
Saturday, November 13, 2010

Racial Anger or careerism?
by L.C.Nunes

"The independent man, the man who decides autonomously according to his own conscience, gave way to an organization man who gives and takes orders."
E. Fromm

Anger is never a good argument, but it is difficult to judge the anger of my ancestors when they fled from countries where the pogroms was made by people who considered themselves as 'progressive' or 'futuristic' in the Europe of the most fearful years of the twentieth century. Today with so many postmodern arguments people who have similar views take up the pogroms as an example of targeted advertising that has had a devastating effect on a population not very informed about freedoms and rights. What I miss is a fair trial, based on criteria. What I see is the very lack of integrity, gang mentality, that ruthlessly defend their leader, whatever the cost. The tribe, the group, the band became more important than the mere idea of humanity in the world today.
Through a manipulated and censored information they mobilize the bias in social and political imaginary of the people, transforming class hatred on racial intolerance. In order to make the same in the present days of South America they take for granted whatver is said about Simon Bolivar, and we must remember the character of the caudillo dictators who were under his wake. Little is reflected on his true history. He is considered a hero, not a aristocrat who had a lot in common with D.Pedro I, the first brazilian emperor.
Indeed, all these people who considered him a here are copycats and inconsciently their model is the ancient kings of Spain.
One must remember that the persecution of Jews reached its peak in the kingdoms of Spain and Portugal. So it is written in the history of the colonies the racial hatred, intensified by slavery and immigrants' exploitation.
It's almost a miracle that there are no outbursts of racial hatred in Brazil. One of the reasons (but not only) it not happens in Brazil is possibly the miscegenation process.
But that does not mean racial clashes can not happen in the future.
Especially when there are political groups running a campaign in which people seek to use the people who are newly integrated in political scene under the Lula government.
This new integrated people, for not having had previous political involvement, are led to believe in the sense of opportunism to ascend socially in public office or receiving scholarships abroad, under the claim of racial discrimination, for a racially-oriented policy.
So just by mimicking the behavior which they condemn in other ethnic groups.
Under the label of political correctness there is an enourmous north-american interference in brazilian political scene, that comes to Brazil with some years of delay.
In fact, Clinton did the same claiming to be politically correct just for acting like a fascist to attack Somalia, Afghanistan and occupy Bosnia.
The so-called "political correctness" was just the effect of the fall of the Berlin wall and the single thought, originating in the unipolar world of American hegemony and military ordnance.
Thus, what is seen as a rescue of the people subjected to slavery 100 years ago, is nothing but a well-financed operation funded by U.S. foundations (Fulbright?) With the aim of exporting to Brazil the political correctness, in a moment he starts losing strength in the United States. The strength of such ideas is lost exactly because their intentions are not sincere. Actually it is also crossed as Bush and conservatives, use only one set of ideas, prejudices and begin to mobilize climb the ranks to earn his careerism means.
That explains why Bush, Clinton and Obama are in hand in Haiti.
This also serves as a warning and an appeal that does not start in Brazil, a campaign of racial hatred.
After all showed well as the experience in Haiti is not the breed that makes a government is good or bad. Anger can not be inspiring to good policies. We can fall in the pogroms, or even inter-racial inter-ethnical that occurred and still occur frequently in Zimbabwe and other African countries.
We've seen too many expressions of racial hatred in this coming century. I hope you think the problem in a deeper way. My skin, my family, my farm, that is the root of all problems. It would be better we thought how we can evolve together. What was done more than 100 years ago (slavery) or more than 50 years ago (holocaust) by human ignorance, nothing will add to our wisdom.
Living among humans always make us learn a lot, because if we stay only at the computer all the time we do not learn much. Our argument in favor of rights is successful to the extent of our moderation and balance with which we conduct actions in defending the common good. We must always think that are the acts that define us.