspektive can also mean "prospect(s)" or "angle/view."
f.c. s Perspektiv = spyglass, telescope > False Cognates
pervers perverse (Latin)
perversion e Perversion
pessimism r Pessimismus (Latin)
pessimist r Pessimist
pessimistic pessimistisch
petting s Petting (from English)
philharmonic e Philharmonie (orchestra, Greek)
philharmonic e Philharmonik (orchestra, Greek)
philosopher r Philosoph (Greek)
philosophical philosophisch
philosophy e Philosophie
phonograph r Phonograf (Greek)
photograph s Foto, e Fotografie (Greek)
f.c. r Fotograf = photographer > False Cognates
photography e Fotografie
pianist r Pianist (from English)
picnic s Picknick (from French)
pill e Pille (Latin)
pilsner (beer) s Pils/Pilsner
pinguin r Pinguin (Celtic/Welsh)
pirate r Pirat (from Latin - German: der Seeräuber)
piss (n.) r Piss
piss (v.) pissen
pizza e Pizza
pizzeria e Pizzeria
plagiarism s Plagiat (act of plagiarisn, from Latin)
plagiarist r Plagiator
plan r Plan
planet r Planet (Greek)
plant (botan.) e Pflanze (Latin)
plantation e Plantage (from French)
planning e Planung
plasma (blood, physics) s Plasma (Greek)
plaster (bandage) s Pflaster
Plato r Platon/Plato
platonic platonisch
plural r Plural (grammar, Latin)
Pluto (god, planet) r Pluto (Greek)
pneumatic pneumatisch (from Greek)
poetry e Poesie
poker s Poker (game, from English)
Poland s Polen*
polar polar (from Greek)
pole r Pol (magnetic, North, etc. - from Greek)
poly- Poly- (in compounds - from Greek)
polyglott r Polyglotte
polyester r Polyester
pomp r Pomp (Latin)
pony r Pony
pool r Pool > r Swimmingpool (from English)
pope r Papst* - See Vowel Sound Shifts (a-o)
pop music e Popmusik
popular populär
porcelain s Porzellan (from Italian/French)
porno r Porno
portion e Portion
portrait s Portrait/Porträt (French)
Portugal s Portugal
pose e Pose (French)
possessive s Possessiv (grammar, Latin)
position e Position (Latin)
post r Posten (position, Latin)
post office e Post (from Italian/French/Latin)
postal postalisch
poster r/s Poster (English)
potent potent (Latin)
pound s Pfund* (weight, currency - from Latin)
pragmatic pragmatisch (Greek)
practical praktisch (Greek)
practice (doctor, lawyer) e Praxis (from Greek)
prairie e Prärie (from French)
precise präzis
premiere e Premiere (French)
premium (award, reward) e Prämie (Latin)
preposition e Präposition (grammar, Latin)
present (tense) s Präsens (grammar, Latin)
present (v.) präsentieren (Latin)
presentation (n.) e Präsentation
press (n.) e Presse
prestige s Prestige
price r Preis (from French)
priest r Priester (from Greek)
prime minister r Premierminister
prince r Prinz (from French)
private privat
prize r Preis
probe (test) e Probe
product s Produkt (from Latin)
profane profan (from Latin)
professional, pro (n.) r Profi
professor r Professor (Latin)
profile s Profil (from French)
profit r Profit (Latin)
profit (v. profitieren
prognosis e Prognose (Greek)
program s Programm (Greek)
project s Projekt (Latin)
pronoun s Pronomen* (grammar, Latin)
propaganda e Propaganda (Latin)
propeller r Propeller (Latin)
prophet r Prophet (Greek)
prose e Prosa (Latin)
prostate e Prostata (Latin, German: die Vorsteherdrüse)
prudery e Prüderie (from French)
prudish prüde
Prussia s Preußen*
Prussian preußisch
psalm r Psalm (Greek)
pseudo- Pseudo- (in compounds, Greek)
psycho- Psycho- (in compounds, Greek)
psychology e Psychologie
puberty r Pubertät (Latin)
pulse r Puls (Latin)
puma r Puma
pump e Pumpe
pure (straight) pur (Latin)
puzzle s Puzzle
pylon r Pylon (Greek)
pyjama r/s Pyjama
pyramide e Pyramide
python r Python
Qatar s Katar* - See Countries in German
quack n. r Quacksalber*
quack v. (duck) quaken
quad, square s Quadrat*
quadrant r Quadrant
quadratic quadratisch
qualification e Qualifikation
quality e Qualität*
quantum s Quantum
quark s Quark (physics) - Note: r Quark is a False Cognate meaning a type of cheese or a "trifle."
quarter s Quartal* (financial)
quarter(s) s Quartier (accomodation, district)
quartet s Quartett
quartz r Quarz**
quasar r Quasar (physics)
quasi quasi (adj/prefix)
quay, waterfront r/s Quai (also r/s Kai)
quiche e Quiche (from French)
quicksilver, mercury (Hg) s Quecksilber* - See Chemical Elements
quiz s Quiz
quizmaster r Quizmaster (from English)
Note: Unlike "quizmaster," other so-called "English" words in German, such as der Talkmaster (talk show host) are not used in English. See Words and Expressions - Part 2 for more.
quorum s Quorum
FALSE COGNATE: die Quote is
a False Cognate meaning "rating" or "quota."
quote (v., price/rate) quotieren
Quran r Koran* (alt. spelling)
QWERTY (keyboard) e QWERTY-Tastatur (English)
QWERTZ (keyboard) e QWERTZ-Tastatur (German)
rabbi r Rabbi
race (breed) e Rasse*
racial rassisch*
racism r Rassismus*
racist r Rassist*
radar r/s Radar
radiator r Radiator
radical (adj.) radikal
radical (n.) s Radikal (chem.)
radio s/r Radio (from Latin)
radiology e Radiologie (from Latin)
radish s Radieschen*
radium (Ra) s Radium - See Chemical Elements
radius r Radius
radon (Rn) s Radon - See Chemical Elements
is a False Cognate meaning "Rote Armee Fraktion" ("Red Army
Faction"), a German terrorist group in the 1980s.
