
Saturday, August 06, 2011

Des yeux roses

Répondre à un ami (des combats dans le passé) : Je ne vis pas pour inciter d'autres à mes idées. Je parle mes idées secrètes, sans intention de manipuler n'importe qui. Il suffit de dire ce que je pense. Si ce que je dis est vrai, alors dire que la vérité n'a pas à vous convaincre. Je n'ai pas vous induire avec des mensonges. Ne pas vous présenter comme un enfant qui accuse les autres de ses propres erreurs. Une chose que je dis, ce que vous appelez maintenant erreurs de votre vie passée, ont probablement été des moments de l'intégrité de votre vie. Si vous vous prétendez maintenant - d'avoir partagé certaines idées qui étaient aussi les miennes - votre plainte ne révèle pas l'erreur de vos idées à la fois, mais l'opportuniste dans laquelle vous êtes devenu plus tard. Les idées s'appliquent à vous uniquement lorsque vous prenez un avantage personnel. Vous n'avez pas d'évaluer les idées. Le fait que ces idées n'ont pas de sens pour vous, mais seulement les avantages que vous pouvez prendre d'eux, vous dire quelque chose. J'ai mon propre chemin et je suis prêt à discuter les idées qui bougeait, mais pas avec ceux qui ont tout simplement épuisé. Donc je ne vois pas les frais de connexion que tu fais. Vous essayez de voir aucune contradiction dans mon passé et le présent. Oui, il ya des idées à partir de laquelle j'ai évolué mais pas changé ou abandonné des idées pour recevoir des faveurs. Si je voulais être corrompus je serais resté dans le PT, surtout maintenant que le parti est au pouvoir. Au lieu de cela, j'étais dans le PT quand il était un parti qui a favorisé les luttes d'émancipation. Aujourd'hui, ce même parti est un cimetière où sont réunis des militants démoralisés et adaptée au pouvoir. Donc je ne suis pas intéressé de plus pour elle. Qui construit le PT d'aujourd'hui est très suspecte. En revanche, les révolutionnaires détruisent le pouvoir corrompu qui prône aujourd'hui le PT, c'est la simplicité des faits. Il est inutile de discuter des idées socialistes, là où ces idéaux sont négligés. Cette excuse que nous ne pouvons pas, car nous ne pourrions jamais, pas même de convaincre les enfants. FHC pas pris en charge, ni le populisme à la fois Brizola que Collor. Donc je ne vois pas de connexion. La question est: sommes-nous face à une nouvelle Getulism? Maintenant que je veux savoir. Une fois "ouvert" le Brésil a été difficile de discuter de quoi que ce soit. Je pense toujours que ce n'est déguiser Getulism pur. Même en Israël les gens se réveillent. Y aura des gens qui dorment en face de ce qui se passe? Ce discours n'est pas comme le dôme, après tout, ils sont la deuxième période la plus révolutionnaire dans la politique brésilienne. «Jamais dans l'histoire de ce pays», etc. La promotion agressive est une caractéristique typique. S'il ya des «progrès» au Brésil, n'est certainement pas issus de "l'ordre". Même sans une tradition de parti révolutionnaire, sans doute des progrès est venu par la demande populaire. Accepter que tout avance (bien que minime) provenait d'un Messie, c'est nier l'histoire elle-même. L'histoire est un processus, où les forces politiques se battent entre eux finit par reculer, trahir ou décevoir. Toutefois, la déclaration que le Brésil n'a pas de tradition révolutionnaire, paradoxalement, provoquer l'irritation du sommet de Castro-Lula. Pour eux, le gouvernement Lula Dilma est révolutionnaire. Les politiques de distribution des revenus sont révolutionnaires et, selon Dirceu, le même «allocation mensuelle" est révolutionnaire. Donc, il n'a guère de sens de penser - ce genre de révolution - est que vous voulez. Après tout, Chavez et Amadinejad et même Kadhafi, ils se considèrent comme des révolutionnaires. Donc, il n'avait pas la tradition révolutionnaire n'est pas un argument pour soutenir le gouvernement seulement parce qu'il fournit quelques avantages possibles. Pas si simpliste? Ce qui m'a inspiré pour écrire ce texte a été en regardant un discours de Chavez est assez brut, dans lequel il osignificado échange de tous les mots. "Démocratie" est de son gouvernement, «Révolution» est tout ce qu'il fait. La démocratie signifie le premier à Chavez lui-même. Au Brésil, Getulio Vargas, qui avait déjà pensé aussi. Regardez ce qui a donné ce genre de pensée. Et maintenant, nous avons vu les imitateurs ici au Brésil. Il est bon de regarder autour de temps en temps. La question est beaucoup plus profond. Juste ne vaut pas changer de positions politiques en fonction des bénéfices que les individus reçoivent. Par exemple, le gouverneur de Rio a été un membre du PSDB, quand il a voulu être élu. Et il est devenu membre du PMDB, quand il a voulu être élu gouverneur. Ce n'est pas une position politique, c'est simplement surfer sur la vague (pour dire le moins). La même chose peut être dit du maire de Rio, en aucune façon les offres qu'ils avaient dans les parties qui étaient auparavant un membre, sont annulés. Nous pouvons voir que, par la façon dont la gestion est faite aujourd'hui. Peut-être pour beaucoup de gens qui ont des yeux roses, n'apparaissent jamais le vol qui est fait. Il est admirable de l'effort de ne rien voir, mais la réalité est que les conditions sociales se dégradent un reflet direct de cela.
Manquer le train de l'histoire est une très mauvaise chose. Une fois que vous êtes vieux grincheux, se plaindre de tout. Il vaut mieux consacrer nos meilleures énergies et nous devons changer les choses dans le monde. S'il ya quelque chose de pourri dans ce monde, sont des investissements dans l'armement et répression policière contre les mouvements sociaux. Et seulement les pires fascistes - ils se sont installés dans leurs sièges - ne font rien pour changer la situation, ne se plaignent de ceux qui défendent leurs droits. Ils sont comme l'écho des dictatures. Si les gens ne font rien dans ce monde, et non pas les hippies (paix), mais ils sont exactement ceux qui souhaitent profiter des avantages de la lutte des autres, sans rien contribuer à gagner le combat. C'est l'épidémie de la «mouche bleue".

Friday, August 05, 2011

Le «bonapartisme» de Lula

L'économie brésilienne comme une économie qui reflète les mouvements de l'économie mondiale (en particulier les Etats-Unis) ne pouvait échapper à la crise mondiale. Cette crise est visible aux plus hauts niveaux du gouvernement.
La Lula - il semble que le changement de genre simple, il fait sens ici, avant de Lula était le président, je propose quelque chose de plus simple, pourquoi pas? - A pris ministres, mais n'a pas supprimé la question: qui gouverne le Brésil? Nous espérons que Lula n'est pas une grande couverture des banquiers, est aussi l'actuel président des Etats-Unis (du peuple, démocrates, etc) .. Il est facile d'imaginer toute analogie d'autres de cette situation: l'ancien Getulismo. Apparemment la nomination de la nouvelle ministre de la Défense est un virage à gauche (ce qui signifie qu'elle a peu de sens parce que le soi-disant de gauche Hugo Chavez et le Amdinejad, juste une démonstration de la décadence de la même marque), mais en fait, la seule mesure prises, a été: des allégements fiscaux de l'industrie. Pendant ce temps le travailleur (fonctionnaires, essentiellement civils) est chargé avec le gel des salaires. Dans le langage du ministre des Finances et la Banque centrale, ont tout simplement disparu du mot: l'inflation. Il était très utilisé pour geler les salaires, mais maintenant, l'effet est l'opposée. Eh bien, l'expérience syndicale du PT (le parti des travaillers) doit être bon à quelque chose au moins de changer la langue au moment opportun. La contradiction du gouvernement ((en fait le zig-zag:. parfois nationaliste, parfois, à la recherche d'un siège au Conseil de sécurité; prier pour une fin à la faim et la pauvreté, parfois soutenir l'agrobusiness et la déforestation) ne sont rien de plus qu'une expression de ce que les politologues appellent «bonapartisme». Le régime bonapartiste est le régime qui utilise une rhétorique hostile - en relation avec les puissances dominantes internationales (et dans le cas de Bonaparte ne fut pas seulement une question rhétorique), mais fait valoir que dans une défense nationale, dont le but est de gagner le soutien populaire, il finit par créer un système d'oppression politique et économique interne. Dans ce classement - on peut citer plus fini maintenant - les régimes en Iran et Venezuela (qui ont la sympathie de la ministre de la Défense nommé par Lula. Qui aura la réponse finale? A mon avis, les travailleurs à travers leurs syndicats jouent toujours un rôle clé pour répondre à ce stade.

Remarque: en portugais le mot calamar (Lula) n'a pas générique double. De même, le mot président. D'où le jeu de mots.

Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Définir la démocratie

La meilleure définition de la démocratie est ceci: c'est la loterie politique dans lequel certains idiots gagnent en excès, l'équivalent - à ce que beaucoup d'idiots - perdent progressivement. C'est la notion même du système politique dans lequel certains sont candidats pour les postes qui gèrent l'application des taxes de la population. L'autre, dans le même temps, sont réduits à choisir le vote sur les candidats des imbéciles, qui leur ressemblent, espérant profiter indirectement, sans exposer sa tête. Le vote est l'ingrédient de petites ajouté. La même chose arrive à la loterie, où de nombreuses petites sommes constituent la richesse de quelques-uns. Par conséquent, dans une démocratie, il ya deux types de imbéciles qui constituent la population civile:
1) les imbéciles pour les excès, et,
2) les imbéciles progressivement appauvri.
Chaque élection, et chaque tirage, les espoirs sont des ajouts renouvelée et de nouvelles, ainsi que plus de voix sont direciodas insensés pour des alternatives. Les élus, ou les gagnants, n'auront aucun souci pour les autres qui ont contribué à leur richesse. Toutefois, ils encouragent tout le monde à renouveler leurs espoirs. Et ainsi, tous les idiots perpétuer le système, avec des actions combinées des deux côtés, qu'ils soient gagnants ou perdants. Alors quel était le droit naturel lui-même en relation avec les droits d'autrui, est revendiqué par un autre et il a décidé de remodeler le système, interrompant une sorte de loterie pour créer un autre. Mais c'est la définition de la tyrannie, qui est aussi stupide, car en fait tout ce qu'ils font. Ainsi, les idiots se réunissent périodiquement dans la salle et s'asseoir autour de tables qu'ils appellent les partis politiques, dont le seul but est de blesser les autres idiots assis autour des tables d'autres. C'est pourquoi tant de promesses. Quand ils réalisent que les joueurs (ou les électeurs) sont en colère - avec les résultats des élections ou de loterie - ils rassemblent les tables pour faire ce qu'ils appellent la conférence, qui ne servent à insulter tous les autres ne sont pas assis là. Par conséquent, ce type de société on ne s'échappe l'étiquette de l'idiot.

Saturday, July 02, 2011

Une vie différente

Dans un moment de ces grandes cérémonies, l'écoute de cette histoire apporte un peu de la fraîcheur de la pensée d'une génération qui a osé vivre une vie différente. Une vie plus simple et beaucoup, beaucoup plus d'amour. A bientôt Philippe.

Une deuxième vie aux Maldives
Un reportage de Yves Pellissier, Christophe Bazille et Patrick Mauroy
Une production France 3 - Thalassa

Tout le monde, ou presque, en a rêvé au moins une fois, de préférence un jour d’hiver où rien ne sourit… Rêve de soleil et de liberté, rêve d’un ailleurs, rarement réalisé.
Ce jour de 1978, Philippe LAURELLA, lui, passe à l’acte. Imprimeur en région parisienne, il décide de changer de vie, en un instant, aussi brutalement que l’on claque une porte.
Pays, métier, famille, il laisse tout derrière lui et part loin, très loin, jusqu’à aborder sa « terra incognita » : l’archipel des Maldives ! Pendant les 25 années suivantes il sera « Mohamed Ali », bâtissant jour après jour sa nouvelle vie dans la petite île de VELIDHOO: quelques centaines d’habitants, pas d’électricité, pas de téléphone, bref le paradis !Là il se découvre de nouveaux talents : charpentier de marine, architecte naval, puis skipper de l’un des tous premiers voiliers de croisière maldivien: le « BAARA BARHU ». Parallèlement il construit sa maison et fonde une famille, rien dans la vie de Mohamed Ali ne le distingue plus de ses voisins Maldiviens dont il a intégré toutes les coutumes.Aujourd’hui, 32 ans après son arrivée dans le pays, la légende du « BAARA BARHU » et de son capitaine court encore dans tout l’archipel. Quant à notre homme, il vit de sa peinture et dessine à l’occasion des plans de bateaux pour ceux qui rêvent de faire comme lui.

Monday, June 06, 2011


by Luís César Nunes on Sunday, June 5, 2011 at 11:34pm.
Recently the Planalto (Plateau) as it is called the Brazilian Federal Executive, launched a booklet to "educate" those involved with educational institutions to relativize the grammar rules in order to promote educational access for the working classes. A great controversy has opened. The press launched a campaign and in the end, the Right that was previously sprayed or camouflaged in government, began attacking the textbook. These and other booklets, with which the government wished to maintain a semblance of progressive, seeking to portray themselves as observant of human rights, to the delight of the NGOs and international opinion. Surely this question is much more than educational policy. It is at these times that I reread the critical literature. I glanced at the Paulo Freire and I realized the mess created. For Paulo Freire, the booklet was a piece for the authoritarian regime. Not now, the booklet came to "liberate" the literate classes of linguistic prejudice against the popular dialects that is socially discriminated. Looking at it it seems pretty revolutionary. But the very Paulo Freire in Pedagogy of the Oppressed warned that "sloganeering" is also an authoritarian method, even when used by leftists.

Many years ago I attended a lecture by Prof.. Marcos Bagnoat UERJ (State University of Rio de Janeiro), and I would like to congratulate him for having been able to adopt those same concepts advocated by him more than 10 years ago. The vocabulary and the mode of presentation was certainly the contribution of this great teacher. I just do not quite understand - why a so brilliant proposal has been let easily capture by politicians on the Planalto? Surely the Lords of the Planalto are not intend to contribute to any debate by the end of prejudice language, if so, the Planalto would protect the rights of indigenous people who have - not only dialects but - entire language families. It seems that the proposal falls within the MEC Lula tactic of imitating the old Vargas Bonapartism. That is, stirs up a false polarization with the aim to eliminate the criticisms from the Leftists. Certainly, the "radical" left (in the sense given by Paulo Freire, disagrees with the policyof making booklets for every issue that is difficult to deal). And it seems that the Planalto solves all sensitive social issues through pamphlets. Thus, the Planalto is pleasing NGOs - responsible for drafting them - while washing its hands against the criticism. It is unfortunate that - the Planalto has anticipated the answers of the questions - just to deleted the debate. The question took the same course when the discussion about abortion in electoral campaign .

While many put the blame for Brazil's problems in the bourgeois press, the great contradiction is that - we would not have that kind of power - if we had another type of press. But I do not think the Lulism be naive to the point of neglecting what the press would do and what the Right would do. Recall of the abortion issue during the election campaign. The Lulism did a festival on the issue and when he had the first pressure from the evangelical right and Catholic it ran into the arms of the rightist churches, washing both hands like Pontius Pilate. The same happened with the issue of "anti-homophobia kit" and the same will happen now. Surely no one was happy with the fact that "The Lulism" give a gift to a certain Congressman (a Facist Right from Rio de Janeir) with a new electorate - that even he never dreamed crave. At these times linguists should stop neglecting the political works of N. Chomsky. It seems they want to force an artificial division in his work (both technical and political). "For those who stubbornly seek freedom, there Can Be no more urgent task than to come to Understand the Mechanisms and practices of indoctrination. These are easy to Perceive in the totalitarian societies, much less so in the system of 'brainwashing under freedom' to Which we are subjected and in Which Too Often we all serve the unwilling instruments. " - - - Noam Chomsky

By equating those who oppose the authoritarian method of bringing this discussion, Professor Bagno, put fuel on the flames of polarization. Thus, he conceals the main objective of the Planalto: polarize the issue. For only in this way a government can control a Popular Front with the parliamentary deputies support that ranges from Right to Left. Everything seems to have only one aim: elections. And in this case, the goal is to label all those opposed to the way Lulists govern, as ignorant. I do not see any contribution to this debate. For many years the military regime has also changed the structure of education in the finest arguments of modernization. . If this book (this booklet) now edited by the MEC, would put the light back then at the time of Military Regime, as the defenders of democracy are to be gathered against of it? The population (not just the media) are reading this episode as one more neglect of education. Mainly because the Planalto are being used contradictory policies: while standardized tests that are used to evaluate teaching, it uses an apparent linguistic liberalism to downgrade the classification of the indices. Does this kit have the same purpose as the others? Does the President (as was said in Chile, and now here) also wash their hands as it did in the homophobia kit and on the abortion issue? Those who defend the Planalto in everything must be vigilant. The target of environmentalists in Para can be a showcase of what's to come. The Planalto led - important representatives - to the Copenhagen conference, to protect the ecology. But soon they returned from Copenhagen, the Federal Deputies (the basis of the Government) have proposed - in Congress - to change the forest code, l in favor of loggers. Did the militants against language prejudice, will be talking to themselves as environmentalists did? Or as militants against homophobia? Consider the time of Allende in Chile, the people believed in him, and he appointed the Military group that later would overthrown him. This contradiction is typical of the popular front governments: they give speeches to the Left and in the end they are allied with the Right. The problem is that such electioneering strategy not end well in our America. See the President Bachelet of Chile itself.



Recentemente o Planalto, como é chamado o Poder Executivo Federal brasileiro, lançou uma cartilha para "educar" os envolvidos com as instituições de ensino a relativizar as normas gramaticais afim de favorecer o acesso educacional para as classes populares. Uma grande polêmica se abriu. A imprensa realizou uma campanha e, no fim, a Direita que estava até então pulverizada ou camuflada no governo, passou a atacar diretamente a cartilha. Essa e as outras cartilhas, com as quais o governo pretendia manter uma aparência de progressista, procurando mostrar-se como cumpridor dos direitos humanos, para deleite das ONGs e da opinião internacional. Com toda a certeza essa questão é bem mais política que educacional. É nessas horas que releio a literatura crítica. Passei os olhos no Paulo Freire e eu percebi a grande confusão criada. Para Paulo Freire, a Cartilha, era uma peça para o regime autoritário. Agora não, a cartilha veio para "libertar" as classes alfabetizadas do preconceito linguístico contra os falares populares que são socialmente discriminados. Olhando assim isso parece bem revolucionário. Mas o próprio Paulo Freire advertiu na Pedagogia do Oprimido que a "sloganização" é, também, um método autoritário.

Há muitos anos assisti uma palestra do Prof. Marcos Bagno na UERJ e eu gostaria de parabenizar a ele por ter conseguido aprovar àqueles mesmos conceitos defendidos por ele há mais de 10 anos atrás. Pelo vocabulário e pelo modo de apresentação certamente foi grande a contribuição desse professor. Eu só não entendi bem - por que uma proposta tão inteligente deixou-se capturar facilmente pelos políticos do Planalto? Com toda certeza os Senhores do Planalto não pretendem contribuir com nenhum debate pelo fim do preconceito linguístico, se assim fosse, o Planalto protegeria os direitos dos indígenas, que possuem - não só dialetos próprios, mas - famílias linguísticas inteiras. Parece que a proposta do MEC se insere na tática Lulista de imitar o velho bonapartismo getulista. Ou seja, atiça a Direita e depois provoca uma falsa polarização com o fito de eliminar as críticas de Esquerda. Com certeza, a esquerda "radical" (no sentido dado por Paulo Freire, discorda da política de Cartilhas. E, parece que - o Planalto só sabe solucionar as questões sociais sensíveis, por meio de cartilhas. Desse modo, o Planalto agrada as ONGs - responsáveis pela elaboração delas - e ao mesmo tempo lava as mãos contra as críticas. É lamentável que - ao ter antecipado as respostas das questões - tenha-se justamente suprimido o debate. A questão tomou o mesmo rumo da discussão sobre o aborto na campanha eleitoral.