RAM s RAM (computing)
ramp e Rampe
rank r Rang*
ranking s Ranking (sports)
rap r Rap (music)
rapper r Rapper
rarity e Rarität*
rat e Ratte
FALSE COGNATE: der Rat is a
False Cognate meaning "advice, council."
ration(s) e Ration (pron. RAHT-see-ohn)
raven r Rabe*
reaction e Reaktion
reactor r Reaktor
reality e Realität*
realpolitik e Realpolitik** - See German Loan Words
rebate (discount) n. r Rabatt*
reception e Rezeption (hotel)
recession e Rezession (econ.)
recipe s Rezept
Caution! Das Rezept has other meanings in German, including "prescription" and "remedy."
record r Rekord
to set a record einen Rekord aufstellen
recycling s Recycling (from English)
redundance, redundancy (n.) e Redundanz
redundant (adj.) redundant
refined raffiniert*
reflexive (adj.) reflexiv
reform (n.) e Reform
reform (v.) reformieren*
Reformation e Reformation (religion)
refrain r Refrain (music)
regatta e Regatta
register s Register (list, index, musical)
regular regulär
regulate (v.) regulieren
relative Relativ- (in compounds)
relative pronoun s Relativpronomen
relative(ly) (adj./adv.) relativ
relativity e Relativität
theory of relativity e Relativitätstheorie
relax (v.) relaxen (from English)
relay s Relais (elec.)
relic s Relikt
relief s Relief (art)
religion e Religion
religious religös
renovate renovieren
repair (v.) reparieren
repair(s) (n.) e Reparitur (-en)
report r Report
reporter r Reporter
reporting, report e Reportage*
requiem s Requiem
reservation e Reservierung (hotel, travel)
reserve (v.) reservieren
reserve(s) (n.) e Reserve (-n)
reserved (adj.) reserviert
respect r Respekt
rest (repose) r Rast*
rest (v.) rasten*
Wer rastet, der rostet. ("who rests, rusts" = "A rolling stone gathers no moss.")
rest (remains) r Rest
restaurant s Restaurant
revenge e Revanche*
revision e Revision
revolution e Revolution
revolver r Revolver
revue e Revue (theater)
rheumatic rheumatisch
rheumatism s Rheuma
Rhine (river) r Rhein
rhyme r Reim
rice r Reis*
ride (n.) reiten (horseback)
rider r Reiter (horseback)
right, on/to the right (adv.) rechts*
right(s) (n.) s Recht*
ring r Ring
ripe, mature (adj.) reif*
risk s Risiko*
rival r Rivale
robot r Roboter
rock (music) r Rock - Also a false cognate!
rocket e Rakete*
role e Rolle
FALSE COGNATE: der Roman is
a False Cognate meaning "novel."
romance e Romanze (lit., music)
romantic romantisch
room (space) r Raum
rose e Rose
round (adj.) rund*
routine e Routine
rucksack r Rucksack
rudder s Ruder
rum r Rum
Russia s Russland* - See Countries in German
rust r Rost
sabbath r Sabbat
saber, sabre r Säbel*
sabotage e Sabotage (from French)
saboteur r Saboteur (from French)
sack r Sack
sacrament s Sakrament (from Latin)
saddle r Sattel
saddle v. satteln
sadism r Sadismus
sadist r Sadist
sadistic sadistisch
safari e Safari
safe r Safe (vault)
saga e Saga
Sahara e Sahara
saint r Sankt (from Latin)
salad r Salat (also means "lettuce")
salamander r Salamander
salt s Salz
salty salzig
salve e Salbe (ointment)
Samoa s Samoa - See Countries in German
sand r Sand
sandal e Sandale
sandwich r/s Sandwich
sapphire r Saphir
sarcasm r Sarkasmus
sarcastic sarkastisch
satellite r Satellit
satin r Satin
satire e Satire
satiric satirisch
satirist r Satiriker
Saturn r Saturn
sauce e Soße*
Saudi Arabia s Saudi-Arabien - See Countries in German
sauerkraut s Sauerkraut**
sauna e Sauna
saw e Säge
saw v. sägen
Saxony s Sachsen
say sagen*
scale e Skala (musical, etc.)
scandal r Skandal
Scandinavia s Skandinavien
scene e Szene
schnapps r Schnaps (hard liquor)
schnauzer r Schnauzer**
schnitzel s Schnitzel**
school e Schule*
schuss r Schuss (skiing)
Scotland s Schottland - See Countries in German
scruple(s) r Skrupel
sculpture e Skulptur
sea e See
der See = lake; German has two more words meaning "sea" or "ocean": das Meer and der Ozean.
season e Saison (sports, opera, travel, etc.)
second e Sekunde (time)
secretary e Sekretärin/r Sekretär
sect e Sekte
der Sekt = sparkling wine, champagne; see False Cognates
see sehen*
segment s Segment
self selbst
selfless selbstlos
seminar s Seminar
senat r Senat (from Latin)
senator r Senator
send senden
senior r Senior (senior citizen)
sensation e Sensation
sensational sensationell
sentimental sentimental
September r September (from Latin)
septet, septette s Septett (from Latin)
sequence e Sequenz (certain meanings only)
Serbia s Serbien
serenade e Serenade (certain meanings only)
series e Serie (TV)
serif e Serife (printing)
serum s Serum
service r Service (certain meanings only)
serviette e Serviette (British = Am. "napkin")
NEXT > S - Part 2
Continued from S - Part 1
sesame r Sesam (seasoning)
set setzen (place, put)
seven sieben* (see German Numbers)
sex r Sex (sexual)
sexual sexuell
sexy sexy
shade, shadow r Schatten*
Shah r Schah
shaman r Schamane
shame e Scham
shame v. beschämen, s. schämen
shampoo s Shampoo
sharp scharf
shear v. scheren
shellac r Schellack
sheriff r Sheriff
sherry r Sherry
shield r Schild
Note: s Schild = sign
shiite r Schiit/e Schiitin
shine r Schein
sunshine r Sonnenschein
shine v. scheinen (light, glow)
ship s Schiff*
shock r Schock
shoe r Schuh
shoemaker r Schuhmacher
shop v. shoppen (see Denglisch - Neudeutsch)
shoulder e Schulter
shovel e Schaufel*
show e Show
shower r Schauer (rain, snow)
shrill schrill
Also see: False Cognates
Siberia s Siberien
side e Seite* (also means "page")
sieve s Sieb
signal s Signal
silver s Silber
sing singen
singen/sang/gesungen - See Verbs - Ablaut Patterns
singer r Sänger/e Sängerin
singular r Singular (gram.)