Ainda que muitos coloquem toda a culpa dos problemas brasileiros na imprensa burguesa, a grande contradição é que - não teríamos esse tipo de poder - caso tivéssemos outro tipo de imprensa. Porém, não me parece que o Lulismo seja tão ingênuo ao ponto de negligenciar o que a imprensa faria e o que a Direita faria. Lembremos da questão do aborto durante a campanha eleitoral. O Lulismo fez um festival em cima da questão e quando sofreu a primeira pressão da direita evangélica e católica correu para os braços da igreja, lavando as duas mãos como Pôncio Pilatos. O mesmo aconteceu com a questão do "kit anti-homofobia" e o mesmo acontecerá agora. Com certeza ninguém ficou feliz com o fato de "O Lulismo" dar um presente a um certo Deputado Federal(da direita do Rio de Janeiro, mas da base do Governo Federal que se autodenomina de Esquerda) com um novo eleitorado - que nem ele mesmo sonhava almejar. Nessas horas os linguistas deviam deixar de negligenciar as obras políticas de N. Chomsky. Parece que querem forçar uma divisão artificial na obra dele (técnica e política). "For those who stubbornly seek freedom, there can be no more urgent task than to come to understand the mechanisms and practices of indoctrination. These are easy to perceive in the totalitarian societies, much less so in the system of 'brainwashing under freedom' to which we are subjected and in which all too often we serve as unwilling instruments." - - - Noam Chomsky

Ao igualar todos os que se opõem ao método autoritário de trazer essa discussão, o Prof. Bagno pôs lenha na fogueira da polarização. Desse modo, ele acoberta o principal objetivo do Planalto: polarizar a questão. Pois só desse modo um Governo de Frente Popular pode controlar uma base parlamentar com deputados de Direita e de Esquerda. Tudo parece ter apenas um objetivo: eleitoral. E, nesse caso, o objetivo é rotular todos os que se opõem ao modo Lulista de governar, como ignorantes. Não vejo nisso nenhuma colaboração para o debate. Há muitos anos o Regime militar também mudou a estruturação do Ensino sob os mais belos argumentos da modernização. Todos aqueles que eram contra os gospistas foram contra. Se esse livro (a tal cartilha) agora editado pelo MEC, fosse posto à luz naquela época, como os defensores da democracia se manifestariam frente of it? A população (e não apenas a imprensa) está lendo esse episódio como mais um descaso com a educação. Principalmente, porque estão sendo usadas políticas contraditórias. Ao mesmo tempo em que são usados testes padronizados para avaliar o ensino, usa-se um aparente liberalismo linguístico para rebaixar a qualificação dos índices. Será que esse kit terá o mesmo fim dos outros? Será que a Presidenta (como se dizia no Chile, e agora aqui) também lavará as mãos como fez no kit-homofobia e na questão do aborto ? Os que defendem o Planalto em tudo devem ficar alertas. O destino dos ambientalistas no Pará pode ser uma mostra do que está por vir. O Planalto levou - importantes representantes - à conferência de Copenhagen, para defender a ecologia. Mas logo que voltou de Copenhagem, os Deputados Federais (da Base do Governo), propuseram - no Congresso Nacional - alterar o código floresta,l em favor dos desmatadores. Será que os militantes contra o preconceito linguístico, ficarão falando sozinhos como os ambientalistas ? Ou como os militantes contra a homofobia ? Pensemos no Chile na época do Allende, o povo acreditava nele, e ele mesmo nomeou os golpistas para o governo. Essa é a contradição típica dos governos de frente popular: eles discursam para Esquerda e no final eles se aliam com a Direita. O problema é que essas manobras eleitorais não terminam bem na nossa América. Vide o próprio Chile da Presidenta Bachelet.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Papers in the archives are still worth far more than children

In general, the only thing the law does is change the side of the force. People who were once oppressed become the oppressors, simply because they were arguing that they were oppressed. Just as the commentators are divided between those who have only arguments in favor of a resolution and those who only have negative arguments. The balance cost much to stay in balance. For example, among the evil of those who suffer because they have no place to live, are those that invade the farms where they build without public permissions, moreover steal water and electricity, and even welcomed by the public as if they were discriminated against people (of course in exchange for votes in upcoming elections. It's always easy to position itself as defender of the poor in these moments, in a society so full of wants and desires rambling). Receiving public funds to complete their building and have its land occupied illegally legalized. However, people who build their house slowly with the stress of their work, having a legacy portion to be built by the descendants and did everything within the legal requirements, which won awards? Taxes and a troubled neighborhood without commitment to the place where they live. Built in a hurry, the pace of electoral campaigns, not worrying about the impacts to the environment. This is awarded by the government to redress social policies. Reparation for what? Justice or injustice? We find many who say they are discriminated because of their sexual orientation, but it is easy to see that some options that are unconventional, are now successful, often more than those who remain in the family traditions. Sex, or sex, are somehow linked to trade, since the same sex and reproduction has become big business. And so is being treated. And like other businesses, the market for reasons of profit can support the business as a complement, or rejects it as a competition that should be prevented even by violence. So is the business world. Of course, there are even those who suffer violence from their sexual choice, but do these also are not violated, and much more, for engaging in violent situations by themselves. So the problem is no longer discrimination and becomes the violence itself. Would those who say they are not also oppressed oppressors? Or at least when placed in a situation of oppressors, they do not behave exactly against those who criticized when it was oppressed? Well in that case, the law may be, under the beautiful argument of protecting the weak, giving new force to tyrants. Will - these movements - do not happen, just because some try to destroy their prospective enemies, encouraging - those characters and those ideas - which are most promising to destroy them? In a cynical attitude, usual, the mayor of Rio de Janeiro - said that - soon after the attack at school Tasso - do not hire janitors, or inspectors to the municipal schools, being schools, he said, open spaces of the citizen. Now he backtracked. That's because there was much pressure from the public (voters), due to exaggeration of the mayor to leave schools completely unguarded. Yesterday I went to the State of Judicial Forum Rio de Janeiro and then I was searched in every way by police and cameras, x-rays and so on. So I asked: what's so valuable is stored in that fortress. And then I received a cold response: papers. It seems that in our world papers in the archives are still worth far more than children.

Saturday, April 09, 2011

Vocabolario italiano

H.L. Mencken (1880–1956). The American Language. 1921.

IV. American and English Today

1. The Two Vocabularies

By way of preliminary to an examination of the American of today, here is a list of terms in everyday use that differ in American and English: American English

ash-can dust-bin
ash-cart dust-cart
ashman dustman
backyard garden
baggage luggage
baggage-car luggage-van
ballast (railroad) metal
barbershop barber’s-shop
bath-robe dressing-gown
bath-tub bath
beet beet-root
bid (noun) tender
bill-board hoarding
boarder paying-guest
boardwalk (seaside) promenade
boot high-boot
brakeman brakesman
bumper (car) buffer
bureau chest of drawers
calendar (court) cause-list
campaign (political) canvass
can (noun) tin
candy sweets
cane stick
canned-goods tinned-goods
car (railroad) carriage, van or waggon
checkers (game) draughts
chicken-yard fowl-run
chief-clerk head-clerk
chief-of-police chief-constable
city-editor chief-reporter
city-ordinance by-law
clipping (newspaper) cutting
closed-season close-season
coal coals
coal-oil paraffin
collar-button stud
commission-merchant factor, or commission-agent
commutation-ticket season-ticket
conductor (of a train) guard
corn maize, or Indian corn
corner (of a street) crossing
corn-meal Indian meal
counterfeiter coiner
cow-catcher plough
cracker biscuit
crazy-bone funny-bone
cross-tie sleeper
crystal (watch) watch-glass
department-store stores
derby (hat) bowler
dime-novel penny-dreadful
district (political) division
druggist chemist
drug-store chemist’s shop
drummer bagman
dry-goods-store draper’s-shop
editorial (noun) leader, or leading-article
elevator lift
elevator-boy lift-man
enlisted-man private-soldier
excursionist tripper
ferns bracken
filing-cabinet nest-of-drawers
fire-department fire-brigade
fish-dealer fishmonger
floor-walker shop-walker
fraternal-order friendly-society
freight goods
freight-agent goods-manager
freight-car goods-waggon
freight-elevator hoist
frog (railway) crossing-plate
garters (men’s) sock-suspenders
gasoline petrol
grade (railroad) gradient
grain corn
grain-broker corn-factor
groceries stores
hardware-dealer ironmonger
headliner topliner
hod-carrier hodman
hog-pen piggery
hood (automobile) bonnet
hospital (private) nursing-home
huckster coster (monger)
hunting shooting
Indian Red Indian
Indian Summer St. Martin’s Summer
instalment-business credit-trade
instalment-plan hire-purchase plan
internal-revenue inland-revenue
janitor caretaker, or porter
laborer navvy
legal-holiday bank-holiday
letter-box pillar-box
letter-carrier postman
locomotive engineer engine-driver
long-distance-call trunk-call
lumber deals
lumber-yard timber-yard
mad angry
mantelpiece chimney-piece
Methodist Wesleyan
molasses treacle
monkey-wrench spanner
moving-picture-theatre cinema, or picture-palace
necktie tie
news-dealer news-agent
newspaper-man pressman, or journalist
notions small-wares
oatmeal porridge
officeholder public-servant
orchestra (seats in a theatre) stalls
outbuildings (farm) offices
overcoat great-coat
package parcel
parlor drawing-room
parlor-car saloon-carriage
patrolman (police) constable
pay-day wage-day
peanut monkey-nut
pen-point nib
period (punctuation) full-stop
pitcher jug
plant (industrial) works
poorhouse workhouse
post-paid post-free
potpie pie
prepaid carriage-paid
press (printing) machine
program (of a meeting) agenda
public-school board-school
quotation-marks inverted-commas
railroad railway 1
railroad-man railway-servant
rails line
rare (of meat) underdone
receipts (in business) takings
Rhine-wine Hock
road-bed (railroad) permanent-way
road-repairer road-mender
roast joint
roll (of films) spool
roll-call division
rooster cock
round-trip-ticket return-ticket
saleswoman shop-assistant
saloon public-house
scarf-pin tie-pin
scow lighter
sewerage drains
shirtwaist blouse
shoe boot
shoemaker bootmaker
shoe-shine boot-polish
shoestring bootlace
shoe-tree boot-tree
sick ill
sidewalk footpath, or pavement
silver (collectively) plate
sled sledge
sleigh sledge
soft-drinks minerals
smoking-room smoke-room
spigot (or faucet) tap
sponge (surgical) tap
stem-winder keyless-watch
stockholder shareholder
stocks shares
store-fixtures shop-fittings
street-cleaner crossing-sweeper
street-railway tramway
subway tube, or underground
suspenders (men’s) braces
sweater jersey
switch (noun, railway) points
switch (verb, railway) shunt
taxes (municipal) rates
taxpayer (local) ratepayer
tenderloin (of beef) under-cut, or fillet
ten-pins nine-pins
terminal (railroad) terminus
thumb-tack drawing-office
ticket-office booking-office
tinner tinker
tin-roof leads
track (railroad) line
trained-nurse hospital-nurse
transom (of door) fanlight
trolley-car tramcar
truck (vehicle) lorry
truck (of a railroad car) bogie
typewriter (operator) typist
typhoid-fever enteric
undershirt vest
vaudeville-theatre music-hall
vest waistcoat
warden (of a prison) governor
warehouse stores
wash-rag face-cloth
wash-stand wash-hand-stand
waste-basket waste-paper-basket
whippletree splinter-bar
witness-stand witness-box


Les verbes constituant cette liste donnent accès à leur conjugaison

accept akzeptieren*

accent r Akzent*

accord r Akkord (diff.) legal accord

accordian s Akkordeon

acrobat r Akrobat

act r Akt (theat.) - Caution! Also a false cognate!

active aktiv

acute akut

adapter r Adapter

address e Adresse

Adriatic (Sea) e Adria

Advent r Advent

affair e Affäre

Afghanistan s Afghanistan

Africa s Afrika
African adj. afrikanisch
African (person) r Afrikaner/e Afrikanerin

agent r Agent

alarm r Alarm (diff.) warning, alert

alcohol r Alkohol
alcoholic adj. alkoholisch
alcoholism r Alkoholismus

alcove r Alkoven

algebra e Algebra

all all, alle

allergic allergisch*
allergy e Allergie

allegorical allegorisch*
allegory e Allegorie

alms s Almosen*

alone allein*

alpaca s Alpaka

alphabet s Alphabet (das Abc)
alphabetic alphabetisch

Alps, the e Alpen*

altar s Altar

aluminum Am
aluminium Br s Aluminium

amateur r Amateur

Amazon (river) r Amazonas*
Amazon (woman) e Amazone

America s Amerika
American f. e Amerikanerin
American m. r Amerikaner

analog adj. analog

analysis n. e Analyse
analytical adj. analytisch

anarchy e Anarchie

anchor r Anker*

angel r Engel*

angst e Angst**

antenna e Antenne

antique e Antiquität
e Antike (f.c.) antiquity > False Cognates

ape, monkey r Affe*

apple r Apfel*

April r April

aquarium s Aquarium

Arab/Arabian r Araber
Arabia s Arabien

architect r Architekt

arm r Arm
arm (adj.) poor > False Cognates

army e Armee (pron. ar-MAY)

arsenic s Arsenik

artist r Artist (diff.) performer, artiste (not "artist")
e Art (f.c.) type, kind > False Cognates

ash(es) e Asche

Asia s Asien*

astronaut r Astronaut

athlete r Athlet

atlas r Atlas

Australia s Australien

avocado e Avocado
Exception to the rule that nouns ending in -o are usually das - See German Noun Suffixes and Gender for more

baby s Baby

badminton s Badminton

balcony r Balkon

Balkans, the r Balkan

ball r Ball

ballet s Ballett (from French)

balloon r Ballon

banana e Banane

band e Band (music)
r Band (diff.) volume (book)
s Band (diff.) ribbon, tape

bank e Bank
e Bank (diff.) bench

barometer s Barometer

bath s Bad* > Consonant Sound Shifts (d-th)

battery e Batterie

bear r Bär

bed s Bett* > Consonant Sound Shifts (tt-d)

bee e Biene > Vowel Sound Shifts (ie-ee)

beep r Piep (also "peep" in English)

beer s Bier > Vowel Sound Shifts (ie-ee)

benzene s Benzol (s Benzin) NOTE: Benzene is an ingredient in gasoline; Benzin = gasoline

Bible e Bibel

bikini r Bikini

billiards e Billard

bitter bitter

blind blind (pron. BLINT)

blinken blinken (flash, turn signal)
blinker r Blinker (turn signal)

blitzkrieg r Blitzkrieg**

blizzard r Blizzard

bloc/block r Block
(diff.) Block in German can have several meanings: bar (soap), bulk, (note) pad, etc., but not a city block.

blockade e Blockade

blond(e) blond

blood s Blut > Vowel Sound Shifts (u-oo)

blouse e Bluse*

blue blau*

blue jeans die Bluejeans (pl.)

board > on board an Bord (pron. on BORT)

boat s Boot* (pron. BOAT)

book s Buch*

born (p.p.) geboren*

boulevard r Boulevard (from French)

boxer r Boxer (dog and fighter)

brackish brackig (water)

bratwurst e Bratwurst**

Brazil s Brasil

bread s Brot*

broccoli die Brokkoli (pl.)

buffet s Buffet/s Büffet

bungalow r Bungalow

bus r Bus (pron. BOOCE)

butter e Butter

buzzard r Bussard


NOTE: Many c-words in English are k-words in German. The C and CH words in English usually reflect the c/ch-k shift in German. See Cognate Sound Shifts for more.

cabaret s Kabarett

cabinet s Kabinett

cable s Kabel

cadet r Kadett

cadre r Kader

café s Café

Cairo s Kairo

calendar r Kalender

calorie(s) e Kalorie(n)

camel s Kamel

camera e Kamera

Canada s Kanada

candidate r Kandidat

cannibal r Kannibale

cannon e Kanone

cape s Kap (geographic)

caravan e Karawane

carbuncle r Karbunkel

card e Karte

cardinal r Kardinal

Caribbean e Karibik*

Carnival (Mardi Gras) r Karneval

carp r Karpfen*

carrot e Karotte

cassette e Kassette

cassette recorder r Kassettenrekorder

cat e Katze

chapel e Kapelle*

charter flight r Charterflug

check (bank) r Scheck

chemical (adj.) chemisch*
chemical (n.) e Chemikalie*
chemist r Chemiker*
chemistry e Chemie*

China s China

chocolate e Schokolade

cigarette e Zigarette

clown r Clown

club r Club (pron. KLOOP)

cobra e Kobra

cocktail r Cocktail
diff. - Cocktail in German can also refer to a cocktail party or reception.

coffee r Kaffee

coma s Koma

comment, commentary r Kommentar

communism r Kommunismus
communist r Kommunist

compass r Kompass

compatible kompatibel (tech., lit.)

competence e Kompetenz
diff. - Kompetenz in German refers more to "authority" or "jurisdiction."
competent (adj.) kompetent
diff. - Also "authorized" or "having jurisdiction"

complex (adj.) komplex
complex (n.) r Komplex

complicated kompliziert

compromise r Kompromiss

computer r Computer

concert s Konzert

confetti s Konfetti

confirmation e Konfirmation (only in religious sense)

congress r Kongress
diff. - Kongress in German can also refer to a convention or trade show.

continent r Kontinent

cool kühl
cool! cool!

coral e Koralle

cork r Kork(en)

cost(s) die Kosten (pl.)
(f.c.) e Kost = food, fare

countess e Komtess

cow e Kuh

cowboy r Cowboy

creative kreativ

credit r Kredit (also means "loan" in German)
credit card e Kreditkarte

criminal r Kriminelle
criminal (adj.) kriminell

critic r Kritiker
(f.c.) e Kritik = criticism

crocodile s Krokodil

crocus r Krokus

crown e Krone*

crucifix s Kruzifix

Cuba s Kuba

cuckoo r Kuckuck*

curve e Kurve


dame e Dame
diff. - German Dame means "lady" (meine Damen und Herren = ladies and gentlemen) or "queen" in a deck of cards.

dance r Tanz
dancer r Tänzer/e Tänzerin
NOTE: Similar to dance/Tanz, other English-German cognates also reflect the so-called "d-t shift" in which an English d replaces the German t or th: dollar/Thaler, door/Tür, etc. This shift also works in the other direction: thank/danken, leather/Leder.

data e Daten (pl.)
data bank e Datenbank

date s Datum (calendar)

day r Tag* (d-t shift; see more under "dance" above)

dead tot* (TOTE)
death r Tod* (dare TOTE) (d-t shift; see more under "dance" above)

deaf taub* (d-t shift; see more under "dance" above)

debacle s Debakel

debut s Debüt

decadence e Dekadenz
decadent dekadent

decimal Dezimal-, e Dezimalzahl (decimal number)

December r Dezember

deck s Deck (nautical, bus)

decorate dekorieren

defect r Defekt (mech., physical)

demo e Demo (protest, sample)

Denmark s Dänemark

depot s Depot (storage, garage)

deserter r Deserteur

design s Design
designer r Designer

devil r Teufel* (TOY-fel) (d-t shift; see more under "dance" above)

diamond r Diamant

diesel r Diesel
NOTE: The diesel engine gets its name from its German inventor, Rudolf Diesel.

dike r Deich (barrier)

discipline e Disziplin

disco e Disko

discuss diskutieren (über)
discussion e Diskussion

dock s Dock (nautical)

doctor r Doktor
NOTE: As in English, the term Doktor can refer to various kinds of doctors (Ph.D., MD, etc.). A medical doctor or physician is der Arzt (m.) or die Ärztin (f.).

dollar r Thaler (d > th shift: Cognate Sound Shifts)
NOTE: A Thaler (pron. TALLER) is an old unit of currency from which "dollar" also gets its name.

dolphin r Delphin

domino r Domino (piece), s Domino (game)

door e Tür (d-t shift; see more under "dance" above)

doping s Doping

dove e Taube* (d-t shift; see more under "dance" above)

dozen s Dutzend

dream r Traum (TROW-m) (d-t shift; see more under "dance" above)

drink trinken
drunk(en) betrunken* (d-t shift; see more under "dance" above)

drug e Droge (illegal)
drugstore e Drogerie (sells cosmetics, toiletries, but NO prescriptions!)

dumb dumm (not smart)

dynamic dynamisch (adj./adv.)
dynamic(s) e Dynamik

dynamite s Dynamit

dynamo r Dynamo

dynasty e Dynastie



earth e Erde*
NOTE: The earth/Erde pair reflects the so-called "t-d shift" in which an English th or t is replaced by a German d, as in leather/Leder or thank/danken. This shift also works in the other direction: door/Tür. More in Cognate Sound Shifts.

earnest (serious) ernst

edit (computing) editieren
editor (computing) r Editor

effective effectiv

ego s Ego (also s Ich)
egoist r Egoist

Egypt s Ägypten*
Egyptian ägyptisch*

eight acht > Cognate Sound Shifts (ch-gh)

elastic elastisch

elbow r Ellenbogen*

electric(al) elektrisch
electrician r Elektriker
electricity e Elektrizität

electron s Elektron
electronic elektronisch
electronics e Elektronik

electrostatic elektrostatisch

elegance e Eleganz > Cognate Sound Shifts (z-c)
elegant elegant

element s Element
NOTE: Most of the chemical elements in German are also cognates and neuter (das). There are only a few Germanic exceptions that are masculine. For more see Chemische Elemente.

elephant r Elefant

elk r Elch > Cognate Sound Shifts (ch-k)

e-mail e E-Mail

emancipate emanzipieren
emancipation e Emanzipation

emblem s Emblem

embolism e Embolie

end s Ende

energy e Energie

engineer r Ingenieur* (with univ. degree)

England s England

English s Englisch

entertainer r Entertainer

equator r Äquator

era e Ära

erotic erotisch

ersatz** Ersatz- (in compounds)

Eskimo r Eskimo

Esperanto s Esperanto

espionage e Spionage*

espresso r Espresso

ethic(s) e Ethik
ethical ethisch

euro r Euro

Europa s Europa
European europäisch

even eben (level, flat)
SEE: Cognate Sound Shifts (b-v)

exact exakt

exclusive exklusiv

exist existieren

exotic exotisch

experiment s Experiment

explosion e Explosion

expressionism r Expressionismus


fable e Fabel

fabrication, manufacture e Fabrikation

fabulous fabulös

face lift s Facelifting

facet e Facette

facsimile s Faksimile (also see "fax")

fact s/r Fakt
Anglicism: Fakt ist, dass... = the fact is, that...