siren e Sirene
sister e Schwester*
sit sitzen
situation e Situation
six sechs*
sixteen sechzehn* (see German Numbers)
sixty sechzig* (see German Numbers)
skeleton s Skelett
ski r Ski
slang r Slang
slave r Sklave
slit r Schlitz
slogan r Slogan
Slovakia s Slowakei
Slovenia s Slowenien
smear (be)schmieren
smith r Schmied
smog r Smog
snapshot r Schnappschuss* (photo)
snob r Snob
social sozial (some meanings)
socialism r Sozialismus
socialist r Sozialist
sock e Socke
sofa s Sofa
software e Software - See Computers & Internet Glossary
soldier r Soldat
sole s Sohle (shoe)
solid solid (some meanings)
solo s Solo
soloist r Solist
son r Sohn
song r Song
south r Süd(en)*
southern südlich
spaghetti Spaghetti (pl.)
Spain s Spanien* - See Countries in German
Spanish spanisch (adj.)
Spanish s Spanisch (language)
Note: Many German "v" cognates begin with "f" in English: father/r Vater, folk/s Volk, full/voll, etc.
vacuum s Vakuum
vagabond r Vagabund
vagina e Vagina
vaginal vaginal
vague(ly) vage
vampire r Vampir
vandal r Vandale
vandalism r Vandalismus
vanilla e Vanille (pron. va-NEEL-ya)
variable adj/adv variabel
Vatican r Vatikan
Vatican adj vatikanisch
For more countries and nationalities, see: Countries in German
vector r Vektor
vegan r Veganer / e Veganerin
vegetarian n r Vegetarier / e Vegetarierin
vegetarian adj vegetarisch
vegetarianism r Vegetarismus
vegetate vegetieren
vegetation e Vegetation
vegetative vegetativ
vehemence e Vehemenz
velour s Velour
vein e Vene
Venezuela s Venezuela
Venezuelan adj venezolanisch
Venezuelan n r Venezolaner / e Venezolanerin
For more countries and nationalities, see: Countries in German
ventilate ventilieren
ventilator r Ventilator
venous venös
Venus e Venus (myth., astron.)
verb s Verb (das Zeitwort)
verboten verboten**
veteran r Veteran
Caution: In German Veteran may also refer to a classic/antique car ("Oldtimer"). See False Cognates.
veto s Veto
VHS s VHS (pron. fow-ha-ess - "Video Home System")
The abbreviation VHS in German can also refer to "die Volkshochschule" (adult education/evening school). For more see: Abbreviations in German
viaduct r Viadukt
vibrate vibrieren
vibration e Vibration
vibrator r Vibrator
vice- Vize- (second in command)
vice-president r Vizepräsident
video s Video
video camera e Videokamera
Vietnam s Vietnam
Vietnamese adj vietnamesisch
Vietnamese n r Vietnamese/e Vietnamesin
For more countries and nationalities, see: Countries in German
villa e Villa
vinyl s Vinyl
viola e Viola
violet adj violett
violet s Violett
violin e Violine
viper e Viper
virus r/s Virus
visa s Visum - Note: The plural of Visum is Visa or Visen.
FALSE COGNATE: die Visite is a False Cognate
meaning "house call, round" (for a doctor or business person).
visor s Visier
visual visuell
vitamin s Vitamin
vocabulary (word) e Vokabel; plural: Vokabeln (vocabulary)
volcanic vulkanisch - See Vowel Sound Shifts (u-o)
volcano r Vulkan
volt s Volt
voltmeter s Voltmeter
voodoo r Voodoo
votive Votiv- (s Votivbild = votive picture)
voyeur r Voyeur (from French)
vulgar vulgär
Tuesday, April 05, 2011
"The mystic perfections achieved by actually successful yogīs are eight in number. Aṇimā-siddhi refers to the power by which one can become so small that he can enter into a stone. Modern scientific improvements also enable us to enter into stone because they provide for excavating so many subways, penetrating the hills, etc. So, aṇimā-siddhi, the mystic perfection of trying to enter into stone, has also been achieved by material science. Similarly, all of the yoga-siddhis, or perfections, are material arts. For example, in one yoga-siddhi there is development of the power to become so light that one can float in the air or on water. That is also being performed by modern scientists. They are flying in the air, they are floating on the surface of the water, and they are traveling under the water." ◦The Nectar of Devotion - 1970 Edition, NoD 1: Characteristics of Pure Devotional Service, Happiness in Krsna Consciousness
III.1. deśa bandhaś cittasya dhāraṇā
When the attention of the mind-stuff is directed in a single stream to a chosen field, without being dissipated and thus distracted – that is concentration.
III.2. tatra pratyayai 'katānatā dhyānaṁ
When the cognition is entirely concentrated in that field thus becoming its own field of observation – that is, when the observer is observed – it is meditation.