faction e Fraktion*

factor r Faktor

faculty e Fakultät
diff. - the German word also refers to a "school" or "college" within a university

fair adj. fair
fairly adv. fair
Also: unfair = unfair(ly)
fairness e Fairness
fair play s Fairplay

fakir r Fakir (Indian mystic)

falcon r Falke*
falconer r Falkner

fall v. fallen
fall n. r Fall (waterfall, a fall [tumble])
f.c. r Fall = case > False Cognates

fallout r Fallout

false, wrong falsch

familiar familiär
diff. - the German word also means "having to do with family"
family e Familie

fan r Fan (supporter)
fan club r Fanklub

fanatic adj. fanatisch
fanatic n. r Fanatiker
fanatical adj. fanatisch
fanaticism n. r Fanatismus

fantastic adj. fantastisch
fantasy e Fantasie (imagination; false picture)

farce e Farce (theatrical)

farm e Farm
farmer r Farmer
farmhouse s Farmhaus

fascism r Faschismus
fascist adj. faschistisch
fascist n. r Faschist

fat n. s Fett (also "grease")
fat(ty) adj. fett
fat(ty) adj. fettig

father r Vater*

faux pax r Fauxpas (from French)

favorite r Favorit

fax (facsimile) s Fax

feather e Feder*
NOTE: The feather/Feder pair reflects the so-called "t-d shift" in which an English th or t is replaced by a German d, as in leather/Leder or thank/danken. This shift also works in the other direction: door/Tür.

fecal adj. fäkal
feces Fäkalien pl.

feed, fodder s Futter*

feel fühlen*
feeler (bug) r Fühler*

fenestration s Fenster* (both from Latin)

ferry e Fähre*

fetish r Fetisch

fever s Fieber*

fiasco s Fiasko

field s Feld

figure e Figur

filet, fillet s Filet

Filipina n. e Filipina
Filipino n. r Filipino

filling, stuffing e Füllung*

film n. r Film (also movie)
film v. filmen (make a movie)
film festival n. s Filmfest

filter n. r Filter
filter v. filtern

final adj. final

finance n. e Finanz (the German word refers to the "financial world")
financial adj. Finanz- (in compounds)
financial adj. finanziell

find v. finden
finder r Finder

finger r Finger
See Parts of the Body (Lesson 15)

finite (verb) finit (in grammatical sense only)

Finland s Finnland
Finn (person) r/e Finne
Finnish adj. finnisch
See Land & Leute - nationalities

fire n. s Feuer*
fire v. feuern*

firm, company e Firma

fish n. r Fisch
fish v. fischen
fisher(man) n. r Fischer
fish market r Fischmarkt
fish(ing) net s Fischernetz

fission e Fission

fit adj. fit
fitness e Fitness
fitness center s Fitnesscenter

fix n. r Fix (drug slang)

flag e Flagge

flame e Flamme

flamingo r Flamingo
Exception to the rule that nouns ending in -o are usually das - See German Noun Suffixes and Gender for more

flask e Flasche (s Flakon)
diff. - Flasche means "bottle," but the words are related

flat platt - See Consonant Sound Shifts (p-f)
flesh s Fleisch (also "meat")

flight r Flug*

flirt n. r Flirt (a flirtation)
flirt v. flirten

flora e Flora

flounder (fish) r Flunder

fluid, flowing adj. flüssig*

fodder, feed s Futter*

foible (weakness, liking) s Faible*

foil n. e Folie (metal, plastic)

fold v. falten > Cognate Sound Shifts (t-d, a-o)

folk s Volk* > Cognate Sound Shifts (v-f)

foot r Fuß*
football (soccer) r Fußball*

force v. forcieren
forced adj. forciert

forest r Forst (r Wald is more common)
forest v. forsten
forester r Förster

form n. e Form
form v. formen

formal adj. formal
formality n. e Formalität
formalize v. formalisieren

format s Format

formula e Formel*
formula-1 race s Formel-1-Rennen*

forum s Forum

forty vierzig* > Cognate Sound Shifts (v-f)

forward vorwärts* > Cognate Sound Shifts (v-f, d-t)

fossil n. s Fossil
fossil/fossilized adj. fossil

foul n. s Foul (sports)

four vier* > Cognate Sound Shifts (v-f)
forty vierzig*

fox r Fuchs*

France s Frankreich*

freeze v. frieren*

freight e Fracht*

French adj. französisch*
French (lang.) s Französisch*
French (man) r Franzose*
French (woman) e Französin*
See Land & Leute - nationalities

fresh adj. frisch

friend m. r Freund
friend f. e Freundin

frog r Frosch*

front e Front
frontal frontal

frost r Frost

frustration r Frust*

full voll* > Cognate Sound Shifts (v-f)


gag r Gag

gait (going) r Gang* > Also see "gang"/die Gang

gala e Gala

gall, gall bladder e Galle

gallery e Galerie

gallium s Gallium

gallon e Gallone = 3.8 liters

gallop r Galopp

gang e Gang (group)

gangrene s Gangrän

gangster r Gangster

garage e Garage

garden r Garten

garotte e Garotte

garnish, decoration n. e Garnierung
garnish v. garnieren

garrison e Garnison

gas s Gas
diff. - The German word only refers to gaseous (natural) gas, not gasoline (s Benzin); exception: Gas geben = to step on the gas, accelerate
gas pedal s Gaspedal

gastronomic gastronomisch
gastronomy, catering trade s Gastronomie

gazelle e Gazelle

gendarmerie (police) e Gendarmerie (Austrian rural police; from French)

generation e Generation

general (adj.) generell
general (mil.) r General
generalize (v.) generalisieren

genius s Genie

Gesundheit!** (exclam.) e Gesundheit = health

ghost, spirit r Geist*

giant, titan r Gigant

gin r Gin

giraffe e Giraffe

give v. geben > Cognate Sound Shifts (i-e, v-b)

ghetto s Ghetto

glacier r Gletscher

gladiator r Gladiator

glamour s Glamour (art, press)
glamour girl s Glamourgirl

glass s Glas

glide gleiten*

global global
globe r Globus

glossary s Glossar

go (v.) gehen*

god, God r Gott > Cognate Sound Shifts (d-tt)

gold s Gold
golden golden

golf s Golf

good gut > Cognate Sound Shifts (d-t)

gorilla r Gorilla

gourmet r Gourmet

grandfather r Großvater

grapefruit e Grapefruit

grass s Gras

grave s Grab* > Cognate Sound Shifts (v-b)

gray grau*

great, grand, large groß* > Cognate Sound Shifts (t-ß)

Great Britain s Großbritannien

Greece s Griechenland*
Greek r Grieche/e Griechin
Greek (adj.) griechisch
Greek (lang.) s Griechisch

green grün
greenhorn s Greenhorn
Greenland s Grönland

greet grüßen*

grey grau*

grill r Grill
grill (v.) grillen (cooking)
f.c. - die Grille = cricket; see False Cognates
grotto e Grotte

ground r Grund

group e Gruppe

gum s Gummi

goulash s Gulasch

guard (mil.) e Garde (unit)
guardsman (mil.) r Gardist

guarantee e Garantie
guaranteed garantiert

guerilla r Guerilla

guest r Gast*

guitar e Gitarre*

gulf r Golf

gum, rubber s Gummi
chewing gum s Kaugummi

guppy r Guppy

guru r Guru

gymnastics e Gymnastik
Note: das Gymnasium = high school; see False Cognates

gyroscope s Gyroskop


ha interj. ha (ha ha)

habit r/s Habit (nun's dress only)

hack v. hacken (also: chop, mince, hoe)

hacker comp. r Hacker

hair s Haar

Haiti s Haiti

half adj. halb
half n. e Hälfte

hall e Halle (large room)

halo s Halo

halogen s Halogen
halogen lamp e Halogenlampe

hamburger r Hamburger

hammer r Hammer
hammer v. hämmern

hamster r Hamster

hand e Hand

handicap n. s Handikap (sports)

handy handlich
f.c. das Handy = cell phone, mobile phone

hang v. hängen

hangar r Hangar

happy ending s Happy-End

hard adj. hart > Cognate Sound Shifts (d-t)

harsh adj. harsch

hat r Hut

has v. hat/hast (form of have/haben below)

have v. haben > Cognate Sound Shifts (v-b)

hazelnut e Haselnuss

head s Haupt*

heal v. heilen*

hear v. hören*

heart s Herz* > Vowel Sound Shifts (e-ea) and Consonant Sound Shifts (z-t)

heat e Hitze*
heat (up) v. heizen*

helicopter r Helikopter (also r Hubschrauber)

helium s Helium (sym. He)

hell e Hölle*

helmet s Helm

help n. e Hilfe*
help v. helfen > Consonant Sound Shifts (p-f)

hematoma s Hämatom (med.)

hen e Henne

herd e Herde
f.c. der Herd = stove, range

here hier

high adj. hoch
high n. s Hoch


hobby s Hobby

hockey s Hockey
ice hockey s Eishockey

hold v. halten* > Consonant Sound Shifts (t-d) and Vowel Sound Shifts (a-o)

Holland s Holland

holy, sacred heilig*

homage e Hommage

home s Heim*

honey r Honig*

hoof r Huf*

hop n. r Hops/Hopser
hops (in beer) e Hopfen (pl.)

horn r Horn (on animal)

horror r Horror

hot heiß > Cognate Sound Shifts (o-ei, t-ss)

hotel s Hotel

hound (dog) r Hund

house s Haus

humane adj. human
diff. - r Mensch = human (being), menschlich = human
humanism n. r Humanismus
humanist n. r Humanist
humanistic adj. humanistisch

humor r Humor

hundred adj./num. hundert
hundred n. e/s Hundert

hunger r Hunger

hurrah, hurray interj. hurra

hurricane r Hurrikan (also r Orkan)

hut e Hütte

hygiene e Hygiene
hygienic hygienisch

hymn e Hymne

hypochondriac r Hypochonder

hypothesis e Hypothese

hysteria e Hysterie
hysterical hysterisch

iambic adj. jambisch
iambic pentameter fünfüßiger Jambus

Iberia Iberische Halbinsel (Iberian Peninsula, Spain & Portugal)
Iberian adj. iberisch

ibis s Ibis

ice s Eis (pron. like English "ice") > Vowel Sound Shifts (ei-i)
iceberg r Eisberg
ice cold adj. eiskalt
ice hockey s Eishockey

Iceland s Island (pron. EEZ-lant)

ichthyology e Ichthyologie (also e Fischkunde)

icon s Icon (computing)
icon e Ikone (person/religion)

icy adj. eisig

idea n. e Idee (pron. ee-day)

ideal adj. ideal
ideal n. s Ideal
idealism r Idealismus
idealize v. idealisieren

identical adj. identisch
identity e Identität

ideological adj. ideologisch
ideology e Ideologie

idiot r Idiot

idol s Idol (also r Götze)

idyll n. s Idyll
idyllic adj. idyllisch

igloo r/s Iglu

ignore ignorieren

illegal adj. illegal (also ungesetzlich)

illustrate illustrieren
illustrated adj. illustriert

immune adj. immun (to, gegen)

imperative (mood) r Imperativ (grammar, also e Befehlsform)

imperfect (tense) s Imperfekt (grammar)

imperialism r Imperialismus
imperialist n. r Imperialist
imperialistic adj. imperialistisch

import v. importieren

India s Indien
Indian r Inder (from India)
Indian adj. indisch (of India)
Indian adj. indianisch (American)
Indian r Indianer (Native American)
Note that German makes a distinction between an American Indian and a person from India.