III.3. tad evā 'rthamātranirbhāsaṁ svarūpa śūnyam iva samādhiḥ
When the field of observation and the observing intelligence merge as if their own form is abolished and the total intelligence shines as the sole substance or reality, there is pure choiceless awareness without the divided identity of the observer and the observed – that is illumination.
III.4. trayam ekatra saṁyamaḥ
When these three happen together, there is perfect inner discipline. This can happen
during what is commonly known as the practice of meditation, and during any other
form of physical or mental activity.
III.5 taj jayāt prajñā lokaḥ
When such inner discipline is mastered, there arises the vision that is wisdom.
III.6. tasya bhūmiṣu viniyogaḥ
This vision (or the eye of intuition, or the eye of wisdom, or the inner light) can be directed to many fields of observation.
III.7. trayaṁ antaraṅgaṁ pūrvebhyaḥ
These three are inner spiritual practices compared to the other five already described – viz., discipline, observances, posture, exercise of the life-force, and introversion of attention.
III.8. tad api bahiraṅgaṁ nirbījasya
But even these three are external to that enlightenment in which the very seed of duality
ceases to exist.
Enlightened Living (Yoga Sutra of Patanjali) by Swami Venkatesananda 28
III.9. vyutthāna nirodha saṁskārayor abhibhava prādurbhāvau nirodha kṣaṇa
cittānvayo nirodha pariṇāmaḥ
Here, again, it is possible to conceive of three stages, though such sequence is not
inevitable. At first there is the effortless, though not mechanical, habit of shutting out an
undesirable or disturbing thought. This ability arises when there is direct awareness of
the moment of the rise of the movement of restraint and the cessation of the movement
of thought, and thus there is the understanding of the dynamics of thought. This
understanding itself is the formation of the faculty of restraint of undesired thoughts.
III.10. tasya praśāntavāhitā saṁskārāt
Though at first this may seem to involve effort, struggle and striving, when the habit of
restraint is formed, there is effortless, tranquil and spontaneous flow of the movement
of restraint, and the prevention of the undesired movement of thought.
III.11. sarvārthatai 'kāgratayoḥ kṣayo 'dayau cittasya samādhi pariṇāmaḥ
The second stage is the non-arising of distractions on account of the weakening of the
numerous distracting thoughts, and the effortless and natural unidirectional flow of the
mind-stuff. At this state, the mind-stuff is favourably disposed towards illumination as
the obstacles to such illumination are rendered inoperative.
III.12. tataḥ punaḥ śᾱntoditau tulya pratyayau cittasyai 'kᾱgratᾱ pariṇᾱmaḥ
When the two movements of thought-arising and thought-subsiding, the movements of
distraction and of restraint, are of equal force, the mind-stuff is in a perfectly balanced
state, which is one of non-division or no-polarity. There is neither (volitional) thinking
nor suppression of thought, and the intelligence has its natural, effortless unidirectional
movement which is in fact no-movement.
III.13. etena bhūte 'ndriyeṣu dharma lakṣaṇā 'vasthā pariṇāmā vyākhyātāḥ
Thus (that is, by explaining the dynamics of thought) the nature, characteristics and
changes in the states relating to all the cognitive faculties and their objects have been
explained: for they are closely related to and are essentially non-different from the
movement of thought in the mind-stuff.
III.14. śānto 'ditā 'vyapadeśya dharmā 'nupātī dharmī
For, a substance itself is put together and recognised as such by, and is non-different
from, a particular characteristic which may be in a dormant state, in an emerging state
or in an uncertain or potential state.
Enlightened Living (Yoga Sutra of Patanjali) by Swami Venkatesananda 29
III.15. kramānyatvaṁ pariṇāmānyatve hetuḥ
Surely, it is because of the existence of such a clear distinction of character of substances
and of the order in the sequence of the changes, that there is predictability of the
III.16. pariṇāma traya saṁyamād atītā 'nāgata jñānaṁ
Therefore, knowledge of the past and of the future (and such knowledge as not already
possessed) follows the practice of the three-fold inner discipline (concentration,
meditation and illumination together) in relation to the fundamental principle of the
three stages of the movement of thought – the movement of restraint, the non-arising of
distractions, and the perfectly balanced state.
III.17. śabdā 'rtha pratyayānām itare 'tarā 'dhyāsāt saṁkaras tat pravibhāga
saṁyamāt sarva bhūta ruta jñānaṁ
Language, meaning and conceptualisation are always superimposed on one another,
causing habit-patterns in communication. By the practice of the threefold inner
discipline on their differences there arises an understanding of the sounds uttered by all
III.18. saṁskāra sākṣātkaraṇāt pūrva jāti jñānaṁ
By the practice of the threefold discipline on the inherent tendencies, and by the direct
perception of such tendencies, knowledge of previous existence arises.
III.19. pratyayasya para citta jñānaṁ
In an intimate knowledge of the ground of the Mind, there is what at first sight appears
to be a supernatural knowledge of “other” minds, too, because in fact the intelligence
that is misunderstood as the mind is indivisible.
III.20. na ca tat sā 'laṁbanaṁ tasyā 'viṣayībhūtatvāt
This, however, does not imply particularised knowledge of the other personalities, –e.g.,
the motivations, the conditioning or the background of the “other” minds – for
knowledge of the “other” mind is impersonal and devoid of images and details.
III.21. kāya rūpa saṁyamāt tad grāhya śaktti staṁbhe cakṣuḥ prakāśā 'saṁprayoge
By the practice of the threefold inner discipline on the form and the substantiality of the
body, one can comprehend directly the energy that makes it possible to “grasp” it with
the eyes and so forth (for the flow of light-waves is the form); and when this energyEnlightened
Living (Yoga Sutra of Patanjali) by Swami Venkatesananda 30
function is suspended, the dynamics of perception is made inoperative, the link between
the perceiving eye and light is severed as it were – and invisibility occurs.
(Some editions have an additional sutra here suggesting similar phenomenon with the
sense of hearing.)