Indian Ocean Indischer Ozean

Indonesia s Indonesien

industry e Industrie

influence r Einfluss > Vowel Sound Shifts (ei-i)

information e Information (pl. Informationen, die Infos)
In German the plural (Infos) is more common; the singular Information means "a piece of information."

insect s Insekt

intelligent adj. intelligent

intense/intensive adj. intensiv
intensive course r Intensivkurs

international adj. international

iota s Jota

Iran r Iran
Iranian adj. iranisch
Iranian n. r Iraner/e Iranerin
For more countries and nationalities, see: Countries in German

Iraq r Irak
Iraqi adj. irakisch
Iraqi n. r Iraker/e Irakerin

Ireland s Irland
Irish adj. irisch
Irish n. r Ire/e Irin

iridium s Iridium
For more elements, see: Chemical Elements in German

Islam r Islam
Islamic adj. islamisch

isolation e Isolation (state)
isolation e Isolierung (act)
Isolierung can also mean "insulation."

isomer s Isomer (chem.)

isometric adj.) isometrisch
isometrics e Isometrik

Israel s Israel
Israeli adj. israelisch
Israeli n. r Israeli/e Israeli

Italian See Italy below

Italy s Italien
Italian adj. italienisch
Italian n. r Italiener/e Italienerin

jackal r Schakal*

jacket e Jacke

jade (stone) e/r Jade (pron. YA-da)

jaguar r Jaguar

Jamaica s Jamaika
Jamaican adj. jamaikanisch/jamaikisch
Jamaican n. r Jamaikaner/e Jamaikanerin
For more countries and nationalities, see: Countries in German

January r Januar (pron. YA-nu-ar)

Japan s Japan
Japanese adj. japanisch
Japanese n. r Japaner/e Japanerin

jargon r Jargon

jasmine r Jasmin

Java s Java

jazz r Jazz (pron. like the English word)

jeans e Jeans (pl., pron. like the English word)

Jesus r Jesus (pron. YEAH-zoos)

jet (plane) r Jet (pron. like the English word)
jet set r Jetset
jet ski r Jetski

jewel s/r Juwel (pron. yu-VAIL)

job r Job (pron. like the English word)

jockey r Jockey

jogger r Jogger (pron. like the English word)
jogging s Jogging (pron. like the English word)

joker r Joker (cards)

Jordan r Jordan
Jordanian adj. jordanisch
Jordanian n. r Jordanier/e Jordanierin

journalist r Journalist

Judas r Judas (traitor)

juggle jonglieren*
juggler r Jongleur/e Jongleuse*

jumbo (jet) r Jumbo (pron. like the English word)
jumbo jet r Jumbojet (pron. like the English word)

jungle r Dschungel*

June r Juni

junior (Jr.) junior (with names)

Jupiter r Jupiter

jury e Jury (in contest/competition)

justice e Justiz (formal, legal)

kangaroo r Känguru

kaput kaputt**

karma s Karma

karate s Karate

kayak r Kajak

Kenya s Kenia
Kenyan adj. kenianisch
Kenyan n. r Kenianer/e Kenianerin
For more countries and nationalities, see: Countries in German

kerosene s Kerosin (jet fuel)

ketchup r/s Ketchup

kettle r Kessel

khaki r Khaki (cloth)

kHz s Kilohertz (kHz)

kidnapper r Kidnapper

kick n. r Kick (soccer)
The German word Kicker is a false cognate meaning soccer player (Fußballer).

killer r Killer

kilogram s Kilogramm
kilohertz s Kilohertz
Named for Heinrich Hertz, see: Inventors in German
kilometer r Kilometer
kilowatt s Kilowatt

kindergarten r Kindergarten**

king r König*

kiss r Kuss
kiss v. küssen

kitchen e Küche*

kitsch r Kitsch**
kitschy adj. kitschig**

kiwi r Kiwi (bird)
kiwi e Kiwi (fruit)

kleptomania e Kleptomanie
kleptomaniac r Kleptomane/e Kleptomanin

knee s Knie
knee-length knielang

knot r Knoten

knuckle r Knöchel/r Fingerknöchel

KO r KO (pron. KAH-OH, "knockout")

Koran r Koran

Korea s Korea
Korean adj. koreanisch
Korean n. r Koreaner/e Koreanerin
For more countries and nationalities, see: Countries in German

Kuwait s Kuwait

lab (laboratory) s Labor (from Latin)
in the lab im Labor

labyrinth s Labyrinth (Greek)

ladder e Leiter*

lady e Lady
ladykiller r Ladykiller

lamb s Lamm

lamp e Lampe

lantern e Laterne

Latin s Latein

latrine e Latrine (Latin)

laugh v. lachen* See Vowel Sound Shifts (a-au)

lava e Lava (Italian/Latin)

lay v. legen*

learn lernen/erlernen

leather s Leder* - See Cognate Sound Shifts (d-th)

Lebanese - See Lebanon below

Lebanon s Libanon
Lebanese adj. libanesisch
Lebanese n. r Libanese/e Libanesin
For more countries and nationalities, see: Countries in German

legion e Legion

legitimate legitim (lawful)

leitmotiv/leitmotif s Leitmotiv**

lesbian adj. lesbisch
lesbian n. e Lesbierin

lesion e Läsion (med.)

liberal adj. liberal (polit.)
liberal n. e/r Liberale (polit.)
liberalism r Liberalismus (polit.)

libretto s Libretto (mus.)

Libya s Libyen
Libyan adj. libysch
Libyan n. r Libyer/e Libyerin

license e Lizenz (Latin)

lick lecken

lie (recline) liegen

lied (song) s Lied** (pron. LEET)
lieder pl. Lieder** (pron. LEEDER)

lieutenant r Leutnant (mil.)

life s Leben*
live v. leben*

light adj. leicht (weight, difficulty)
light n. s Licht

lily e Lilie

linden e Linde/r Lindenbaum

line e Leine (rope)
line e Linie

link r Link (Web)

lip e Lippe
lipstick r Lippenstift

lisp n. s Lispeln
lisp v. lispeln

list n. e Liste

literary literarisch
literature e Literatur

lithium s Lithium (chem.)

live adj. live (pron. LYFE)
live v. leben*

liver e Leber* - See Consonant Sound Shifts (b-v)
Idiom: Ihm ist eine Laus über die Leber gelaufen.
He's in a bad mood/in ill humor. ("a louse ran across his liver")

MORE > German-English Idioms - L

lobby e Lobby (polit.)

local adj. lokal

locomotive e Lokomotive/e Lok

logic e Logik (Greek)

long adj./adv. lang/lange

louse/lice e Laus/Läuse (also see 'liver' above)
lousy lausig

love n. e Liebe* See Vowel Sound Shifts (ie-o)
love v. lieben*

lox (salmon) r Lachs* (German/Yiddish)

Lucerne s Luzern (city)

luke warm lauwarm*

lung(s) e Lunge (sing. in German)

Luxembourg/Luxemburg s Luxemburg
Luxemburgian adj. luxemburgisch
Luxemburger n. r Luxemburger/e Luxemburgerin

luxurious adj. luxuriös
luxury r Luxus

lymph n. e Lymphe
lymphatic adj. lymphatisch

lyrical adj. lyrisch

nabob r Nabob

nadir r Nadir

naked nackt - See Cognate Sound Shifts (t-d)

name r Name

nano- Nano-
nanosecond e Nanosekunde

NATO e Nato

nature e Natur
natural(ly) natürlich

nautical nautisch

navigation e Navigation

Nazi r Nazi

Neanderthal/Neandertal (man) r Neandertaler**
MORE (Neandertal) > How Do You Say "Porsche"?

nectar r Nektar
nectarine e Nektarine

negative adj negativ
negative s Negativ (film)

nephew r Neffe - See Cognate Sound Shifts (ff-ph)

nerve r Nerv
That gets on my nerves. Das geht/fällt mir auf die Nerven.

nest s Nest (also f.c.)

net s Netz

Netherlands e Niederlande
For more countries and nationalities, see: Countries in German

neuro- Neuro-
neuron s Neuron

neurotic adj. neurotisch
neurotic n. r Neurotiker

neutral neutral
neutrality e Neutralität

new neu (pron. NOY)

niche e Nische

nicotine s Nikotin

Niger r Niger (river)
For more world rivers, see: Rivers in German
Niger s Niger (nation)

Nigeria s Nigeria
Nigerian adj. nigerisch
Nigerian n. r Nigerianer/e Negerianerin
For more countries and nationalities, see: Countries in German

nihilism r Nihilismus
nihilist r Nihilist
nihilistic nihilistisch

Nile r Nil
For more world rivers, see: Rivers in German

nine neun

nipple r Nippel (tech.)

nirvana s Nirwana/Nirvana

nitrate s Nitrat

nitrite s Nitrit

nitro- Nitro-
nitroglycerine s Nitroglyzerin

niveau, level s Niveau (diff.)

Nobel prize r Nobelpreis
nobelium (No) s Nobelium
For more elements, see: Chemische Elemente

north r Nord - See Cognate Sound Shifts (d-th)
North Pole r Nordpol

note e Note (music, money, etc.)

notebook computer r Notebookcomputer (r/s Notebook)

notice e Notiz

nougat r/s Nugat

nuclear nuklear

nudism r Nudismus
nudist r Nudist

number e Nummer - See Cognate Sound Shifts

nun e Nonne

nut e Nuss - See Cognate Sound Shifts (ss-t)

nylon s Nylon

nymph e Nymphe

nymphomaniac e Nymphomanin

oasis e Oase

obelisk r Obelisk

object r Objekt
objective n. s Objektiv (lens)
objective(ly) adj./adv. objektiv
objectivity e Objektivität

obligation e Obligation
obligatory adj. obligat
obligatory obligatorisch

oboe e Oboe
oboist r Oboist

obscure(ly) obskur

observance e Observanz
observation e Observation
observatory s Observatorium
observe observieren

obsessive obsessiv

obsidian r Obsidian

obstinate obstinat

obscene(ly) obszön
obscenity e Obszenität

ocean r Ozean
Atlantic Ocean der Atlantische Ozean/der Atlantik

ocelot r Ozelot

octagon s Oktogon, s Oktagon
octahedron s Oktaeder

octane rating e Oktanzahl

octave e Oktave

octet s Oktett

October r Oktober

Oder e Oder (river)
For more world rivers, see: Rivers in German

Odyssey, odyssey e Odyssee

oedipal(ly) ödipal
Oedipus complex r Ödipuskomplex

officer r Offizier

official offiziell

offline offline

often oft

ohm s Ohm - named for the German physicist Georg Simon Ohm (1789-1854)

oil s Öl
oil industry e Ölindustrie
oily ölig

OK, okay OK, okay

old alt - See Vowel Sound Shifts (a-o)

oleander r Oleander

olive e Olive

Olympiade e Olympiade
Olympic adj. olympisch
Olympics/Olympic Games die Olympischen Spiele