III.22. sopakramaṁ nirupakramaṁ ca karma tat saṁyamād aparānta jñānaṁ
ariṣṭebhyo vā
Action performed here yields results either immediately (if the action is of great
intensity) or in course of time (if it lacks intensity). By the practice of the threefold inner
discipline on the intensity or on the chain of action-reaction or the law of cause and
effect, there comes knowledge of death (though not knowledge of the ultimate extinction
of the ego-sense or liberation). This knowledge can also be gained by such discipline
directed towards omens and portents.
III.23. maitryādiṣu balāni
By the practice of the threefold discipline on qualities like friendship, one becomes an
embodiment of such qualities naturally, and thus one gains great moral, psychic and
spiritual strength.
III.24. baleṣu hasti balādīni
By the practice of the threefold discipline on various kinds of strength (physical, mental,
moral, psychic and spiritual) one grows to be as strong as, say, an elephant.
III.25. pravṛtty āloka nyāsāt sūkṣma vyavahita viprakṛṣṭa jñānaṁ
By correctly directing and focussing the light of perception in which the senses and their
objects (the whole of nature) function, knowledge can be gained of the subtle, the
hidden, and even the remote objects or phenomena.
III.26. bhuvana jñānaṁ sūrye saṁyamāt
By the practice of the threefold discipline on the sun, a knowledge of the physical
universe is gained.
III.27. candre tārā vyūha jñānaṁ
By the practice of the threefold discipline on the moon, there arises a knowledge of the
stellar system.
III.28. dhruve tad gati jñānaṁ
By the practice of the threefold discipline on the pole star, there comes a knowledge of
its movement (or the movement of the stars).
Enlightened Living (Yoga Sutra of Patanjali) by Swami Venkatesananda 31
III.29. nābhi cakre kāya vyūha jñānaṁ
By the practice of the threefold inner discipline at the psychic centre at the navel (the
Maṇipῡra cakra) the knowledge of the physiology of the body is gained.
III.30. kaṇṭhakūpe kṣut pipāsā nivṛttiḥ
By the practice of the threefold discipline at the pit of the throat (or, the psychic centre
known as the Viśuddha cakra), freedom from hunger and thirst is gained.
III.31. kūrma nāḍyāṁ sthairyaṁ
By the practice of the threefold discipline on the kῡrma-nᾱḍī, steadiness of the body and
the mind is gained.
III.32. mūrdha jyotiṣi siddha darśanaṁ
By the practice of the threefold discipline on the light that appears in the crown of the
head during meditation, one has the vision of sages who have attained perfection.
III.33. prātibhād vā sarvaṁ
All these can also be gained by direct intuitive perception; (Or, by the practice of the
threefold discipline on the inner light, all knowledge is gained).
III.34. hṛdaye citta saṁvit
By the practice of the threefold discipline on the spiritual heart (or the psychic centre
Anᾱhata) there arises knowledge concerning the mind-stuff or the undivided
III.35. sattva puruṣayor atyantā 'saṁkīrṇayoḥ pratyayā 'viśeṣo bhogaḥ
parārthatvāt svārtha saṁyamāt puruṣa jñānaṁ
The external object is totally distinct and different from what the experiencing
personality thinks it is. When, in a state of ignorance, the personality forgets this, and as
the object is imagined to be external for the enjoyment of another (which is the enjoyer),
he experiences pain and pleasure. When the threefold discipline is directed towards the
substance of this self or personality (or, towards the selfishness), there arises the
knowledge of the indwelling intelligence, with its conditioning which is the ignorance.
III.36. tataḥ prātibha śrāvaṇa vedanā 'darśā 'svāda vārtā jāyante
Thereupon (since knowledge of ignorance is the dispelling of ignorance, and the
intelligence that comprehends the mental conditioning is unconditioned) there come
Enlightened Living (Yoga Sutra of Patanjali) by Swami Venkatesananda 32
into being enlightened hearing, feeling, seeing, tasting and smelling – free from the
perversions, limitations and distortions born of ignorance.
III.37. te samādhāv upasargā vyutthāne siddhayaḥ
But, even such excellent sensations and feelings and the psychic powers described thus
far, which on the surface appear to be desirable and encouraging aspects of perfection,
are in fact impediments to enlightenment as they, too, distract and externalise the
III.38. bandha kāraṇa śaithilyāt pracāra saṁvedanāc ca cittasya para śarīrā 'veśaḥ
When there is loosening of the bondage of the consciousness to the body, as also an
understanding of the proper channel of the consciousness’s entry into and its
withdrawal from the body, the mind acquires the ability to enter another body.
III.39. udāna jayāj jala paṅka kaṇṭakādiṣv asaṅga utkrāntiś ca
When the anti-gravitational vital force that has an ascending flow is directly understood,
there follow powers of levitation and passage over water, mud, thorny bush, etc.,
without coming into contact with them.
III.40. samāna jayāj jvalanaṁ
When the vital force which maintains equilibrium and which fills the entire body with
light, life and power, is directly perceived and understood, there is effulgence and
radiance of one’s personality.
III.41. śrotrā 'kāśayoḥ saṁbandha saṁyamād divyaṁ śrotraṁ
By the practice of the threefold discipline on the relation between space, as the medium
of sound, and the sense of hearing, supernatural hearing is gained (since the flow of
sound-waves is identical with ether or space).
III.42. kāyā 'kāśayoḥ saṁbandha saṁyamāl laghu tūla samāpatteś cā 'kāśa
When the threefold inner discipline is directed towards the relationship between the
body and the space in which it moves, and when there is contemplation of the
weightlessness of cotton, the body acquires the quality of weightlessness and moves in
space with ease.
III.43. bahir akalpitā vṛttir mahā videhā tataḥ prakāśā 'varaṇa kṣayaḥ
Beyond all these is the state of consciousness which is not the product of thought; and
that is the cosmic intelligence which is independent of the body (or bodies – physical,
Enlightened Living (Yoga Sutra of Patanjali) by Swami Venkatesananda 33
astral and causal). By the practice of the threefold discipline upon that, the veil that
covers that light of cosmic intelligence is removed.
III.44. sthūla svarūpa sūkṣmā 'nvayārthavattva saṁyamād bhūta jayaḥ
By the practice of the threefold discipline on the gross (tangible, with form) and the
subtle (intangible, formless), and their conjunction, and the direct perception of their
apparently substantial nature, there arises the perfect understanding of the elements
that constitute that existence.
III.45. tato 'ṇimādi prādur bhāvaḥ kāya saṁpat tad dharmā 'nabhighātaś ca
Thence follow psychic powers like the ability to reduce the body to the size of an atom,
etc., and perfection of body and its immunity from the ravages of the elements of nature.
III.46. rūpa lāvaṇya bala vajrasaṁhananatvāni kāya saṁpat
What constitutes perfection of the body? Beauty, grace, strength, and adamantine
III.47. grahaṇa svarūpā 'smitā 'nvayārthavattva saṁyamād indriya jayaḥ
By the practice of the threefold discipline on the sense-functions (their action, their
characteristics, their fragmentary nature, their mutual relationship, and their substance
or their meaningfulness in relation to the indwelling intelligence on account of which
alone they are able to function) comes their total understanding and true mastery over
III.48. tato manojavitvaṁ vikaraṇabhāvaḥ pradhāna jayaś ca
When such understanding has been gained, the senses function with the speed of the
mind, and there is direct perception without the need of intermediary instruments (even
the sense-organs) and the realisation of oneness with the entire cosmic nature.
III.49. sattva puruṣā 'nyatā khyātimātrasya sarva bhāvā 'dhiṣṭhātṛtvaṁ sarva
jñātṛtvaṁ ca
The direct realisation of the independence of the indwelling intelligence from the mind,
that is from the conditions to which the psychic and the physical nature is subject,
brings with it superintendence over all states of being, and omniscience.
III.50. tad vairāgyād api doṣa bīja kṣaye kaivalyaṁ
When there is no craving or attraction even for such supremacy and for such
omniscience, all of which suggest a division in consciousness, and when the sense of
duality which is the seed for imperfection, impurity, or conditioned existence ceases,
Enlightened Living (Yoga Sutra of Patanjali) by Swami Venkatesananda
"The mystic perfections achieved by actually successful yogīs are eight in number. Aṇimā-siddhi refers to the power by which one can become so small that he can enter into a stone. Modern scientific improvements also enable us to enter into stone because they provide for excavating so many subways, penetrating the hills, etc. So, aṇimā-siddhi, the mystic perfection of trying to enter into stone, has also been achieved by material science. Similarly, all of the yoga-siddhis, or perfections, are material arts. For example, in one yoga-siddhi there is development of the power to become so light that one can float in the air or on water. That is also being performed by modern scientists. They are flying in the air, they are floating on the surface of the water, and they are traveling under the water." ◦The Nectar of Devotion - 1970 Edition, NoD 1: Characteristics of Pure Devotional Service, Happiness in Krsna Consciousness
III.1. deśa bandhaś cittasya dhāraṇā
When the attention of the mind-stuff is directed in a single stream to a chosen field, without being dissipated and thus distracted – that is concentration.
III.2. tatra pratyayai 'katānatā dhyānaṁ
When the cognition is entirely concentrated in that field thus becoming its own field of observation – that is, when the observer is observed – it is meditation.
III.3. tad evā 'rthamātranirbhāsaṁ svarūpa śūnyam iva samādhiḥ
When the field of observation and the observing intelligence merge as if their own form is abolished and the total intelligence shines as the sole substance or reality, there is pure choiceless awareness without the divided identity of the observer and the observed – that is illumination.
III.4. trayam ekatra saṁyamaḥ
When these three happen together, there is perfect inner discipline. This can happen
during what is commonly known as the practice of meditation, and during any other
form of physical or mental activity.
III.5 taj jayāt prajñā lokaḥ
When such inner discipline is mastered, there arises the vision that is wisdom.
III.6. tasya bhūmiṣu viniyogaḥ
This vision (or the eye of intuition, or the eye of wisdom, or the inner light) can be directed to many fields of observation.
III.7. trayaṁ antaraṅgaṁ pūrvebhyaḥ
These three are inner spiritual practices compared to the other five already described – viz., discipline, observances, posture, exercise of the life-force, and introversion of attention.
III.8. tad api bahiraṅgaṁ nirbījasya
But even these three are external to that enlightenment in which the very seed of duality
ceases to exist.
Enlightened Living (Yoga Sutra of Patanjali) by Swami Venkatesananda 28
III.9. vyutthāna nirodha saṁskārayor abhibhava prādurbhāvau nirodha kṣaṇa
cittānvayo nirodha pariṇāmaḥ
Here, again, it is possible to conceive of three stages, though such sequence is not
inevitable. At first there is the effortless, though not mechanical, habit of shutting out an
undesirable or disturbing thought. This ability arises when there is direct awareness of
the moment of the rise of the movement of restraint and the cessation of the movement
of thought, and thus there is the understanding of the dynamics of thought. This
understanding itself is the formation of the faculty of restraint of undesired thoughts.
III.10. tasya praśāntavāhitā saṁskārāt
Though at first this may seem to involve effort, struggle and striving, when the habit of
restraint is formed, there is effortless, tranquil and spontaneous flow of the movement
of restraint, and the prevention of the undesired movement of thought.
III.11. sarvārthatai 'kāgratayoḥ kṣayo 'dayau cittasya samādhi pariṇāmaḥ
The second stage is the non-arising of distractions on account of the weakening of the
numerous distracting thoughts, and the effortless and natural unidirectional flow of the
mind-stuff. At this state, the mind-stuff is favourably disposed towards illumination as
the obstacles to such illumination are rendered inoperative.