Olympus r Olymp (Mount Olympus)

Oman s Oman
For more countries and nationalities, see: Countries in German

ombudsman r Ombudsmann (from Swedish)

omelette s Omelett

omen s Omen

oncology e Onkologie

online online

ontology e Ontologie

onyx r Onyx

opal r Opal


open offen - See Cognate Sound Shifts (ff-p)

opera e Oper

operate operieren (medical)
operation e Operation (medical)

operetta e Operette

opium s Opium

opposition e Opposition (astron., polit.)

optician r Optiker

optics e Optik

optimal optimal

optimist r Optimist

order n. e Ordnung
order (to rank, put in order) ordnen

organ s Organ (biol., med.)
organ e Orgel (musical)
organ bank e Organbank

organization e Organisation

orgy e Orgie

orientation e Orientierung

original(ly) adj/adv original, originell
original n. s Original

orthodox orthodox
orthodoxy e Orthodoxie

osmosis e Osmose

Ottoman adj osmanisch - See Cognate Sound Shifts (s-t)
Ottoman Empire das Osmanische Reich

out adj out (not in fashion)
out v. outen (to out someone)

oven r Ofen (stove)

ox r Ochs - See Cognate Sound Shifts

oxide s Oxid

oyster e Auster - See Vowel Sound Shifts (a-o)

ozone s Ozon


Pacific r Pazifik (from Latin)

pack n. s Pack
pack v. packen
package s Packet. s Päckchen (small package, packet)
pack ice s Packeis

pact, lease e Pacht (the German word is limited to its "lease" meaning)
pact r Pakt (from Latin)

paddle n. s Paddel
paddle v. paddeln

paean r Päan (Greek)

page (bellboy) r Page (pron. PA-zha)

pager r Pager

paginate paginieren
pagination e Paginierung

pair, couple s Paar
a couple, a few ein paar (adj)
a pair of shoes/socks ein Paar Schuhe/Socken

Pakistan s Pakistan - See Countries & Nationalities for more Pakistani adj. pakistanisch
Pakistani n. r Pakistaner/r Pakistani

palace s Palais
palace r Palast

Palestine s Palästina - See Countries & Nationalities for more
Palestinian adj. palästinensisch
Palestinian n. r Palästinenser/e Palästinenserin

palette e Palette

palm (tree) e Palme
Note: The palm of the hand is e Handfläche.
palmtop (PDA) r Palmtop

Pan myth. r Pan
pan n. e Pfanne*
pan- prefix pan-
pan-European paneuropäisch

Panama s Panama
Panama Canal r Panamakanal

panchromatic panchromatisch

pancreas s Pankreas

panda r Panda

pandemic e Pandemie

panic e Panik

panorama s Panorama

panther r Panther/Panter

papa r Papa
daddy r Papi

paparazzo r Paparazzo (pl. Paparazzi, paparazzi)

paper s Papier

papist r Papist

paprika s Paprika (Swiss = "hot chili pepper")

parasite r Parasit

parade e Parade

pardon n. r Pardon
pardon interj. pardon

parity e Parität

park n. r Park
park v. parken

parliament s Parlament
parliamentary parlamentarisch

parody e Parodie

FALSE COGNATE: die Parole is a
False Cognate meaning "slogan, password, motto."

parquet s Parkett

party (social) e Party
party (political) e Partei

pass r Pass (in mountains, from Latin)
pass r Pass (soccer)

passenger r Passagier (both from French)

passport r Pass (der Reisepass)
password s Passwort (das Codewort)

pastor r Pastor (Latin)

path r Pfad
pathfinder r Pfadfinder
diff. - Pfadfinder is also a boy scout.

patent s Patent (from Latin)

patient r Patient (medical)

patriot r Patriot (from French and Latin)
patriotism r Patriotismus

patrol n. e Patrouille (from French)
patrol v. patrouillieren

pause e Pause (from Greek)

pavilion r Pavillon (from French/Middle English)

peanuts e Peanuts (slang for "small amount" - from English)

pearl e Perle*

pedagogue, educator r Pädagoge
pedagogical, educational pädagogisch
pedagogy, education e Pädagogik

pedal s Pedal

pederast r Päderast

pediatrics e Pädiatrie

pedophile r Pädophile
pedophilia e Pädophilie

pendulum r/s Pendel* (both from Latin)
NOTE: der Pendler is a commuter, i.e., one who goes back and forth.

peep (n.) r Piep (also "beep" in English)
peep (v.) piep(s)en (also "to beep" in English)
peep show e Peepshow

pelican r Pelikan

penicillin s Penizillin/Penicillin (from Latin)

penis r Penis

penny r Pfennig*

pension e Pension (from French/Latin)

pep r Pep

peperoni Peperoni (pl.) = hot chili peppers
CAUTION: If you order a Peperoni-Pizza in Germany, you won't get a salami pizza!

pepper s Pfeffer - See Consonant Sound Shifts (ff-pp)

percent s Prozent (from Latin)

perfect perfekt (from Latin)
perfect (n.) s Perfekt (grammar)

perfume s Parfum

period (of time) e Periode
periodic (adj) periodisch

permanence (n.) e Permanenz
permanent (adj.) permanent

persistence e Persistenz (from Latin)
persistent (adj.) persistent

person e Person (Latin)
persona non grata e Persona non grata (Latin)

personal (adj.) persönlich (Latin)

personnel s Personal (Latin)

perspective e Perspektive (Latin)
diff. Perspektive can also mean "prospect(s)" or "angle/view."
f.c. s Perspektiv = spyglass, telescope > False Cognates

pervers perverse (Latin)
perversion e Perversion

pessimism r Pessimismus (Latin)
pessimist r Pessimist
pessimistic pessimistisch

petting s Petting (from English)

philharmonic e Philharmonie (orchestra, Greek)
philharmonic e Philharmonik (orchestra, Greek)

philosopher r Philosoph (Greek)
philosophical philosophisch
philosophy e Philosophie

phonograph r Phonograf (Greek)

photograph s Foto, e Fotografie (Greek)
f.c. r Fotograf = photographer > False Cognates
photography e Fotografie

pianist r Pianist (from English)

picnic s Picknick (from French)

pill e Pille (Latin)

pilsner (beer) s Pils/Pilsner

pinguin r Pinguin (Celtic/Welsh)

pirate r Pirat (from Latin - German: der Seeräuber)

piss (n.) r Piss
piss (v.) pissen

pizza e Pizza
pizzeria e Pizzeria

plagiarism s Plagiat (act of plagiarisn, from Latin)
plagiarist r Plagiator

plan r Plan

planet r Planet (Greek)

plant (botan.) e Pflanze (Latin)

plantation e Plantage (from French)

planning e Planung

plasma (blood, physics) s Plasma (Greek)

plaster (bandage) s Pflaster

Plato r Platon/Plato
platonic platonisch

plural r Plural (grammar, Latin)

Pluto (god, planet) r Pluto (Greek)

pneumatic pneumatisch (from Greek)

poetry e Poesie

poker s Poker (game, from English)

Poland s Polen*

polar polar (from Greek)
pole r Pol (magnetic, North, etc. - from Greek)

poly- Poly- (in compounds - from Greek)
polyglott r Polyglotte
polyester r Polyester

pomp r Pomp (Latin)

pony r Pony

pool r Pool > r Swimmingpool (from English)

pope r Papst* - See Vowel Sound Shifts (a-o)

pop music e Popmusik

popular populär

porcelain s Porzellan (from Italian/French)

porno r Porno

portion e Portion

portrait s Portrait/Porträt (French)

Portugal s Portugal

pose e Pose (French)

possessive s Possessiv (grammar, Latin)

position e Position (Latin)

post r Posten (position, Latin)

post office e Post (from Italian/French/Latin)
postal postalisch

poster r/s Poster (English)

potent potent (Latin)

pound s Pfund* (weight, currency - from Latin)

pragmatic pragmatisch (Greek)

practical praktisch (Greek)

practice (doctor, lawyer) e Praxis (from Greek)

prairie e Prärie (from French)

precise präzis

premiere e Premiere (French)

premium (award, reward) e Prämie (Latin)

preposition e Präposition (grammar, Latin)

present (tense) s Präsens (grammar, Latin)
present (v.) präsentieren (Latin)
presentation (n.) e Präsentation

press (n.) e Presse

prestige s Prestige

price r Preis (from French)

priest r Priester (from Greek)

prime minister r Premierminister

prince r Prinz (from French)

private privat

prize r Preis

probe (test) e Probe

product s Produkt (from Latin)

profane profan (from Latin)

professional, pro (n.) r Profi

professor r Professor (Latin)

profile s Profil (from French)

profit r Profit (Latin)
profit (v. profitieren

prognosis e Prognose (Greek)

program s Programm (Greek)

project s Projekt (Latin)

pronoun s Pronomen* (grammar, Latin)

propaganda e Propaganda (Latin)

propeller r Propeller (Latin)

prophet r Prophet (Greek)

prose e Prosa (Latin)

prostate e Prostata (Latin, German: die Vorsteherdrüse)

prudery e Prüderie (from French)
prudish prüde

Prussia s Preußen*
Prussian preußisch

psalm r Psalm (Greek)

pseudo- Pseudo- (in compounds, Greek)

psycho- Psycho- (in compounds, Greek)
psychology e Psychologie

puberty r Pubertät (Latin)

pulse r Puls (Latin)

puma r Puma

pump e Pumpe

pure (straight) pur (Latin)

puzzle s Puzzle

pylon r Pylon (Greek)

pyjama r/s Pyjama

pyramide e Pyramide

python r Python

Qatar s Katar* - See Countries in German

quack n. r Quacksalber*
quack v. (duck) quaken

quad, square s Quadrat*
quadrant r Quadrant
quadratic quadratisch

qualification e Qualifikation
quality e Qualität*

quantum s Quantum

quark s Quark (physics) - Note: r Quark is a False Cognate meaning a type of cheese or a "trifle."

quarter s Quartal* (financial)
quarter(s) s Quartier (accomodation, district)

quartet s Quartett

quartz r Quarz**

quasar r Quasar (physics)

quasi quasi (adj/prefix)

quay, waterfront r/s Quai (also r/s Kai)

quiche e Quiche (from French)

quicksilver, mercury (Hg) s Quecksilber* - See Chemical Elements

quiz s Quiz
quizmaster r Quizmaster (from English)
Note: Unlike "quizmaster," other so-called "English" words in German, such as der Talkmaster (talk show host) are not used in English. See Words and Expressions - Part 2 for more.

quorum s Quorum

FALSE COGNATE: die Quote is
a False Cognate meaning "rating" or "quota."

quote (v., price/rate) quotieren

Quran r Koran* (alt. spelling)

QWERTY (keyboard) e QWERTY-Tastatur (English)
QWERTZ (keyboard) e QWERTZ-Tastatur (German)

rabbi r Rabbi

race (breed) e Rasse*
racial rassisch*
racism r Rassismus*
racist r Rassist*

radar r/s Radar

radiator r Radiator

radical (adj.) radikal
radical (n.) s Radikal (chem.)

radio s/r Radio (from Latin)
radiology e Radiologie (from Latin)

radish s Radieschen*

radium (Ra) s Radium - See Chemical Elements

radius r Radius

radon (Rn) s Radon - See Chemical Elements

is a False Cognate meaning "Rote Armee Fraktion" ("Red Army
Faction"), a German terrorist group in the 1980s.