III.12. tataḥ punaḥ śᾱntoditau tulya pratyayau cittasyai 'kᾱgratᾱ pariṇᾱmaḥ
When the two movements of thought-arising and thought-subsiding, the movements of
distraction and of restraint, are of equal force, the mind-stuff is in a perfectly balanced
state, which is one of non-division or no-polarity. There is neither (volitional) thinking
nor suppression of thought, and the intelligence has its natural, effortless unidirectional
movement which is in fact no-movement.
III.13. etena bhūte 'ndriyeṣu dharma lakṣaṇā 'vasthā pariṇāmā vyākhyātāḥ
Thus (that is, by explaining the dynamics of thought) the nature, characteristics and
changes in the states relating to all the cognitive faculties and their objects have been
explained: for they are closely related to and are essentially non-different from the
movement of thought in the mind-stuff.
III.14. śānto 'ditā 'vyapadeśya dharmā 'nupātī dharmī
For, a substance itself is put together and recognised as such by, and is non-different
from, a particular characteristic which may be in a dormant state, in an emerging state
or in an uncertain or potential state.
Enlightened Living (Yoga Sutra of Patanjali) by Swami Venkatesananda 29
III.15. kramānyatvaṁ pariṇāmānyatve hetuḥ
Surely, it is because of the existence of such a clear distinction of character of substances
and of the order in the sequence of the changes, that there is predictability of the
III.16. pariṇāma traya saṁyamād atītā 'nāgata jñānaṁ
Therefore, knowledge of the past and of the future (and such knowledge as not already
possessed) follows the practice of the three-fold inner discipline (concentration,
meditation and illumination together) in relation to the fundamental principle of the
three stages of the movement of thought – the movement of restraint, the non-arising of
distractions, and the perfectly balanced state.
III.17. śabdā 'rtha pratyayānām itare 'tarā 'dhyāsāt saṁkaras tat pravibhāga
saṁyamāt sarva bhūta ruta jñānaṁ
Language, meaning and conceptualisation are always superimposed on one another,
causing habit-patterns in communication. By the practice of the threefold inner
discipline on their differences there arises an understanding of the sounds uttered by all
III.18. saṁskāra sākṣātkaraṇāt pūrva jāti jñānaṁ
By the practice of the threefold discipline on the inherent tendencies, and by the direct
perception of such tendencies, knowledge of previous existence arises.
III.19. pratyayasya para citta jñānaṁ
In an intimate knowledge of the ground of the Mind, there is what at first sight appears
to be a supernatural knowledge of “other” minds, too, because in fact the intelligence
that is misunderstood as the mind is indivisible.
III.20. na ca tat sā 'laṁbanaṁ tasyā 'viṣayībhūtatvāt
This, however, does not imply particularised knowledge of the other personalities, –e.g.,
the motivations, the conditioning or the background of the “other” minds – for
knowledge of the “other” mind is impersonal and devoid of images and details.
III.21. kāya rūpa saṁyamāt tad grāhya śaktti staṁbhe cakṣuḥ prakāśā 'saṁprayoge
By the practice of the threefold inner discipline on the form and the substantiality of the
body, one can comprehend directly the energy that makes it possible to “grasp” it with
the eyes and so forth (for the flow of light-waves is the form); and when this energyEnlightened
Living (Yoga Sutra of Patanjali) by Swami Venkatesananda 30
function is suspended, the dynamics of perception is made inoperative, the link between
the perceiving eye and light is severed as it were – and invisibility occurs.
(Some editions have an additional sutra here suggesting similar phenomenon with the
sense of hearing.)
III.22. sopakramaṁ nirupakramaṁ ca karma tat saṁyamād aparānta jñānaṁ
ariṣṭebhyo vā
Action performed here yields results either immediately (if the action is of great
intensity) or in course of time (if it lacks intensity). By the practice of the threefold inner
discipline on the intensity or on the chain of action-reaction or the law of cause and
effect, there comes knowledge of death (though not knowledge of the ultimate extinction
of the ego-sense or liberation). This knowledge can also be gained by such discipline
directed towards omens and portents.
III.23. maitryādiṣu balāni
By the practice of the threefold discipline on qualities like friendship, one becomes an
embodiment of such qualities naturally, and thus one gains great moral, psychic and
spiritual strength.
III.24. baleṣu hasti balādīni
By the practice of the threefold discipline on various kinds of strength (physical, mental,
moral, psychic and spiritual) one grows to be as strong as, say, an elephant.
III.25. pravṛtty āloka nyāsāt sūkṣma vyavahita viprakṛṣṭa jñānaṁ
By correctly directing and focussing the light of perception in which the senses and their
objects (the whole of nature) function, knowledge can be gained of the subtle, the
hidden, and even the remote objects or phenomena.
III.26. bhuvana jñānaṁ sūrye saṁyamāt
By the practice of the threefold discipline on the sun, a knowledge of the physical
universe is gained.
III.27. candre tārā vyūha jñānaṁ
By the practice of the threefold discipline on the moon, there arises a knowledge of the
stellar system.
III.28. dhruve tad gati jñānaṁ
By the practice of the threefold discipline on the pole star, there comes a knowledge of
its movement (or the movement of the stars).
Enlightened Living (Yoga Sutra of Patanjali) by Swami Venkatesananda 31
III.29. nābhi cakre kāya vyūha jñānaṁ
By the practice of the threefold inner discipline at the psychic centre at the navel (the
Maṇipῡra cakra) the knowledge of the physiology of the body is gained.
III.30. kaṇṭhakūpe kṣut pipāsā nivṛttiḥ
By the practice of the threefold discipline at the pit of the throat (or, the psychic centre
known as the Viśuddha cakra), freedom from hunger and thirst is gained.
III.31. kūrma nāḍyāṁ sthairyaṁ
By the practice of the threefold discipline on the kῡrma-nᾱḍī, steadiness of the body and
the mind is gained.