RAM s RAM (computing)

ramp e Rampe

rank r Rang*
ranking s Ranking (sports)

rap r Rap (music)
rapper r Rapper

rarity e Rarität*

rat e Ratte

FALSE COGNATE: der Rat is a
False Cognate meaning "advice, council."

ration(s) e Ration (pron. RAHT-see-ohn)

raven r Rabe*

reaction e Reaktion

reactor r Reaktor

reality e Realität*

realpolitik e Realpolitik** - See German Loan Words

rebate (discount) n. r Rabatt*

reception e Rezeption (hotel)

recession e Rezession (econ.)

recipe s Rezept
Caution! Das Rezept has other meanings in German, including "prescription" and "remedy."

record r Rekord
to set a record einen Rekord aufstellen

recycling s Recycling (from English)

redundance, redundancy (n.) e Redundanz
redundant (adj.) redundant

refined raffiniert*

reflexive (adj.) reflexiv

reform (n.) e Reform
reform (v.) reformieren*
Reformation e Reformation (religion)

refrain r Refrain (music)

regatta e Regatta

register s Register (list, index, musical)

regular regulär

regulate (v.) regulieren

relative Relativ- (in compounds)
relative pronoun s Relativpronomen
relative(ly) (adj./adv.) relativ

relativity e Relativität
theory of relativity e Relativitätstheorie

relax (v.) relaxen (from English)

relay s Relais (elec.)

relic s Relikt

relief s Relief (art)

religion e Religion
religious religös

renovate renovieren

repair (v.) reparieren
repair(s) (n.) e Reparitur (-en)

report r Report
reporter r Reporter
reporting, report e Reportage*

requiem s Requiem

reservation e Reservierung (hotel, travel)
reserve (v.) reservieren
reserve(s) (n.) e Reserve (-n)
reserved (adj.) reserviert

respect r Respekt

rest (repose) r Rast*
rest (v.) rasten*
Wer rastet, der rostet. ("who rests, rusts" = "A rolling stone gathers no moss.")
rest (remains) r Rest

restaurant s Restaurant

revenge e Revanche*

revision e Revision

revolution e Revolution

revolver r Revolver

revue e Revue (theater)

rheumatic rheumatisch
rheumatism s Rheuma

Rhine (river) r Rhein

rhyme r Reim

rice r Reis*

ride (n.) reiten (horseback)
rider r Reiter (horseback)

right, on/to the right (adv.) rechts*
right(s) (n.) s Recht*

ring r Ring

ripe, mature (adj.) reif*

risk s Risiko*

rival r Rivale

robot r Roboter

rock (music) r Rock - Also a false cognate!

rocket e Rakete*

role e Rolle

FALSE COGNATE: der Roman is
a False Cognate meaning "novel."

romance e Romanze (lit., music)
romantic romantisch

room (space) r Raum

rose e Rose

round (adj.) rund*

routine e Routine

rucksack r Rucksack

rudder s Ruder

rum r Rum

Russia s Russland* - See Countries in German

rust r Rost

sabbath r Sabbat

saber, sabre r Säbel*

sabotage e Sabotage (from French)
saboteur r Saboteur (from French)

sack r Sack

sacrament s Sakrament (from Latin)

saddle r Sattel
saddle v. satteln

sadism r Sadismus
sadist r Sadist
sadistic sadistisch

safari e Safari

safe r Safe (vault)

saga e Saga

Sahara e Sahara

saint r Sankt (from Latin)

salad r Salat (also means "lettuce")

salamander r Salamander

salt s Salz
salty salzig

salve e Salbe (ointment)

Samoa s Samoa - See Countries in German

sand r Sand
sandal e Sandale
sandwich r/s Sandwich

sapphire r Saphir

sarcasm r Sarkasmus
sarcastic sarkastisch

satellite r Satellit
satin r Satin
satire e Satire
satiric satirisch
satirist r Satiriker
Saturn r Saturn

sauce e Soße*

Saudi Arabia s Saudi-Arabien - See Countries in German

sauerkraut s Sauerkraut**

sauna e Sauna

saw e Säge
saw v. sägen

Saxony s Sachsen

say sagen*

scale e Skala (musical, etc.)

scandal r Skandal

Scandinavia s Skandinavien

scene e Szene

schnapps r Schnaps (hard liquor)

schnauzer r Schnauzer**

schnitzel s Schnitzel**

school e Schule*

schuss r Schuss (skiing)

Scotland s Schottland - See Countries in German

scruple(s) r Skrupel

sculpture e Skulptur

sea e See

der See = lake; German has two more words meaning "sea" or "ocean": das Meer and der Ozean.
season e Saison (sports, opera, travel, etc.)

second e Sekunde (time)

secretary e Sekretärin/r Sekretär

sect e Sekte

der Sekt = sparkling wine, champagne; see False Cognates
see sehen*

segment s Segment

self selbst
selfless selbstlos

seminar s Seminar

senat r Senat (from Latin)
senator r Senator

send senden

senior r Senior (senior citizen)

sensation e Sensation
sensational sensationell

sentimental sentimental

September r September (from Latin)
septet, septette s Septett (from Latin)

sequence e Sequenz (certain meanings only)

Serbia s Serbien

serenade e Serenade (certain meanings only)

series e Serie (TV)

serif e Serife (printing)

serum s Serum

service r Service (certain meanings only)

serviette e Serviette (British = Am. "napkin")

NEXT > S - Part 2

Continued from S - Part 1

sesame r Sesam (seasoning)

set setzen (place, put)

seven sieben* (see German Numbers)

sex r Sex (sexual)
sexual sexuell
sexy sexy

shade, shadow r Schatten*

Shah r Schah

shaman r Schamane

shame e Scham
shame v. beschämen, s. schämen

shampoo s Shampoo

sharp scharf

shear v. scheren

shellac r Schellack

sheriff r Sheriff

sherry r Sherry

shield r Schild
Note: s Schild = sign

shiite r Schiit/e Schiitin

shine r Schein
sunshine r Sonnenschein
shine v. scheinen (light, glow)

ship s Schiff*

shock r Schock

shoe r Schuh
shoemaker r Schuhmacher

shop v. shoppen (see Denglisch - Neudeutsch)

shoulder e Schulter

shovel e Schaufel*

show e Show

shower r Schauer (rain, snow)

shrill schrill

Also see: False Cognates

Siberia s Siberien

side e Seite* (also means "page")

sieve s Sieb

signal s Signal

silver s Silber

sing singen
singen/sang/gesungen - See Verbs - Ablaut Patterns
singer r Sänger/e Sängerin

singular r Singular (gram.)

siren e Sirene

sister e Schwester*

sit sitzen

situation e Situation

six sechs*
sixteen sechzehn* (see German Numbers)
sixty sechzig* (see German Numbers)

skeleton s Skelett

ski r Ski

slang r Slang

slave r Sklave

slit r Schlitz

slogan r Slogan

Slovakia s Slowakei

Slovenia s Slowenien

smear (be)schmieren

smith r Schmied

smog r Smog

snapshot r Schnappschuss* (photo)

snob r Snob

social sozial (some meanings)
socialism r Sozialismus
socialist r Sozialist

sock e Socke

sofa s Sofa

software e Software - See Computers & Internet Glossary

soldier r Soldat

sole s Sohle (shoe)

solid solid (some meanings)

solo s Solo
soloist r Solist

son r Sohn

song r Song


south r Süd(en)*
southern südlich

spaghetti Spaghetti (pl.)

Spain s Spanien* - See Countries in German
Spanish spanisch (adj.)
Spanish s Spanisch (language)

Note: Many German "v" cognates begin with "f" in English: father/r Vater, folk/s Volk, full/voll, etc.

vacuum s Vakuum

vagabond r Vagabund

vagina e Vagina
vaginal vaginal

vague(ly) vage

vampire r Vampir

vandal r Vandale
vandalism r Vandalismus

vanilla e Vanille (pron. va-NEEL-ya)

variable adj/adv variabel

Vatican r Vatikan
Vatican adj vatikanisch
For more countries and nationalities, see: Countries in German

vector r Vektor

vegan r Veganer / e Veganerin

vegetarian n r Vegetarier / e Vegetarierin
vegetarian adj vegetarisch
vegetarianism r Vegetarismus

vegetate vegetieren

vegetation e Vegetation

vegetative vegetativ

vehemence e Vehemenz

velour s Velour

vein e Vene

Venezuela s Venezuela
Venezuelan adj venezolanisch
Venezuelan n r Venezolaner / e Venezolanerin
For more countries and nationalities, see: Countries in German

ventilate ventilieren
ventilator r Ventilator

venous venös

Venus e Venus (myth., astron.)

verb s Verb (das Zeitwort)

verboten verboten**

veteran r Veteran
Caution: In German Veteran may also refer to a classic/antique car ("Oldtimer"). See False Cognates.

veto s Veto

VHS s VHS (pron. fow-ha-ess - "Video Home System")
The abbreviation VHS in German can also refer to "die Volkshochschule" (adult education/evening school). For more see: Abbreviations in German

viaduct r Viadukt

vibrate vibrieren
vibration e Vibration
vibrator r Vibrator

vice- Vize- (second in command)
vice-president r Vizepräsident

video s Video
video camera e Videokamera

Vietnam s Vietnam
Vietnamese adj vietnamesisch
Vietnamese n r Vietnamese/e Vietnamesin
For more countries and nationalities, see: Countries in German

villa e Villa

vinyl s Vinyl

viola e Viola

violet adj violett
violet s Violett

violin e Violine


viper e Viper

virus r/s Virus

visa s Visum - Note: The plural of Visum is Visa or Visen.

FALSE COGNATE: die Visite is a False Cognate
meaning "house call, round" (for a doctor or business person).

visor s Visier

visual visuell

vitamin s Vitamin

vocabulary (word) e Vokabel; plural: Vokabeln (vocabulary)

volcanic vulkanisch - See Vowel Sound Shifts (u-o)
volcano r Vulkan

volt s Volt
voltmeter s Voltmeter

voodoo r Voodoo

votive Votiv- (s Votivbild = votive picture)

voyeur r Voyeur (from French)

vulgar vulgär