III.32. mūrdha jyotiṣi siddha darśanaṁ
By the practice of the threefold discipline on the light that appears in the crown of the
head during meditation, one has the vision of sages who have attained perfection.
III.33. prātibhād vā sarvaṁ
All these can also be gained by direct intuitive perception; (Or, by the practice of the
threefold discipline on the inner light, all knowledge is gained).
III.34. hṛdaye citta saṁvit
By the practice of the threefold discipline on the spiritual heart (or the psychic centre
Anᾱhata) there arises knowledge concerning the mind-stuff or the undivided
III.35. sattva puruṣayor atyantā 'saṁkīrṇayoḥ pratyayā 'viśeṣo bhogaḥ
parārthatvāt svārtha saṁyamāt puruṣa jñānaṁ
The external object is totally distinct and different from what the experiencing
personality thinks it is. When, in a state of ignorance, the personality forgets this, and as
the object is imagined to be external for the enjoyment of another (which is the enjoyer),
he experiences pain and pleasure. When the threefold discipline is directed towards the
substance of this self or personality (or, towards the selfishness), there arises the
knowledge of the indwelling intelligence, with its conditioning which is the ignorance.
III.36. tataḥ prātibha śrāvaṇa vedanā 'darśā 'svāda vārtā jāyante
Thereupon (since knowledge of ignorance is the dispelling of ignorance, and the
intelligence that comprehends the mental conditioning is unconditioned) there come
Enlightened Living (Yoga Sutra of Patanjali) by Swami Venkatesananda 32
into being enlightened hearing, feeling, seeing, tasting and smelling – free from the
perversions, limitations and distortions born of ignorance.
III.37. te samādhāv upasargā vyutthāne siddhayaḥ
But, even such excellent sensations and feelings and the psychic powers described thus
far, which on the surface appear to be desirable and encouraging aspects of perfection,
are in fact impediments to enlightenment as they, too, distract and externalise the
III.38. bandha kāraṇa śaithilyāt pracāra saṁvedanāc ca cittasya para śarīrā 'veśaḥ
When there is loosening of the bondage of the consciousness to the body, as also an
understanding of the proper channel of the consciousness’s entry into and its
withdrawal from the body, the mind acquires the ability to enter another body.
III.39. udāna jayāj jala paṅka kaṇṭakādiṣv asaṅga utkrāntiś ca
When the anti-gravitational vital force that has an ascending flow is directly understood,
there follow powers of levitation and passage over water, mud, thorny bush, etc.,
without coming into contact with them.
III.40. samāna jayāj jvalanaṁ
When the vital force which maintains equilibrium and which fills the entire body with
light, life and power, is directly perceived and understood, there is effulgence and
radiance of one’s personality.
III.41. śrotrā 'kāśayoḥ saṁbandha saṁyamād divyaṁ śrotraṁ
By the practice of the threefold discipline on the relation between space, as the medium
of sound, and the sense of hearing, supernatural hearing is gained (since the flow of
sound-waves is identical with ether or space).
III.42. kāyā 'kāśayoḥ saṁbandha saṁyamāl laghu tūla samāpatteś cā 'kāśa
When the threefold inner discipline is directed towards the relationship between the
body and the space in which it moves, and when there is contemplation of the
weightlessness of cotton, the body acquires the quality of weightlessness and moves in
space with ease.
III.43. bahir akalpitā vṛttir mahā videhā tataḥ prakāśā 'varaṇa kṣayaḥ
Beyond all these is the state of consciousness which is not the product of thought; and
that is the cosmic intelligence which is independent of the body (or bodies – physical,
Enlightened Living (Yoga Sutra of Patanjali) by Swami Venkatesananda 33
astral and causal). By the practice of the threefold discipline upon that, the veil that
covers that light of cosmic intelligence is removed.
III.44. sthūla svarūpa sūkṣmā 'nvayārthavattva saṁyamād bhūta jayaḥ
By the practice of the threefold discipline on the gross (tangible, with form) and the
subtle (intangible, formless), and their conjunction, and the direct perception of their
apparently substantial nature, there arises the perfect understanding of the elements
that constitute that existence.
III.45. tato 'ṇimādi prādur bhāvaḥ kāya saṁpat tad dharmā 'nabhighātaś ca
Thence follow psychic powers like the ability to reduce the body to the size of an atom,
etc., and perfection of body and its immunity from the ravages of the elements of nature.
III.46. rūpa lāvaṇya bala vajrasaṁhananatvāni kāya saṁpat
What constitutes perfection of the body? Beauty, grace, strength, and adamantine
III.47. grahaṇa svarūpā 'smitā 'nvayārthavattva saṁyamād indriya jayaḥ
By the practice of the threefold discipline on the sense-functions (their action, their
characteristics, their fragmentary nature, their mutual relationship, and their substance
or their meaningfulness in relation to the indwelling intelligence on account of which
alone they are able to function) comes their total understanding and true mastery over
III.48. tato manojavitvaṁ vikaraṇabhāvaḥ pradhāna jayaś ca
When such understanding has been gained, the senses function with the speed of the
mind, and there is direct perception without the need of intermediary instruments (even
the sense-organs) and the realisation of oneness with the entire cosmic nature.
III.49. sattva puruṣā 'nyatā khyātimātrasya sarva bhāvā 'dhiṣṭhātṛtvaṁ sarva
jñātṛtvaṁ ca
The direct realisation of the independence of the indwelling intelligence from the mind,
that is from the conditions to which the psychic and the physical nature is subject,
brings with it superintendence over all states of being, and omniscience.
III.50. tad vairāgyād api doṣa bīja kṣaye kaivalyaṁ
When there is no craving or attraction even for such supremacy and for such
omniscience, all of which suggest a division in consciousness, and when the sense of
duality which is the seed for imperfection, impurity, or conditioned existence ceases,
Enlightened Living (Yoga Sutra of Patanjali) by Swami Venkatesananda
Sunday, April 03, 2011
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